Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 72: Genius Privileges

Chapter 72: Genius Privileges

When Ling Xiao arrived at the competition square, the finals had been ongoing for nearly half an hour.

The finals adopted a challenge competition style.

In other words, all 110 people participating in the finals could challenge higher-ranked people in accordance with their original rankings.

However, there were some limitations. A person could only be challenged at most ten times in a row.

This was to avoid the tactic of several people taking turns to tire a fighter out.

After all, the current participants were mostly Genius Hall disciples, but their reserves of gang qi were not too great. If they were continuously challenged, then the possibility of their losing was relatively high.

In addition, only lower ranked disciples could challenge higher-ranked ones to prevent some higher-ranked disciples from venting personal matters and intentionally bullying those ranked lower than them. 

With these rules, even if you were an hour late, it wouldnt affect the overall rhythm of the competition.

Ling Yihang, current rank: 6, challenges Ling Dapeng!

Ling Xiaotians voice resounded throughout the competition square. Even as the Ling Clans patriarch and top expert, he personally presided over the finals, highlighting the importance of this competition.

Ling Xiao discovered that there was only one martial stage in this big space. However, this martial stage was clearly much bigger than the previous ones and had much stronger protective walls. 

He guessed that after he had destroyed the martial stage in his battle against Ling Yihang, the Ling Clans higher-ups had felt somewhat dissatisfied and  strengthened the stages protective wall for safety.

On the seats near the martial stage, there should have been 110 participating disciples, but there were two empty seats.

One belonged to Ling Feifan.

The other belonged to Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao noticed that Ling Yihang, Ling Yixue, Ling Tieshou, and Ling Fei must have all already challenged others because they had all entered the top 100. As for Ling Yihang, he had even risen to rank six.

Ling Yixues rank had also entered the top 20.

Sir Judge, this disciple Ling Xiao was late because I ran into some trouble. I hope you will still give me a chance.

Ling Xiao knew that he was late, but he had little justification.

Regardless of his reason, being late was not good, so his attitude remained quite sincere and modest.

Hey, Ling Xiao has come! Hes that unqualified disciple who became first in the elimination rounds!

Damn, how did his cultivation rise to Peak Rank Four Martial Vein? Isnt his progress too fast?

I guess he was late because he was stuck cultivating.

Ling Feifan also hadnt arrived yet, so his appearance of Ling Xiao naturally attracted attention.

When belonging to a nation, you should follow the nations laws. When belonging to a clan, you should follow the clans laws. Even if your results in the elimination rounds were good, since you came late, you have voluntarily forfeited and are no longer eligible to participate.

Although the chief judge was very optimistic about Ling Xiao, he could only shake his head. If a clan didnt adhere to its rules, it would be impossible for it to last long as it would quickly descend into chaos. 

Ling Xiao inwardly had a bitter smile. Although he had expected this result, he was still a little disappointed.

How could he not be disappointed? If he had earned first, he could enter the Library Pavilion and steal books. What he needed most now were peak martial skills, soul cultivation secret techniques, and so on. However, he had lost this chance.

When he was about to turn and leave, a figure suddenly appeared, directly passing the crowd and flying to the first ranked seat.

Its Ling Feifan!

What an amazing movement technique!

Genius Halls number one: so handsome!

But he too was late Can he participate?

Its unlikely. Since Ling Xiao cant participate, if he can, wouldnt that disregard the rules?

What qualifications does Ling Xiao have to compare with Ling Feifan? He only became first in the elimination rounds; can it be compared to the first place of the Genius Hall?

Hearing these comments, Ling Xiaos steps stopped. He wanted to see what the higher-ups of the Ling Clan would say.

Hahaha, Feifan, you are late, but it doesnt matter. Since you are special, the rules will not restrict you!

When the chief judge saw Ling Feifan, a smile appeared on his face as he heartily laughed.

Many thanks, Chief Judge! Many thanks, all Sir Judges!

Ling Feifan didnt even stand, only cupping his hands while sitting. From his arrogant bearing, one might guess he was the number one expert of the Ling Clan.


Ling Xiao suddenly shouted: Chief judge, I believed you would do things in a strictly businesslike manner. Since Ling Feifan came later than me and can still participate in the finals, why cant I?

The chief judge was somewhat embarrassed. When he was just about to reply, a judge sneered, What are you? Our Ling Feifan is the Genius Halls number one. Ling Clans number one genius relates to our Ling Clans prosperity, and the future of our Ling Clan is tied to him. We naturally want to give him a chance. Are you qualified to compare with him?


Ling Xiao had yet to speak, but another voice shouted from the crowd. It came from Ling Shisan in the audience.

Standing up, Ling Sishan furiously roared, Everyone knows that Feifan is the disciple our Ling Clan nurtures the most, so he deserves to enjoy many privileges in our Ling Clan. As for you, Ling Xiao, you are not even qualified to carry his shoes, but you actually dare to compare yourself with him?

Ling Xiao frowned. This person was truly shameless.

He was almost certain that Ling Shishan had bribed those Black Scarf Thieves to kill him.

He still had yet to settle his accounts with Ling Shisan, but he actually dared to look for more trouble. This Ling Shisan should be eliminated as soon as possible.

Yes, what is Ling Xiao? Hes just an unqualified disciple. He became first in the elimination rounds relying on schemes and intrigues. Doesnt he know how high the heavens are and how deep the earth is?

Yes, there is no absolute fairness in this world. If he wants to enjoy the same privileges, he should defeat Ling Feifan first.

Hahaha, can he defeat Ling Feifan? I fear he cant even surmount Ling Yun.

In the clan, many people took pleasure in other peoples misfortune.

After all, a dark horse like Ling Xiao, who had emerged from the unqualified disciples, was not liked by those with privelege. 

They naturally wanted to hit a person when he was down.


A cold snort resounded, and Uncle Ling Er stood up.

He narrowed his eyes and considered everyone. They all immediately shut their mouths and didnt dare to speak.

Just now, I heard someone say that When belonging to a nation, you should follow the nations laws. When belonging to a clan, you should follow the clans laws. Since Ling Feifan can break the law, why cant Ling Xiao? If you want to treat disciples equally without discrimination, make Ling Feifan withdraw from the finals.

Uncle Ling Er had once wanted to draw Ling Feifan to his side, but he had refused because of his ambition and pride. He didnt put anyone in his eyes other than the Venerable Sir Ling.

Since he had succeeded in drawing Ling Xiao to his side, he would naturally speak up for Ling Xiao now.

Second brother, how can you say this? Ling Feifan is a white jade, but Ling Xiao is a pebble. How can they be compared?

Ling Jiu stood up in opposition.


Ling Xiaotian honestly couldnt stand it anymore. As soon as he spoke, everyone stopped.

Ling Xiao, I will give you a chance. Among these 110 people, as long as you can defeat anyone, I will let you participate. Is that okay?

As the patriarch and number one expert of the clan, Ling Xiaotians judgment was not bad. He didnt want to offend either Ling Feifan or Ling Xiao.

They were the future of his clan, so he proposed such a suggestion to convince everybody.

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