Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 97: I am me because of him; without him, I am nothing

Chapter 97: I am me because of him; without him, I am nothing

The tiger attacked and Ayaan blocked; then, Ayaan attacked and the tiger dodged with its superior speed. The fight went on and on. Ayaan's body dripped with sweat, his face was pale due to exhaustion. But he didn't take his eyes off of the tiger.

A gust of wind passed by Ayaan, making his body shiver due to chill. The sweat felt cold and comfortable at this time. However, he didn't have the leisure to enjoy the feeling. He looked at the tiger which was also almost exhausted, huffing like a dog. After all, it was sprinting all around Ayaan in the entire fight, to evade his attacks.

At first, Ayaan couldn't believe that he had the ability to fight the great mage without any magic energy with a single weapon. Only now did he realise how powerful and overbearing the energy of the higher world must be, even a weapon which he could not control properly had the strength to fight with the beast at the great mage level.

However, the fight wasn't completely without a reward. His grasp over the sabre became tighter, he was able to use the basic skill more fluently, though, there were many faulty areas, where he needed to work some extra hard. 

But this was the first time, him using the sabre and fighting with a beast with it.

"Come, you bastard!" Ayaan cursed the tiger pointing his sabre at it. The tiger growled indignantly but afterwards, it ran away, not willing to fight this mad man.

"Hahahaha!" Looking at the escaping tiger's back, Ayaan burst into a peal of laughter it felt amazing to be victorious when the opponent was stronger than you.

Ayaan looked around and realised that it had been about five to six-hour since he started fighting with the beasts. If it wasn't for his strong will he would have given up a long time ago.

His body was almost exhausted, so when he saw the tiger escape he didn't try to act smart by chasing the beast. He didn't want to encounter one more beast, that would be terrible.

Ayaan dragged his exhausted body, along with the sabre; looking at the bear's body which had already become cold and the blood pool around it, had been dried.

He had already killed the bear when he was fighting with the tiger. The bear was already half dead when he severed its legs; it didn't take much effort in killing it.

After looking around he sat by the tree with his exhausted body. However, he didn't dare to close his eyes or he knew he would fall asleep due to tiredness.

Fifteen minutes later, the sweat completely dried on his body. Though his body was screaming in pain. He was able to defeat two beasts, but in the process, his body had also taken a lot of damage.

Finally, when he felt a little better, he grabbed the bear by two remaining legs and started to drag it, he didn't know how to go back directly, so he could only take a long way.

Gradually, he arrived at the fifth level and walked towards the golden gate.

He stood at the entrance of the door, the gate opened slowly; now he had the illusory pagoda inside his consciousness, without a single problem, he could go in this pagoda. However, he knew that he wasn't aware of all the secrets of the tower, due to the missing pieces of the holy stone.

Looking at the altar of the sixth floor, Ayaan couldn't help but sigh.

"Enter the altar!" at this time a voice sounded on the sixth floor, Ayaan knew whose voice it was. 

"What is the use of that? I can't evolve my body anyways." His voice was weak and hoarse due to the exhaustion, at this moment he just wanted to rest.

"What do you take the altar for? It isn't only for evolving the genes of people, it has a powerful healing property. It could heal your wounds and you will feel refreshed again." Leafwhisk said and then, the voice disappeared.

Surprised, Ayaan turned towards the altar again. He threw the body of the bear at the corner of the room. And entered the altar. Immediately, he felt as if the warm liquid was covering his body. He felt as if he had come back to the womb of his mother. 

The tiredness disappeared and a refreshed feeling remained. The wounds healed, only the tingling sensation was present as the remainder of the injuries, not even a single mark of wounds left behind. Ayaan felt as if he had been reborn at that time, though it was just an illusion, he didn't even evolve his body.

He sighed when he remembered about the evolution.

Nevertheless, he couldn't do anything about it right now; so he had to be patient.

Grabbing the bear with his newfound vigour and went to the seventh floor.

The girls were already there, talking and laughing with each other. Ayaan felt really envious of girls right now. However, they were already ahead of him in strength and as a man, he needed to catch up to them and finally, surpass them. Only then he would be able to say that he was their man or how could he say that word when he couldn't even match them in strength.

Looking even more determined to practice. 'If I can't practice any energy at the moment, then I will sharpen my sabre skills.'

At this moment, Ayaan didn't even realise that he started to treat Isobel as his woman.

"Are you alright?" After the girls saw him, they arrived in front of him, looking at him worriedly, though, they knew Leafwhisk won't let anything happen to Ayaan they were still worried. That was the reason they were talking to each other to distract their mind from Ayaan.

"I am alright, don't worry." Ayaan felt a warmth in his heart and became more determined to become stronger, so he could protect this warmth for forever.

"Alright, enough of this melodrama. I am hungry, and Noor and Rebecca were praising your culinary skill really vigorously a few minutes before." Leafwhisk who had already turned into her mini version came to the group, flipping her beautiful wings.

After listening to Leafwhisk, Ayaan turned towards Rebecca and Noor, when they saw his gaze, both of them looked down, avoiding his eyes. 

Ayaan looked at the duo speechlessly and knew that they had already spilt the beans, so he had to work even more. He looked at the bear and felt unwilling to skin this beast. The skin of the bear wasn't a joke, it took so much energy.

Suddenly, he remembered about the energy and his eyes lit up, turning towards Leafwshisk, he asked, "Now, I have finished my mission. Can you please release the restriction over my magic energy?"


"Why!?" Ayaan looked at the tiny figure in the air indignantly. He couldn't believe that she still wasn't going to let him use his magic energy.

"Because you need to train at every available second if you want to become strong enough to protect your women you need to become stronger than them or do you expect them to protect you? Looser!" Leafwhisk didn't pull her punches back at this moment, and her harsh words did what she wanted. 

Ayaan looked at her infuriatingly but didn't speak anything. It was the first time someone had called him a loser in this world. He hated it when he heard but he knew that if he wanted to be respected then, he had to prove everything by his action, not by his words.

Therefore, he didn't reply to the lady, he just looked at her emotionlessly and walked towards the corner, starting to skin the beast.

The girls looked at Ayaan's sad face and wanted to go to him and comfort him but Leafwhisk stopped them, "Don't worry, he is alright. Or do you think your man is so weak that he has broken with only a few words?"

"He is the most amazing man I have ever met, he is going to become strongest, just you wait!" Noor looked at Leafwhisk with wet eyes, shouting furiously before running away. Though she had taken Leafwhisk as her teacher, she won't remain silent when some dared to insult her man even if it was Leafwhisk.

"There was a time I lost my magic powers, but Ayaan always protected me, supported me. He never took me as a burden and later, he even taught me the stronger magic formulas, and I again reached the great mage. If it wasn't him, I won't even reach the fifth level of the tower, much less the seventh floor. I am me, because of him; without him, I am nothing." although there were no tears in Rebecca's eyes, anyone could tell that she was sad and infuriated by Leafwhhisk's words.

After Rebecca left, Leafwhisk turned towards Isobel, smilingly asked, "Aren't you going to say anything?"

Isobel looked at Leafwhisk seriously for some time without speaking anything. She was the most practical girl in the three; she always took her actions rationally before acting, or else, she won't be able to run the whole business by herself. 

However, at this moment, when she spoke, her voice sounded filled with displeasure, "I know what you want to do, and I also want him to become strong but the way you dealt the thing wasn't praiseworthy."

After speaking she also walked away, not speaking anything else.

At this moment, Leafwhisk looked towards the sky, her eyes became wet and gritted her teeth before speaking, "You just wait, I will make them pay!"

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