Heavenly Saga

Chapter 181: Devious Idea

Chapter 181: Devious Idea

After watching the spectacle that the crown prince had shown, all of the audiences of the Fireworks event were all at loss for words. Most of the jaws of the spectators were dropped after seeing the nice scenery that he managed to create.

After seeing the spectacular piece of work that Crown Prince Absalom had done, Kraftvoll's eyes were wide open like the other people who watched the event with him. A moment after those flames were extinguished, a great idea came to Kraftvoll's mind.

After he thought of a plan, Kraftvoll showed a devious smile right after that idea came to his mind. Beside him, Godwin noticed his devious smile.

He asked him, "Why are you smiling like that, First Brother? What are you planning this time?"

After knowing his First Brother for a long time now, he started to memorize the meaning of Kraftvoll's various expressions. That's why he knew that he was up to something again this time.

Kraftvoll turned his gaze toward Godwin after hearing his Third Brother's question. He said to him in response, "You'll see!"

He winked at him right after saying those words. He wanted for his plan to be a secret for now so he refrained from saying what he thought of.

Godwin could not help but sigh after seeing this expression of his sworn brother.

He thought to himself, 'I think First Brother has a devious plan in mind. That's how he smiles when he was planning something."

After the emcee asked the judges about the performance of the crown prince, Crown Prince Absalom exited the stage after his performance.

While he was walking toward the room in the sides of the stage, he received a huge cheer from his classmates and juniors after what scenery he showed to them before the new year came.

On the other side of the stage, Kraftvoll showed a devious smile. He thought to himself, 'That's only a Seishin General ranked seishin spell, right? I'll try that one later!'

Prince Aragorn and Godwin saw Kraftvoll's devious expression so they couldn't help but sigh to their minds. They were able to read his mind like a book. After teaming up with him on numerous occasions, they were able to understand Kraftvoll's way of thinking.

Both of them thought to themselves, 'He's planning on conjuring that seishin spell when it's his turn later. What a devious person is First Brother! Well, those extraordinary parts of him made us attached to him in the first place so we are the weird ones.'

All of the next contestants of the competition showed the best thing that they can do. They wanted to match the crown prince's performance, after all. Unfortunately, none of them were able to even reach the level of his magnificent performance.

After the 12th contestant exited the stage, the emcee announced. "That is a wonderful show that you have shown us, contestant number twelve. Now, let's welcome to the stage, contestant number thirteen!"

Godwin suddenly showed a huge smile on his face. He could not hide his excitement from within himself. After hearing the emcee's call, Godwin suddenly stood up from his seat at the side of the stage.

He said, "It's finally my turn!" The tone of his voice has a certain excitement because this was something he was looking forward to for a long time.

"Good luck, Second Brother!" said Kraftvoll. While Prince Aragorn just looked at him and nodded slightly which showed his support to him.

After smiling toward his two sworn brothers, Godwin entered the stage right after that exchange with his two sworn brothers.

In his performance, Godwin decided to conjure a fire seishin spell right from the start. After chanting for a few seconds, he managed to conjure numerous balls of fire. In the end, he launched those balls of fire toward the sky of the Central Park of the Verrater Academy.

He launched a big ball of fire in the middle and several balls of fire surround it like petals of flowers. The people who were watching were all quiet because all of them were waiting for what was going to unfold next.

Right after launching those balls of fire, he had insta-cast a seishin spell a wind seishin spell. He shouted, "Air Bullet!"

Multiple bullets of air were formed from the inner seishin essences of Godwin inside himself. Without delaying any time, he launched toward those bullets of air toward balls of fire.

All of these bullets of ait hit the balls of fire in the center part at the same time. When those managed to hit its target, it expanded sideward.

The expansion of these air bullets sidewards made the balls of fire explode sideward as well. In the eyes of those watching from below, Godwin's fireworks were seen in the form of a flower made up of fire.

It was a simple fireworks display but it was an impressive sight. The audience was astounded by the view but they were not as amazed when Crown Prince Absalom showed his masterpiece earlier.

It lasted for a minute until it completely vanished into nothingness. The emcee interviewed one of the judges to say what they thought about Godwin's performance and he only received a good review.

All of the things that the headmaster said to his performance were all praises toward Godwin's workmanship.

After hearing the headmaster's opinion about his work, Godwin exited the stage with a wonderful smile on his face.

Later on, the emcee decided to call the elven prince to the stage.

He said to his sound-amplifying seishin device, "Let's welcome our contestant number fourteen!"

When Prince Aragorn reached the center part of the stage, he immediately started chanting a seishin spell. After his chant, he was able to conjure a big ball of light particles that he launched toward the night sky.

After reaching a certain height, it stopped and it stayed there indefinitely. After doing that, he immediately started chanting a water seishin spell.

He chanted, "Ye who represents purity, cleanse thy master's nemesis, let your hidden destructiveness obliterate those against me, Aqua Bomb!"

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