Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 107: Bewitching Flower

Chapter 107: Bewitching Flower

Jack's fell on the ground, face as white as a sheet of paper. He covered his crotch with a painful expression, tears drowning his entire face but now voice came out of his mouth; he felt the whole world had no meaning for him anymore.

Everyone looked at the man crying on the ground with agony. They couldn't help but cover their crotch out of instinct.

However, some people were still courageous. One person looked at Nolan malevolently, shouting, "How vicious Nolan?! You dare to attack your own clansmen this ruthlessly. Do you still put the rules of the clan in your eyes?"

Nolan looked at the man and narrowed his eyes. He had never seen this man before. He never tried to build a relationship with anyone after all. Everyone was disdainful to him because he couldn't cultivate any element.

Nonetheless, Nolan only smiled at the man before replying, "Have your head became so muddled that you can't even see that we have signed a contract before the fight? Do you know why people sign a contract before fighting? If you don't know then let me tell you because in battle people could hurt each other. He was the one who provoked me; it wasn't a friendly match. You expect me to go easy on someone who wants to hurt me?"

"Hmph!' the man just snorted without replying and walked away with his people. Two people ran towards Jack, trying to help him.

Jack had also started to feel less painful now, so he could barely stand up.

At that time Jack looked at Nolan viciously, saying, "I will make you regret just you wai.ahhh!"

Suddenly, painful sensation returned to his lower part of the body, making his scream miserably. Fortunately, two people were by his side, or he would be lying in the dirt like a dog.

Nolan looked at the man's miserable appearance but didn't felt any pity. He remembered when they first arrived how lecherously he was looking at Eva. Though he was conflicted by his own feelings; he won't let anyone disrespect her.

"Eva, let's go," Nolan said to the Eva who was still in shock. She had never thought that Nolan was so powerful. Everyone in the clan knew that he couldn't cultivate any element. So how didn't he do that? Does that mean weapon cultivator could compare with elemental cultivator? How could this be?

The lady was in a dazed state when she heard Nolan calling her name.

"Huh? Did you say something?" Eva asked in confusion, she didn't hear anything Nolan said.

Nolan shook his head when he saw her dazed state, "I said, let's go."

"Didn't they say that ordinary people can't go into the forest anymore?" Eva remembered what Jack said. It seems now, ordinary people won't be able to go to the forest anymore. As she thought, a sigh escaped her mouth. That forest was a big source of income for non-cultivator people after all.

Nolan looked at the depressed face of the lady and realised some of her concerns; there he spoke jokingly, "Didn't you say I am your man? You think your man can't even take you in this lowly forest?"


"Shhh!" Nolan placed his index finger at her soft lips. He looked in her beautiful watery eyes before speaking, "There is no need for 'if' and 'but'. I said you are coming means you are coming."

Afterwards, he grabbed the left hand of the lady and walked towards the forest.

As the duo walked inside the forest a figure appeared at the same place where they were standing before. He looked at the fading back of Nolan and smiled cruelly, "I didn't expect you to become so powerful brother. I wonder what you are hiding." but then a disdainful looked emerged on his face wasn't much different from Nolan.

He continued, "No matter what you try, you will never be able to surpass me. However, you dared to snatch a woman I wanted to make mine. You have to pay for that. Just you wait."

After that, the man disappeared without any trace.


"Whhaa how did this forest turned into this fairyland?!" Eva screamed in shock. No matter how she tried to compare this place with a previous forest, there wasn't a single identical thing left behind.

Even small grass had been evolved turning into a spirit grass. Trees had developed spiritual sense. It won't be long before some of those trees would become tree men. That was the reason an entire clan was shocked but they didn't let the news spread.

If other clans were to realise the worth of the forest, they would come to take the pice of the loaf. That was the reason, ordinary people didn't know about the changed in the forest. And only talented individuals could enter the forest. If it wasn't for Nolan, Eva would never be able to enter this evolved forest.

More shockingly, even insects and ordinary animals had been evolved in the forest becoming more powerful. Though the forest had become a treasure trove for the clan, the dangers also increased.

"Woah, look at that flower! So beautiful!" Eva shouted to dashed towards the flower.

Nolan looked at the flower and saw it was like a sunflower. However, it was shining with white light, giving a rather enchanting feeling. He felt a strong attraction towards the flower and the incredible desire to possess it appeared inside his heart.

However, suddenly he felt the tremble running throughout his body, jolting him awake from that state. He realises that was the doing of the stone inside his body.

When he realised that the flower had tried to bewitch him, a frightful expression appeared on his face. Because Eva was only two meters away from the flower and was still walking towards the flower jubilantly.

Immediately, Nolan dashed toward her and dragged her back by her hand.

Eva looked at Nolan and asked with a confused expression, "What happened?"

Nolan realised that she didn't even know that she was going to grab that flower. What a powerful bewitching power.

Nolan looked at the flower closely and saw a small insect walking towards the flower. However, when the insect neared the flower, thin white threads extended from the flower, covering the insect underneath.

Nolan couldn't see what was going on with the insect so he could only wait.

After more than two minutes later, the threads retreated. When Nolan looked at the place where was supposed to be an insect. There was nothing.

"Wha what happened?" Eva again asked meekly. She knew that she had done something stupid; therefore, she became all teary.

Nolan looked at her speechlessly. He didn't know what to say. Previously, she was acting so mischievously but look at her now...sigh. Women are really a strange creature.

Nonetheless, he held her beautiful hand, and said in a comforting voice, "It wasn't your fault. Who knew that this forest has become so strange in just a short period of time. Even I was almost bewitched by that flower."

He was speaking the truth. He never thought that the evolution of the forest would be this strong. Even a small flower was powerful enough to bewitch ordinary people. That was the reason why the clan became so strict regarding the forest. This forest could become a turning point for the entire clan after all.

Eventually, he turned towards the flower and used his sword to slash the flower in two.


As the sword cut the flower in two parts, the white light immediately vanished from the flower. It became like ordinary sunflower again.

However, he didn't want to leave the flower behind. He knew that this flower must be a spiritual herb, and he could sell later in the market or could give the clan for gaining some merit points. However, he wasn't very fond of the clan, so he never considered of giving his treasures to them for some stupid merits.

Though the clan protected every ordinary people, it was only because they needed them. Some poor people would even send their sisters and daughters to please some cultivators. Though Nolan despised such acts, he also understood that their pain.

Although the cultivators couldn't do anything to the ordinary people in front of everyone. They could use underhanded methods. Many people died like that but no one investigated it. Anyone could tell who was behind it.

On the surface, everything was looking good good, but there was nothing good.

That was why he admired Eva's parents for protecting her so long. He could tell that many people must have tried to force them to give their daughter to them but her parents never submitted.

And when Eva told her parents that she loved Nolan they acted furiously on the surface. However, they were relieved on the inside. After all, many people were making things difficult for them, just because they wanted Eva.

And one of them was Ivan. Nolan's brother.

"Save me!" suddenly a shout came from in front of the duo, alarming them.

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