Hero of Darkness

Chapter 197: The Opportunity

197  The Opportunity

Kahn now stood in front of these godly figures who could simply wipe out everything in 10 to 15 kilometers area on a whim. Just from the aura alone.. The weakest one of these uninvited guests was a 2nd stage saint while the strongest ones were at the 3rd stage. Kahn felt a sense of impending doom as the mighty figures suddenly showed up at his front door, completely unannounced. There was no grand welcome ceremony or thousands of soldiers escorting these powerhouses. As if these weren't saint rank people, one of the top figures in the entire empire but a ragtag bunch of tourists who came to his place by mistake. "How can I be of help, Sir?" asked Kahn as he slightly bowed. There were 8 Saints now gathered in front of him consisting of an Elf, Dwarf, Wolfkin, Lionkin, Thrall, Botir, Mithrans & one female Human. All of them dressed like Marques, Dukes & Dutchess amongst nobles. "Pardon our sudden arrival without prior information. We are here to meet the owner of this Bloodborne company." spoke the middle-aged elf in the front who was also a 3rd stage saint. "Please follow me, your lordships." spoke Kahn in a respectful tone and gestured all these insanely powerful figures to follow after him. After they all came to a big meeting hall where Kahn usually did the deals with big clients, all of them were seated on luxurious & lavishly carved comfortable cushions chairs and were given refreshments. "Where is your owner? Why hasn't he come to greet us yet?" asked the white wolfkin. To the question, Kahn let out a sigh and sat on the main chair of the host & the owner of the company. The very next second, he quickly released his War Dominance at full capacity and revealed his aura of a semi-saint rank person. Kahn then placed his hands on the armrests as he spoke. "I am the owner." Shock! All the guests were slightly taken aback. Not because they felt any sense of threat from this man. But because who they thought as the normal attendant was actually the owner they had come to meet. As for why did Kahn reveal his measly aura in front of these sharks? Because Kahn understood that none of these people had any malicious intentions towards him and despite being one of the top 100 strongest people in the entire empire, all of them came here in a formal manner and had no halo of entitlement or overbearing aura around them. They weren't here to cause trouble as far as his intuition could tell him. "You.. So the rumors were right. So young yet a semi-saint rank already." spoke the old dwarf with eyes wide open. The rest of the saints were no exception. "So you're Kahn? Looks like Lord Ismatrazel indeed spoke the truth." said the mature woman, a second stage saint. "Tell me something, Mister Kahn. Which clan do you belong to? And who was your teacher?" asked the green mithrans. "Yes. I would like to know as well." spoke the regally dressed thrall. "None. And I'm self-taught." replied Kahn solemnly. Another surprise! Even these top figures of the empire were left speechless. "How's that possible? There are only 5 semi-saints under the age of 30 and all of them belong to top clans. They're either their heirs or children of the saints. How come we never heard of you?" asked the red Lionkin saint. But Kahn quickly interjected before more questions piled up. "Pardon my abrupt interjection but can I ask why are all big powerhouses such your grand selves here? I don't recall having made any form of relationship with any of you." asked Kahn sternly. "Ah, where are our manners.. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Emhyr rav Emreis, clan leader of the Nilfguardian Elven clan." said the 3rd stage Elven saint. "I'm called Zoltan Vichay, clan leader of the Dwarven clan." "I am Triss Remigold, Leader of the Council of Witches. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Mister Kahn." spoke the redhead lady in the green dress. "I'm Dandelion Pankratziv, I extend my best wishes to you Mister Kahn." said the blue thrall. One by one, all of them introduced themselves. There was no sense of pride or pretense of superiority in their tone. Although Kahn was far younger than them, all of them showed the perfect decorum fitting of their personality & positions. [Yeah, yeah.. And I'm Kahn of Rivia.] he thought. Kahn nodded in response to all of them. "Actually.. All of us have come here to personally thank you as soon as Lord Ismatrazel told us about your part in catching the traitors amongst our clans." spoke the elf.

The next second however, the atmosphere in the room turned somber. "Thanks to you.. We were finally able to avenge our children and clan's heirs who were mercilessly killed more than a month ago." he said. [So that's what it was..] thought Kahn as he tried to hide the surprise on his face. "No need, Lord Emhyr. I did it to save my own life as well. I too was one of the targets for saving the Vandereich clan heir's life." revealed Kahn truthfully. "To be honest, we didn't come just to offer our thanks. But for business as well." said Triss in her melodious voice. "Huh.. This is.. Unexpected." said Kahn as he was slightly taken aback. Because in reality, Kahn was not even qualified to even sit at the same table as these powerhouses let alone being treated as an equal. "We've come here after hearing specifically from Lord Vandereich about how they've greatly benefitted recently from buying their weapons supply from you and how the quality itself was far better than what others offer at twice the price. And I will not lie.. We had some of our people buy these weapons and armors from your stores spread over the district and I must say… we've found those claims to be true. So tell us, Mister Kahn… would you like to do business with our clans as well?" revealed the Elven saint. To Kahn.. This question seemed more like teasing. He barely managed to jump from his seat and say yes. But the next second.. A brilliant plan hatched in his mind. Because soon, he would finally have what he was worried about just half an hour ago. Soon, Kahn would have his own… Shield & the Sword.  

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