Hero of Darkness

Chapter 182: The List

Chapter 182: The List

Zeus, the archer's sudden declaration about claiming their lives left everyone present in the inner vicinity of this assassination organization stupefied.

But as soon as he revealed his aura of a Semi-Saint Rank fighter.. Everyone who found his claims absurd was left with no other choice but to take those words seriously.

"Impossible! How's there a semi-saint fighter here? How did he come inside without triggering the formations and alarms?" asked the female orc warrior with a bewildered expression on her face.

"Fool! Don't you see.. Even if you're far stronger than us; do you really think you can take out thousands of us together?" spoke the mage in a tone full of scorn. In his opinion… Zeus was being too full of himself.

"Yes, I do. And about taking out all of you together.." spoke Zeus and pointing his forefinger towards the ceiling.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Multiple fear toxin bombs exploded from both the ground and inside the ventilation ducts, quickly spreading the dense white fog in this underground facility with each passing second.


The old mage on the other hand, quickly cast a lightning spell and shot at Zeus who was over half a kilometer away.


The lightning spell approached Zeus with a speed so fast that no one could even register how fast it was.

But to Kahn, who now had his Hero of Darkness title in effect which raised all of his physical attributes such as strength, defense and speed by 3 times along with 2 times increase in mana capacity and damage done with by magical skills and attacks.. Everything appeared very differently.

His reflexes and speed was already on a different level compared to when he fought during the daytime.

His aura alone was 3 times stronger already and nearly put a thousand people on their knees in the 2 kilometer long facility. By no means, this was comparable to a First Stage Saint Rank person but it wasn't too weak either.

When the lightning attack came closer to Kahn, he found it rather… slow.

Kahn sidestepped and saw the lightning spell slowly pass through his previous location. He was simply unfazed.

[Is this my peak now? I'm already faster than lightning?] he thought as he was having his own version of Barry Allen dodging the Batarang moment.

The next second, the entire place was engulfed in this white fog and clouded their vision.

Not a single one of his enemies was able to see him. And although there were some Mithrans present in the crowd, they too were affected by the hallucinogenic effects of the fear toxin that had made their senses dull drastically.

Instead of waiting on a ceremony, Zeus quickly nocked an arrow on his epic rank bow and used the Archer's Lance skill by infusing his condensed mana with fire attribute and shot straight at the mage.


But before it even hit the mage, the female orc warrior used her battleaxe to quickly protect the old mage.

Zeus's figure disappeared and he straight up ran in the direction of these two peak grandmaster persons. Because in this entire facility, only these two had the strength to fight him.

So he wanted to take out the strongest of the enemy side first and deal with the mobs later.

Using Hunter's Intent which was evolved to a SS Rank skill now, he could already see their most vital organs.

Executioner's Gaze.

Zeus used the Executioner's Gaze skill on the female orc warrior and paralyzed her on the spot. He then used subterfuge skill to change her perception of direction and sense.


A dagger was stabbed right in her neck as she lost her life before the Executioner's Gaze skill effect ended. And the dagger came from another Zeus... a Doppelganger to be exact who used the shadow strike and appeared behind her at the last second.

Before the Peak Grandmaster Rank mage could even collect himself, Zeus had already come 10 meters closer to him and nocked his arrow as he aimed to kill the mage.


A loud sound of a barrier breaking resounded in the surroundings as his Archer's Lance skill broke through the defensive barrier this mage had and blew up his brains.

He was already far stronger than these people after his levels rose; but with the Hero of Darkness title being in effect.. It was like fighting against little children for him.

He then nocked another arrow and used this same skill to break open one of the doors and provided an escape route.

"Remember! The Bloodborne enterprise has Semi-Saint Rank fighter backing them up. From now on.. If anyone ever targets them, they're dealing with me!" declared Zeus in his kingly voice.

The next second.. Over three hundred mana arrows varying from fire to water elements came into existence as Zeus used the Death Volley skill.

Shoot! Shoot! Swish!

These arrows then descended on all the murderers and criminals in this facility. Because of the fear toxin, they already were like a rat trapped in a cage and couldn't even react properly to the incoming attacks. Every wave killed 200 to 250 people.

Every single one of them had blood on their hands and killing these killers wasn't going to weigh down on his consciousness. Because if not for him finding their headquarters by his own.. these killers would've murdered his people in the name of the contract.

After over a dozen attacks of Death Volley skill.. Kahn had successfully massacred the majority of the people present here. All his skills had 3 times more damage, effective range and force behind them. And because of that, none of these people were able to protect themselves even with their armors & defensive barriers.

He now stood in the midst of punctured, burned, cut down, half-torn bodies of these professional killers.

Although over a hundred people managed to escape from the opening he made. It was all part of his plan.

To make these people spread the news about how his company had a semi-saint rank archer named Zeus and how he massacred an entire assassination organization because they messed with his people.

This was exactly what he meant about making a statement using his new persona aa Zeus.

To warn off any future potential threats who may dare to do the same.

The ones who escaped will do his free publicity amongst the underworld & anyone who was looking forward to having a piece of him.

"Awaken." commanded Kahn after he took the Mage & Female orc's body in his space ring to use them later as they were peak grandmaster fighters after all.

All these people were trained fighters with proper gear in the end. And he was already short on manpower recently. So no way he was going to let these bodies go to waste.

Zeus then?picked up the record book about clients this mage took out previously. He came to the middle of this room so the synthesis divine ability could cover maximum area for him to create more subordinates.

This was a list.. The list of people who were responsible for his people's deaths & wanted his demise.

He spoke with a ghastly and solemn voice as he opened the book.

"Now, I'll show them the real consequences of messing with me."








[[Author : It's been a disheartening experience lately to see that people are angry over the plot & how stupidly Kahn spared the Chamber of Commerce members.

I do not like writing these things in a chapter so I'll keep it short.

First of all, Kahn is in a place nearly a hundred times bigger than Flavot City. He can't openly kill people under public eyes or mess with the authorities. He made the choice as the best means to warn & even benefit from his enemies.

And he's not an Omnipotent God who can see & know everything. At the end of the day.. He's just a human; flawed like all of us.

This was his lesson that even sparing enemies just because innocents are involved can have its consequences too. Not only on him but the innocent people around him. That he's no longer responsible for himself but also for the lives of thousands of people who work for him.

And he will take it to heart. At this stage, Kahn is an Antihero character in the making, not someone who is already established as completely cold & ruthless for the sake of it.

But many people have been very impatient to jump to conclusions lately than waiting to read what happens next & how Kahn evolves as a person from these lessons.

People want Character Development but don't want the MC to make even a slight mistake.

They want Growth but don't want the Setbacks.

I guess from the next Arc, I should make him a protagonist of those Cultivation novels where you can openly kill dozens of people just because they looked at MC in the wrong way, bitchslap your enemies to death in front of thousands of onlookers & law authorities and still get away with it because the laws, rules & regulations don't apply to our MC. Points taken.

Lots of mindless massacres in the next arc for sure. I aim to please.

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