Hero of Darkness

Chapter 171: Chamber of Secrets

Chapter 171: Chamber of Secrets

At the end of the evening when Kahn finally returned to the main office building after gathering information on this Maestro Weapon Enterprise.. He was certain that it wasn't just this company. But dozens of such forces who treaded in this business and had their branches spread out in Rukon district as well.

These people were hiring normal citizens & anyone who needed money to make a scene in the Bloodborne company's shops. As if all of them decided to gang up on his company for some reason.

Before the office hours were to be finished, one of his receptionists, a yellow middle-aged wolfkin, came to his office.

"Sir, there's an envelope for you." spoke the wolfkin and handed the envelope to him.

"You may go." spoke Kahn and opened the envelope.

The contents of the written inside were addressed to Albestros. It was an invitation.

"So these were the main culprits behind all of this.." said Kahn as he looked at the name of the organization that sent him this invitation.

The Rukon Chamber of Commerce.

This was the organization comprised of various business enterprises and forces that did commerce inside this district which was a great source of income for everyone, let it be a small-time shop or a big franchise.

The reason why Kahn reached this conclusion that these were the main culprits behind their company's income declining drastically was because of two reasons. Only the Chamber of Commerce would have access and authority to command multiple companies that were part of the organization, to use their resources and manpower to target and seclude one organization intentionally.

And the 2nd reason why he felt so was because of the tone and the words used in the invitation.

Forget being formal or subtle.. The wording was more like a threat. As if they were summoning a criminal and had arranged a trial where the defender would have to prove their innocence.

Kahn came to the mansion at late night and showed the invitation & the content inside it to the old man.

"We don't have to go, do we?" asked Albestros.

"There's no rule that anyone opening a business has to join the chamber of commerce in that area. But even if we do not respond to their calling.. I don't think that our situation will be any better, rather they will take it as an offense. It will only make things harder for us." spoke Kahn calmy.

"Besides.. I want to know exactly why they are targeting us in the first place." he said.

"But we will have to go there completely prepared." spoke Albestros.

"Not we.. Only me."

Albestros looked at Kahn with a startled expression.

"What do you mean? The invitation clearly has my name on it." asked the old blacksmith.

"I'll go as your representative. Because I don't think they would be the most welcoming if you went there." replied Kahn and then started telling Albestros about the plan that just hatched in his mind.

The next morning, Kahn departed for the location where the meeting was arranged and the next discussions were to happen.

At the farmost eastern end of the Rukon district, was Area 51.

It was one of the most prestigious sections of the district because there were hundreds of office buildings, each bigger and wider than the former. The majority being the kind where the councils, organizations and committees related to various trades and public departments had their active headquarters.

After using a flying ship to travel to this area in a short time, Kahn finally stood at the main entrance of the Rukon Chamber of Commerce.

The main entrance itself was 500 meters wide and there were over a thousand people just entering and exiting the premises. The main structure was divided into 5 sections, and each section was a 5 stories building that spanned 2 to 3 Kilometers by itself. The total length of the main site was close to 19 kilometers and there was a tight security on the only entrance.

When Kahn entered one of the mansion-like places that specialized in handling the affairs related to Arms & Craftsmanship commerce, he entered the grand building that could easily house over 5 thousand people at once given the space & number of floors this place had.

And this was just one of the sections, there were 4 more of such buildings spread around over 19 kilometer radius.

He then showed the invitation he received to one of the receptionists and they treated it as something of an utmost importance.

There was a black skin man, dressed in rich formal clothes with a sharp haircut who signaled Kahn to follow him. Even the receptionist here wore costly uniforms that looked no different than what would the main attendee of some royal clan would wear.

When they finally reached the topmost floor of this building where very few people had occupied this place compared to the previous floors as he noticed from the magic elevator that they used. This floor was extremely well designed and even the normal furniture made for guests who were waiting had caught his eye.

[So this is where the elites conduct business?] he thought.

At the end of the floor, they finally reached a heavily guarded vicinity where nearly 300 trained and armored guards were stationed at the number of doors & entry points.


Suddenly, two black shadows moved from Kahn's body and got mixed with two of the peak master rank guards wielding spears.

Knock! Knock!

The receptionist knocked on a big and intrinsically carved golden door. A small section of the door was slid open and a guard checked the new arrivals through this rectangular opening.

The 5 meter tall door was finally opened and Kahn saw the grandiose ambiance of this 30 meter long hall. Over 5 soldiers guarding and against the walls of each side.

In the middle of this meeting room, was a grand round table where 12 people sat around it on victorian era style chairs, discussing business reports and legislations amongst themselves.

The receptionist who escorted Kahn till this point walked close to the table and showed Kahn's invitation to the men and women varying from humans, demi-humans, snakekins, botirs and thralls.

After that, a white Snakekin dressed in regal and businessman attire spoke as he looked at Kahn with a gaze full of contempt.

"Are you the one called Albestros Winston?" asked the white snakekin in an authoritative tone.

Kahn slightly bowed as a form of showing respect to these people and replied.

"No, sir. My name is Kahn, the head of logistics & management in the Bloodborne Enterprise. Sir Winston is extremely busy crafting one of the orders he received which requires his utmost attention. And thus, I have been sent here to respond to the summon from the Chamber of Commerce."


The snakekin banged his fist on the table, while the other seated members also gave an infuriated look towards Kahn.

"What's the meaning of this?! Is your company & that blacksmith looking down on us? Do you not know who we are?!" shouted the snakekin in rage.

"Humph! That welder must think that his craft is of the most importance and we're nothing but street vendors. Am I right?" spoke a blue thrall who was seated around the table.

"No.. sir. We mean no disrespect to the committee. And I.. I.. have been given the permission & authority to discuss and make important decisions by sir Winston." spoke Kahn, his tone being full of fear as he didn't dare to look up to these people in the eye.

"A young brat like you representing an entire company & being the head of logistics? Do you think we're some fools, boy?" spoke a female foxkin dressed in lavish blue clothes. Her pretty appearance and gentle tone having a calming effect to it. But the intent behind the words seemed unwelcoming.

"Are you in full authority to make documented deals and contracts?" a 3 meter tall brown Lionkin asked Kahn.

"Yes, sir. I am. Me being present here is no different than sir Winston himself coming here." replied Kahn.

The Lionkin glanced at the snakekin seated on the main chair around the table and made a nodding gesture.

"If that's the case.. Then do you understand why we have called upon you here?" asked the white snakekin with a condescending tone.

"I have a rough idea.. Sir." spoke Kahn in a jittery tone like someone who was scared of the people sitting here.

"Take a seat before we discuss official business." spoke the snakekin who seemed like the leader of this council.

Kahn politely followed the instructions and sat on a vacant chair. Plenty of gazes were now treating him as the center of attention.

"Since you seemed to have learned your lesson already.. I don't feel the need to beat around the bush anymore." spoke the snakekin in a domineering tone as if he was looking at a street dog. He continued his coy tone and declared..

"So, let us discuss your penalty."

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