Heavenly Saga

Chapter 152: Last Ten Minutes

Chapter 152: Last Ten Minutes

Kraftvoll decided to enter deep meditation inside the cave as soon as he secured his safety. While he was doing this, the shadow familiar that he just recently freed from the rubbles was assigned to guard the entrance of the ice dome he was in.

Inside that cave, only dark seishin essences, earth seishin essences, and some wind seishin essences were the most abundant sources of inner seishin essences that Kraftvoll was able to gather to his inner seishin essences reservoir. 

The cave where Kraftvoll was hiding does not have any light in it except for his Luminous Orb seishin spell that he conjured earlier so he did not have any source of light seishin essences. While the sources of fire and water seishin spells were not that much either so only the other three were the only ones that Kraftvoll managed to absorb to his reservoir.

At the entrance of the dome made up of ice, Kraftvoll's shadow familiar was guarding it very carefully because its master had commanded it to do sp. If someone would ambush him, they needed to go remove the rubbles in the entrance and defeat Kraftvoll's shadow familiar. That's why Kraftvoll was pretty much certain of his safety.

Kraftvoll had to survive for thirty minutes before he can claim his loots as his own. Within this intense period of time, all the seniors started to viciously hunt their juniors and each other. The ones who managed to survive these last brutal thirty minutes will receive a price sought by the students of the Verrater Academy for surviving.

Meanwhile, like Kraftvoll, Prince Aragorn faced another terrifying senior. Fortunately, he managed to escape with him using all his might. Prince Aragorn's escape from that terrifying senior resulted in him getting a little injured. He was more fortunate because the injuries he sustained were not as severe as Kraftvoll's.

He panted as he ran with all his might from that terrifying senior of his. He was panting, not only because of physical fatigue, but it was also because his inner seishin essence was already nearing its limit due to the numerous encounters that he had in the last part of the Battle Royale Competition.

Before the elven prince managed to exhaust himself to his limit, he found a hiding spot underneath the trunk. The hiding spot that he found was a little space under the big roots of a huge tree. He thought that it was a good hiding spot for a while for his exhausted body.

Prince Aragorn did not enter deep meditation because he knew that it would only result in him being completely vulnerable. Instead, the elven prince just entered the normal type of meditation where his senses wouldn't become dull. Unlike his First Brother, Kraftvoll, he didn't have anything that would protect him while he was in deep meditation.

He couldn't afford to enter deep meditation because he was afraid that he might lose without him being able to fight back. It was something that his pride would not be able to accept which was why he did not enter the deep meditation. He just decided to enter the normal meditation despite its slower absorption rate of seishin essence.

After the two boys entered meditation, fierce battles in the mountain started to become more frequent. The remaining participants of the Battle Royale competition became more desperate to loot the others as the time for the end of the competition was becoming nearer and nearer.

Twenty minutes passed by very quickly for these two boys who were at meditation. These two boys that belonged to the first grade were not attacked by anyone at this interval of time.

Kraftvoll managed to recover a huge amount of inner seishin essences. Meanwhile, Prince Aragorn only managed to recover enough inner seishin essences to defend himself properly and escape from the possible enemies. It was not enough for him to have a full fight against anyone but it was enough to help him escape the grasp of his possible enemy.

A moment later, someone decided to blast open the rubbles of the cave where Kraftvoll was in deep meditation. There was no need for him to be warned by his shadow familiar, even though he was in deep meditation, his body felt that great disturbance in the air. 

As soon as he noticed what the enemy had done, Kraftvoll immediately entered his battle mode stance after he exited deep meditation.

A dwarven young lady entered the cave after she blasted the entrance open. Kraftvoll's shadow familiar immediately charged toward the newly arrived enemy of his master. It was under an order to defend its master, after all.

Before the shadow familiar that Kraftvoll had summoned reached the enemy, the enemy had insta-cast a seishin spell to defeat it. The dwarven young lady shouted, "Pillar of Terra!"

Beneath Kraftvoll's shadow familiar, a pillar of earth suddenly rose. Along with the erection of these pillar, Kraftvoll's shadow familiar was pulverized toward the cave ceiling.

Although Kraftvoll's shadow familiar would not be defeated by mere sheer strength, it was still incapacitated to move against its master enemy so the enemy managed to do a good job on that part.

Kraftvoll could only sigh in his heart. He thought, 'Why am I always encountering terrifying senior sisters in this competition? Well, there's no way out of this again! I'm just going to give my best then!'

He was extremely frustrated because all this time, he was encountering some of his senior sisters that would make him very serious. It was tiresome to Kraftvoll's side because he was having a hard time dealing with them.

Kraftvoll decided to not waste any more time against his current enemy. He immediately charged toward his enemy while chanting. An immense amount of brown seishin essences started to gather around him when he started.

He chanted, "Ye who exemplifies the aspect of groundedness, allow my desire to be fulfilled, pull thy master's enemy down to your center, Gravitational Field!"

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