Hero of Darkness

Chapter 193: Grand Execution

Chapter 193: Grand Execution

When the evening came, a scenario that shook the entire Rakos Empire to the core happened.

As if already planned from weeks, the swift arrangements such as millions of big and wide

projection screens via artifacts were spread around all the major cities and towns of the empire in the main streets and public places.

There was a sense of fear among the masses as if the Pureblood Faction was trying to stage a coup or something. Even the government authorities didn't dare to prohibit this display of force and breaking the law.

The whole atmosphere was grim and everything was happening as if an inevitable doom was about to come over the empire.

For people in the capital Rathna, millions of people had gathered over their respective clan's headquarters and miles of the area owned by their clans.

Just the Vandereich clan alone had 2 million people spread around the 50 kilometers of their clan's main headquarters. And everything was being maintained in order.

Hundreds of flying ships, warships and projection artifacts were spread around various sectors of the land and the vampire clan was going to burn 4 thousand of their clan members alive as they were part of the traitor group who wanted to take over the clan and joined hands with the enemies to topple the current management by killing Szayel & Vivian.

This was the story that was spread for public knowledge.

And the other subsidiary vampire clans spread around the empire were performing the same ritual.

But this wasn't just the single clan but most of the clans from the Pureblood Faction who were publicly displaying their traitors to the masses for some reason.

Many did not understand why would one of the most powerful factions in the empire stupidly and boldly display the number of traitors in their midst to the public instead of burying the matters underground?

Unlike the vampire clan, the Elves had prepared the method of hanging while the Dwarven clans resorted to burying their traitors alive in the ground. The Demi-Human clans such as the wolfkins had arrangements to cut off limbs while the snakekins had decide to kill their traitors by throwing them inside the pits full of hot oil.

Botir Clans resorted to their most savage method.. By crushing their traitors under gigantic boulders since they had exoskeleton armors all over their bodies. Like crushing a crab's shell with a hammer.

In the main headquarters of the Vandereich clan, was an open ground sizing for 3 kilometers in length. Thousands of soldiers surrounded these traitors who were tied in chains and unable to use any of their skills and abilities under restriction seals.

And at the end of it was a gigantic platform that had 28 wooden poles that had big logs placed at the bottom. And on each of them, the traitors who had high positions & authority in the clan's management were tied and sealed using many magic seals and formations. All of their mouths were gagged. Some were even 4th stage saints but they too were shown no mercy.

Amongst these people, was Kereberos Mor Vandereich. The vampire mage who had targeted Kahn previously and was caught by the clan leader as soon as Kahn finally found his identity.

This first stage saint rank mage was now reduced to a braindead person who couldn't even maintain his head in a single direction, swirling it around like a mentally ill person.

And behind these people, was a platform even higher. There were 12 seats where the most powerful people of the clan sat. Namely the Elders and the Clan Leader, Ismatrazel Mor Vandereich.

Every single one of them was donned in their white and golden regal clothes as if the Kings of different countries were gathered for a gathering. Every single one of them was a Second Stage saint and above.

These were the main powerhouses of this clan.

The clan leader finally stood up and started his speech. The same occurrence was happening over two hundred different clans spread over the empire and all of it was being broadcasted to the masses.

"People of the Vandereich Clan! As all of you may know… the people that are tied in front of me are the traitors who betrayed our clan for the sake of personal gains and agendas.

They conspired with our enemies who want nothing but our demise only for the sake of authority and power. They intended to cripple our future generations so they could take over later and have their own people get into the positions who would run our clan in the near future.

So that when the time came.. All of your fates would be sealed and left in the hands of these scums who would even kill their own kin for the sake of power.

So tell me.. What should we do with these traitors? Tell me.. What is your judgment?!" declared and asked the clan leader.

At this moment, his grandiose and heroic figure was being broadcast in front of billions of citizens spread around the entire empire.

"Death to the traitors!"

"Kill them!"

"Burn them!"

A million people shouted in unison in the main headquarters of the clan, just the noise alone shook the ground as if it was bound to crack.

On the other side, billions of members of all the different clans and citizens belonging to the same species were also cheering loudly. Even they felt a relevance to this declaration because nobody wanted someone in their family who would sell them out or kill them in their sleep.

After delivering the speech for another ten minutes, he finally signaled the commencement of burning the traitors.

And as for the 28 traitors who were tied on the platform below.. They felt their soul shudder in disbelief because they had been assigned a particular executioner.

A slim and tall figure of a breathtakingly beautiful girl, clad in the clan's signature armor as her long silver hair fluttered in the air walked towards the row of these traitors who were tied on the thick wooden poles.

This beautiful girl with bright red eyes simply stirred the hearts of millions of males and females alike who were watching from the different corners of the empire as soon as her face appeared on the screens.

It was the very girl who tried to kill Kahn on the day he arrived at the vampire clan's headquarters. The daughter of the Clan Leader and Szayel's stepsister…

Vivian Mor Vandereich.

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