Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 58: Facing the Ancestor of the Ferlee Family

Chapter 58: Facing the Ancestor of the Ferlee Family

The whole crowd left gobsmacked when they heard Ayaan's ridicule. Not even the emperor would talk to him like this, but this guy dared to shame him in public.

No one thought that the ancestor of Ferlee family would let this arrogant boy go. He was a vicious character who never give a second chance to his enemy. However, the ancestor of Ferlee family was himself stunned at this moment. He had released his massive killing intent, but there was no change in Ayaan's expression. 

Even peak level high mage would turn pale in front of his killing intent much less a brat without any name or fame.

Ayaan looked at his confused face and knew what the other party was thinking, but he wasn't going to explain how he could withstand his killing intent. In the foreign lands, he had killed thousands upon thousand vicious beasts. Because of that, his killing intent was entirely on a different level. Far more potent than the old man.

Suddenly, Ayaan tossed Arnav at the side like garbage and released his killing intent as well. Instantly, a horrifying killing intent smashed into the old man, making him flinch in horror. What was this? He had never expected such a dreadful killing intent could exist in this world.

The ancestor took a few steps back; finally, the old man's gaze turned grave. He knew that he had underestimated his opponent just because he was a youngster. However, he still couldn't understand how such a young man could release dreadful killing intent like this. How many someone had to kill to have that kind of killing intent?

Nevertheless, killing intent and strength were completely two different concepts. By killing thousands of people, anyone could get killing intent, but that didn't mean that he was powerful. 

Slowly, the old man gained his confidence back; he still didn't believe that Ayaan was strong enough to defeat him. As for his killing intent, he thought he must be some kind of assassin or a contract killer to have such a killing intent. There were many such people in the capital.

Arnav, who was lying on the ground, didn't dare to stand; moreover, he closed his eyes and pretended to be unconscious. Ayaan saw this and shook his head; he completely lost his interest in killing this useless guy. 

At this time he looked at the ancestor of the noble family, and sneered, "Don't ever release your killing intent, it's embarrassing. Don't you think, old man?"

However, the other party didn't reply. Instead, the old man started to chant a spell. Eyes of the Mr ancestor had turned red at this moment, he had never suffered such humiliation, and only Ayaan's blood could wash this shame!

Gradually, the wind started to gather at the hand of the old man; in just a blink, it turned into a blade. He gave Ayan a vicious look and attacked.

"Die! Boy!" shouted ancestry of Ferlee's, making everyone's heartbeat rushed.

Dimension slash!

Blade shot towards Ayaan; a surprised look appeared on his face when he saw the dimension slash. He and Rebecca had also learned the dimension slash, but it wasn't based on wind attribute. 

Nevertheless, he didn't show any particular expression. In his eyes, this attack was just mediocre. Not enough to threaten even Rebecca, much less him.

Before the attack could hit, Ayaan again used the same spell which he used to defeat Uncle Thomson.

Attack Return!

Simultaneously, a gate appeared, devouring the dimension slash of the Ferlee's ancestor. All the spectator had already seen this spell, but they were still shocked after knowing the fact that, this shabby looking gate could neutralise or devour the attack of the ancestor of the Ferlee family.

However, they didn't know that this gate was a sky rank spell of space attribute. If the people knew they would be flabbergasted because although not scarce, sky rank spells were sporadic. Even those influential organisations on the east continent would hunt him for the spell if they knew about it.

As the gate devoured the dimension slash, everyone's attention turned towards the ancestor of the Ferlee family. As expected, a gate formed on the old man's head, making Ferlee's ancestor flinch in shock.

When Ayaan defeated Thomson, he wasn't present; therefore, he didn't know about this gate and caught off guard due to the moment of carelessness. Even then, however, the ancestor wasn't an ordinary mage; he was 4th level great mage, one level above Ayaan. At the last moment, he took out the small fan from his space ring and shouted.


Suddenly, a barrier formed around the man, protecting him from his own attack. It was such an embarrassing situation. He had to use the most powerful artefact of the Ferlee family to defend by his own attack.


The rumble resounded when the attack landed on the barrier, shaking the whole venue. The people who were not far away felt the power of attack and dashed away in horror, such a powerful attack! 

Thereafter, everyone turned towards Ayaan, who was standing leisurely and felt fear gripped their hearts. He had deflected such a potent attack with ease as if it was nothing. How powerful must he be to do such a thing?

At last, the attack couldn't break the defence of the ancestor and faded away gradually.

The old man also dispersed his barrier and looked at Ayaan in shock. His breath was hurried, and his face was red because activation of the barrier took a lot of toll on him, fear could be seen on his face. He clearly knew how powerful his attack was, but this boy sent it back to him with such ease. If it weren't for his treasure, he would be half-dead like Uncle Thomson.

When he thought about the possibility, his back drenched in a cold sweat, gritting his teeth in hatred, he looked at Ayaan while growling, "You have gone too far boy! You dared to attack me instead of submitting. At first, I will skin you alive and then take that treasure you used to deflect my attack!"

Hearing the furious roar of the man, Ayaan shook his head, "You are still eyeing other people's possession when you are already standing at the gate of hell."

Ayaan knew that this old man had misunderstood something and he wasn't going to clear it.

"Humph! We will see who is standing at the gate of hell. Dane, take that girl down!" The old man shouted, pointing at Rebecca.

He already knew about the deeds of his grandson. At first, when he saw Rebecca, he instantly knew this girl was the reason for everything. Although he was embarrassed to use a girl to threaten Ayaan; he didn't think much when he thought about that mighty gate which could deflect his spell, like nothing.

Simultaneously, a group of people arrived and stood behind the old man; they looked towards Rebecca as if they had found a delicious meal. The leader's name was Dane Ferlee. The current patriarch of Ferlee family and Arnav's father. When he saw Rebecca's beauty, a dirty smirk appeared on his face and licked his lips. 

There was a saying, like father like son. He had proven it at this moment.

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