Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 91: Breakthrough in Succession

Chapter 91: Breakthrough in Succession

Ling Xiao concurrently cultivated <Condense Soul Formula> because <Black Iron Sweep Imperial Sword Technique> required a lot of soul power.

However, with the help of the Landscape Martial Souls powerful Analyze and Deduction, he cultivated both Entry Peak Martial Arts to the perfection realm in just five days.

Although he wanted to cultivate them to sublimity, he could only depend on good fortune.

However, he was not in a hurry. Some things required actual battle to improve. He was already content on reaching the perfection realm.

He then used <Bull Demon Technique-Condensed Balefulness> to devour these two Entry Peak Martial Arts without thinking much.

{eak martial arts were truly worthy of being peak martial arts: just two upgraded <Bull Demon Technique>.

From this moment, <Bull Demon Technique> was <Bull Demon Technique-Change Form>.

According to the Landscape Paintings information, <Bull Demon Technique> had been upgraded to the <Change Form> stage. The baleful aura could be condensed into a bull demon apparition that shrouded the martial artists body, increasing both defense and attack.

Ling Xiao had always been curious about his <Bull Demon Technique>. He wondered whether he would possess the combat power of the Bull Demon Race after cultivating it to a certain level.

Among the myriad races, the Bull Demon Race had the strongest physical strength.

Naturally, this was just his distant dreams. Just this <Change Form> stage was enough for him currently.

Next, he planned to whole-heartedly cultivate <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique>.

In essence, <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique> was a Superior Peak Martial Art, the best among the peak martial arts.

Therefore, while very powerful, it was very hard to cultivate. Even Ling Xiaotian, the Patriarch of the Ling Clan, could not cultivate it.

This was also why he had saved it for last.

Before starting, Ling Xiao left the training room to resupply his rations before learning something from Ling Luo.

Allegedly, Ling Feifan had left the Ling Clan three days ago to train outside.

However, Ling Chen was still cultivating on the fourth floor of the Library Pavilion. No one knew which martial art he was cultivating.

This news pressured Ling Xiao, but it could only be considered further  motivation.

Since his opponents were improving, he had to work harder too.

After closing his eyes, Ling Xiao concentrated on <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique>s first style.

However, as expected, it was much harder to cultivate a Superior Peak Martial Art.

<Nine Transformation Golden Body Art> was also a Superior Peak Martial Art. Even relying on a gold fortune and the Cold Pond Gold Liquid, he had only cultivated it to the sixth transformation.

The difficulty of cultivating <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique> was not any less than that of <Nine Transformation Golden Body Art>.

Just comprehending it was hard enough.

If it werent for the Landscape Martial Souls powerful Analyze and Deduction ability, not to mention a month, even after several years, he might not have many gains.

Yet with it, he gained a clear comprehension of this <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique> after only a day.

The key difficulty of this martial art lay in its opacity.

Once it was thoroughly comprehended, it was relatively simple to cultivate.

Sure enough, its not simple. It combines soul power, gang qi, and the martial soul to condense a clone! This is not something an ordinary martial artist can do!

However, the greater the difficulty, the happier Ling Xiao became.

Things other people couldnt cultivate would give him a huge advantage if he cultivated them successfully.

Cultivating this kind of complicated martial art was not a joke. Because it involved soul power, it was easy to suffer a qi deviation.

Therefore, only those who tried would know the difficulties involved.

To completely immerse himself in cultivation, Ling Xiao even used Enter Soul to completely control his body.

He would notice even the slightest problem and be able resolve it in time.

Basically, martial arts that were very dangerous for other people did not pose any danger to him.

Because he had cultivated <Condense Soul Formula> to the perfection realm, Ling Xiaos Enter Soul state could last more than an hour.

Merely, after an hour, he had to rest at least 15 minutes.

During these 15 minutes, he didnt cultivate. He condensed a Martial Soul Clone and examined how his martial soul formed the clone before restarting his practice of <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique>.

In this way, he could not only pinpoint problems in his methods, but he could also deepen his knowledge without wasting time by using an example to guide himself.

After three days, he finally mastered <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique>s first layer, which could be regarded as crossing the threshold.

He could now create a shadow clone with about 30% of his strength .

Once superimposed with an attack, its power would increase by 30%.

Naturally, this was just the beginning.

<Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique>s second layer would condense a second clone and further increase his strength.

Although the second layers difficulty was much higher, with the first layer acting as a foundation, it was not too difficult.

He ate a gang qi pill and broke through to the second layer after four days.

In terms of attack power, <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique>s second layer had already reached the perfection realm of an advanced martial art.

Remember, this was just the second layer!

Therefore, filled with excitement, he continued to work hard.

However, working on the third layer, his cultivation encountered a problem.

Although he had some slight headway, the difficulty had become much higher, and he improved at an incredibly slow rate. 

After a month of continuous use of Enter Soul, its maximum duration also increased by 15 minutes.

However, <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique> was still stuck at the peak of the second layer. It had encountered an unmovable wall.

If this wall were breached, his <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique> would easily reach the third layer.

At the third layer, he would gain another clone and greatly increase the power of this technique. 

What was the problem?

Ling Xiao finally discovered the answer via analysis.

His cultivation base was too low.

If his cultivation base entered Rank Six Martial Vein, <Duplicate Shadow Sword Technique> would easily break through to the third layer.

After realizing this, Ling Xiao no longer fixated on it. He immediately cultivated <Snow Lotus Qi Formula>.

He still had some Cold Pond Gold Liquid in the Landscape World. Using it to cultivate <Snow Lotus Qi Formula> when coupled with his three remaining gang qi pills meant breaking through to Rank Six Martial Vein in one fell swoop was possible. 

Another half a month passed.

One night, a loud explosion occurred in the training room, but it naturally couldnt be heard outside.

This rooms sound insulation was very good.


An exhausted Ling Xiao struggled to contain his excitement.

<Snow Lotus Qi Formula> had finally reached the seventh layer, entering the great success realm.

At the same time, he had opened his sixth martial vein.

Rank Six Martial Vein!

Nevertheless, he had nearly exhausted the cold qi inside the Cold Pond Gold Liquid. From here onwards, to continue rapidly improving <Snow Lotus Qi Formula>, he had to find something that could replace the Cold Pond.

Naturally, an aged golden snow lotus was sufficient.

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