Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 95: Overall Improvement

Chapter 95: Overall Improvement

Feeling the aura of the Transcendent Martial Art fragment Ling Chen had comprehended, Ling Xiao didnt waver. He solidified his determination to cultivate even harder.

Time passed like a flowing river.

Heavenly Peak Gathering approached.

Other than 16 quotas for the four major clans, there was a fierce competition for the remaining four.

Not everyone was willing to wander for a lifetime.

Those who achieved great results in Heavenly Peak Gathering would be invited by the city lord to join the Northern Han Country arm and hold official positions.

Countless yearned for such an opportunity.

Even outside Heavenly Peak City, many young talents rushed over to glimpse Heavenly Peak Citys four noble sons.

Of course, some came to admire Heavenly Peak Citys number one beauty.

Ling Xiao naturally had no interest in these things.

From Uncle Ling Er, he had learned that Ling Feifan was the lowest ranked among Heavenly Peak Citys four noble sons. In other words, he was the weakest.

The strength of the remaining three noble sons were all above Rank Six Martial Vein.

In fact, they were all already 18 years old.

This level of strength deserved his attention.

Although the Ling Clan didnt spread that Ling Xiao had defeated the fourth noble son Ling Feifan, no secret that could be kept forever in this world.

Now, with the exception of the three noble sons, everyone stared at the fourth noble son seat. 

They didnt put Ling Xiao in their eyes. Although his capability was not small, since he had defeated Ling Feifan, his cultivation base was only at Late Rank Five Martial Vein.

The martial arts fighting for the fourth noble sons seat were all Peak Rank Five Martial Vein martial artists who wouldnt admit that they were any weaker than Ling Feifan.

However, they didnt know that Ling Xiaos current strength was already far beyond their expectations.

Even the other three noble sons, Ling Chen, and Shi Yulian, the number one beauty of Heavenly Peak City, might not be his opponent.

In Ling Xiaos training room.

At this moment, Ling Xiao sat cross-legged on the ground with a golden membrane completely wrapping around his body.

His Martial Soul Clone continuously attacked him multiple angles, but he didnt move at all.

However, even like that, every attack was completely repelled, unable to cause any damage.

At 14 years of age, he had cultivated <Nine Transformation Golden Body Art>, this Superior Peak Defensive Martial Art, to the seventh transformation.

Unless his opponents quality and quantity of gang qi were higher than his, or they possessed a powerful treasure, not only would they be unable to break his defense, but they would also suffer rebounding damage.

The more powerful the attack, the more serious the damage!

Now, Ling Xiao was a head taller than others of his same age; his stature was also very well-balanced.

He was not too burly but also not too thin. Every muscle seemed just right.

He was not too fat nor too small.

Tempered by the Cold Pond Gold Liquid, his body contained a fierce might. It had reached a level that other martial artists in the same realm couldnt imagine.

He had broken through to the seventh transformation ten days ago. Just relying on his cultivation at Rank Six Martial Vein and <Nine Transformation Golden Body Art>s seventh transformation, he was confident in earning the noble son title

Merely, he had never seen the other three noble sons and didnt know their specific strengths, so he didnt dare to carelessly claim that he was invincible.

Therefore, even after making a breakthrough, he didnt stop his cultivation, focusing on <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique>, <Black Iron Sweep Imperial Sword Technique>, <Condense Soul Formula>, <Snow Lotus Qi Formula>, and Ling Yixues <Geocentric Ice Lotus Binding>.

So far, his <Black Iron Sweep Imperial Sword Technique> and <Condense Soul Formula> had stepped into sublimity, achieving the acme of perfection.

Naturally, with the rapid progress of his imperial sword technique and soul power, his methods also became more varied.

<Snow Lotus Qi Formula> also directly broke through to the seventh layer, the great success realm, by relying on a thousand years golden snow lotus.

<Geocentric Ice Lotus Binding> also broke through the sixth layer due to this golden lotuss light, entering the mastery realm, much higher than Ling Yixues realm.

Although <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique> still remained in the third layer without any advancement, this layer had turned a lot more stable and his familiarity with the skill had grown. 

While cultivating <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique>, he noticed that when coordinated with <Bull Demon Technique>s baleful qi, each shadow clones strength would be increased by roughly 10%.

The higher the level of <Bull Demon Technique>, the greater the power.

In other words, when he broke through to <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique>s fourth layer, each shadow clone wouldnt have 50% of his strength but rather 60% or more.

This was only the bonus of his baleful qi.

According to his speculation, once he reached the fifth layer of <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique>, the perfection realm, and had <Bull Demon Technique-Change Form> swallow it, it might grow even more powerful.

Taking advantage of this, Ling Xiao also raised the combat power of his Martial Soul Clone.

Compared to the shadow clones, Martial Soul Clone lasted longer and could use more moves.

After all, shadow clones were formed from a sword technique, but his Martial Soul Clone existed independently. Other than not having its own soul, it was equivalent to a weakened Ling Xiao.

In accordance with his conjectures, once <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique> was cultivated to sublimity, basically no one could block its attack power without a Transcendent Martial Art.

Even profound Transcendent Martial Arts fragments would be inferior.

Fragments, after all, were fragments. They werent real Transcendent Martial Arts. They only let martial artists improve a bit; they couldnt perform miracles. 

Now, I should improve my movement techniques.

At this moment, there were still ten days left before the Heavenly Peak Gathering, so he planned to improve <Soaring Cloud Steps-Flood Dragon Transformation>.

Looking at his present situation, his original greatest strength, movement techniques, were lagging behind his other skills. It was only an Entry-level Peak Movement Technique. He had to improve it!

Fortunately, this was not a problem. Among the six Entry Peak Martial Arts he had previously obtained, other than the three he had already cultivated and the <Seven Colored Cloud Dress> he had exchanged with Ling Yixue, the remaining two were movement techniques.

Entry-level Peak Movement Techniques!

He planned to master these two and then use them to upgrade <Soaring Cloud Steps>.

Just like this, eight more days passed.

The door to the training room suddenly opened, and a golden dragon flew out extremely quickly. It was like a golden light, nothing specific could be seen clearly.

At only two or three meters long, the golden dragon looked relatively small. After it landed in the courtyard, it transformed into Ling Xiao.

Hahaha, <Soaring Dragon Step-Young Dragon> is equivalent to a Rare Peak Movement Technique. Hard work truly pays; I didnt waste those eight days in vain.

Ling Xiao laughed in excitement. <Soaring Cloud Steps> had upgraded from <Flood Dragon Transformation> to <Young Dragon>. In addition to his speed, the time he could remain in the air had also greatly increased. When coordinating it with other martial arts, his attack power would receive a boost in power from his great speed.

Big Brother, Im not happy!

He suddenly noticed Ling Luo squatting with an unhappy face.

What happened, Little Luo?

Ling Xiao asked curiously.

Now, this little kids body was obviously a lot stronger, and he had already become a Rank Two Martial Vein martial artist.

I just heard the senior apprentice brothers say that there is no quota for you to participate in the Heavenly Peak Gathering!

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