Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 208: Defeated Armori

Chapter 208: Defeated Armori

"Hehe, found it," Leafwhisk chuckled and waved her hand towards the two children. "Do you know what this is?" In her hand was a white flower, its leaves were long, like a sword, and it released a smell like rosetwo children looked at it and shook their heads.

"This is Lily-rose"


When she was trying to explain the properties of the flower. A thunderous noise interrupted her. Afterwards the sounds of fighting and screaming and cursing came from not far away. The lady frowned and looked at the two children. "Stay behind me, at all times. Ok?"

"Didn't you say that we can protect ourselves even on the center continent?" Akash asked in a crest-fallen voice. Ifre, who was just beside him, also nodded towards Leafwhisk. They wanted to stay behind no further and were eager to show their skills.

Leafwhisk looked at the duo and shook her head. "You are strong enough to protect yourselves. But it never hurts to be more careful, so just stay quit, and stay behind."


"Leafwhisk looked into the distance but failed to see anything due to the trees. "Let's go."

She said and walked ahead of the adorable childrenafter peering through the bushes, an open ground came into her view. She focused ahead and saw a group of people was in a deadly fight. Both parties wore the same clothes.

"Hmm?" she raised an eyebrow, seeing someone she knew. "What is he doing here? And why is he fighting with them?"

"Oh, Del is going to attack with full force?" Ayaan tilted his head and saw a nonchalant look on Rebecca's face.

"Don't look at me." She rolled her eyes at him. "I have lost all interest in revenge. Just told them, they can do whatever they want. I don't have energy, nor patience to torture someone."

"Ohh," Ayaan said and replied to Noor through his system. He stood and clasped her slim waist tightly and kissed on her neck. "How about one more round?"

"You are a beast, you know that?" she said depressingly.

"I know." He replied and pulled her top away from her seductive body.

"Throw the boulders and crush these bastards!" roared Armori at his soldiers, encouraging them by shouting and helping them from time to time, and running from this and that way all around the parapet. 

"Yes, it's your time. Shoot the arrows!" 

Just when the boulders went down, he commanded his archers to shoot. 


The enemy soldiers who were dealing with boulders caught by surprise when the rain of arrows fell from the blue sky. Some of them were crushed under the large stone due to distraction, while others were shot by arrows and left this damn world for good.

However those who left did not bother with the dead. They galloped on the horses, running over dead companionswhat camaraderie? What love? What friendship? Everything was nothing but myth. One sees the true colour of a human being at the very moment. As they crushed their so-called friends and comrades under the tread of the horses.

"Move, run faster!!" shouted Del as he placed the shield in front of him and rode his horse in full speed, over the bloody messas the horse regiment passed, then came the light cavalry and heavy cavalry behind, running on their feet.

"Slaughter these bastard peasants!" screamed Del. "How dare they oppose the palace! Let them know the strength of the palace to these worms!"

As he shouted, he reached the place from where it was very hard to ride a horse. Therefore, he jumped out from the saddle and dashed on feet. The commander did the same and followed behind with his soldiers.

As they unmounted Armori once more gave the command. "Now, it's an excellent chance to use our boulder strategy once more. As they are showing us their heads and telling us to shoot."

Soldiers heard his words and chuckled. "Don't worry Sir Armori. We will crush those basta gughrgl!"

At this very moment an arrow came from down below and penetrated that soldier's neck. His smiling face turned pale and blood sprayed from neck. "Brother!" one soldier who was sitting just beside the victim screamed and hugged him tightly, shaking and twisting him but there was no life left in the body. His eyes had turned gray which were still open and warm blood still flew, painting the screaming man's cloth red.

"Arghhhh!!!" he howled in pain and stood up and started to run downwards, fumbling a sword in his hand.

"Hey you, stop!!" Armori who was commanding the soldiers shouted, but it was already too late. An arrow came with a speed of death and penetrated the man in the chest.

"Roll the boulders, you dunce!!" it was the first time Armori showed an emotion over his face. "What the fuck are you doing, shoot!!" he shouted towards the archers who had frozen and went pale after seeing the two deaths.

"Haha, you fucking peasants dared to oppose the palace. Now die!!"

Del laughed maniacally when he arrived over the hill and swung his sword at one soldier who was hiding behind the boulder, completely unprepared. "Ahhh!....plok"

The horror filled shout turned into a spraying of blood, and the body limped on the dust without a headand the head rolled down towards the slope and disappeared into the army scuttling army below.

Del did not stop and went further, laughing uproariously as he slaughtered the soldiers. Alexander saw this and wanted to step, but Armori dashed towards him with a roar. "Die!!"

"You think you can compete with me, peasant, heh?" Del said disdainfully and lunged at Armori.

Armori swung a hammer in Del's direction while Del attacked with his sword. 


The thunderous boom filled the area, and ground cracked, and boulders shattered. 

When the dust settled Del was standing proudly and Armori was lying on the ground, covered in dust and blood, clothes tattered and face pale. "Now die!!" Del Screamed and dashed towards Armori, but he could reach him. Del disappeared.

"Huh?" Armori gawked in front of him with a disbelief.

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