Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 2373: Conquer Xizhou and rebuild Tianmen

Chapter 2373: Conquer Xizhou and rebuild Tianmen

Chapter 2373 Conquer Xizhou and rebuild Tianmen

"It's better, let's rebuild Tianmen Shrine here." Tan Yun gently hugged Fang Zixi in his arms, "If you rebuild it at the former site of Tianmen Shrine, I'm afraid you will be hurt."

"Tan Yun, I still want to rebuild Tianmen Shrine at the old site." Fang Zixi said.

"Okay." Tan Yun said: "From now on, there will be no Xizhou Ancestral Dynasty, but only Tianmen Ancestral Dynasty and Tianmen Shrine."

"And my fiancee, Fang Zixi, is the ruler of Tianmen's ancestral dynasty and the palace lord of Tianmen Shrine."

"Well." Fang Zixi smiled, and her red lips kissed Tan Yun's cheek, "You are so kind to me."

A smile appeared on the corner of Tan Yun's mouth, "Then these are regarded as my dowry gifts. If you accept them, you will not regret the marriage in the future."

"Hee hee." Fang Zixi nodded happily, "Are you officially proposing to me?"

"Well." Tan Yun put away his smile and said solemnly.

"Then I'll promise you." Fang Zixi smiled and shed tears.

Tan Yun embraced her in his arms and separated after a long time.

"Okay, let's get to work." Fang Zixi said.

Later, Tan Yun sacrificed the ancestral ring containing 18,000 formation bases, and took out all the formation bases.

It took Tan Yun and Fang Zixi three days to bury all these formations in the surrounding area of Tianmen Ancestral City, and start a great defense formation.

Afterwards, Tan Yun and Fang Zixi waited on the tower for those who came to rely on them...

Seasons alternate, five years later.

One after another silhouette is like a dark cloud, flying into the void outside the Tianmen Ancestral City, there are millions of them.

From the clothes of these people, it can be seen that there are more than a dozen people from sects.

Millions of people flew down outside the city gate, looking at Tan Yun on the city tower, and knelt down on one knee, "My subordinates meet the master!"

"No gift!" Tan Yun asked everyone to get up and rest in place.

In the blink of an eye, another eight years passed.

During these eight years, all the city lords of the Tianmen Ancestral Dynasty led their elite troops to the outside of the Tianmen Ancestral City.

They are not stupid, on the contrary they are very shrewd. Now that the general trend has passed, it is a wise move to join Tan Yun. If they don't come, I am afraid they are not far from death.

At the same time, almost all the prominent figures in the Western Continent Divine Region arrived outside the ancestral city of Tianmen.

Now the number of people outside the city has exceeded 30 billion.

What made Tan Yun and Fang Zixi excited was that there were more than 600,000 disciples of Tianmen Shrine among the people who came, as well as thousands of high-level officials of the former Tianmen Shrine.

Tan Yun was even more excited to the point that the excitement was still behind.


Suddenly, a familiar old voice came from the end of the sky, and the voice contained thoughts and excitement.

Tan Yun's body shook suddenly, and in an instant, his eyes were wet.

Fang Zixi is the same.

"It's Shizun, it's my Shizun... woo... It's my Shizun back, my Shizun is still alive!"

When a pleasant cry sounded, Xin Bingxuan, who was wearing a veil and was already in the Dao Emperor Realm, flew out of the Pangjun Pagoda and stood in front of Tan Yun, crying with joy.

In the sight of the gods, I saw a cyan light beam shot from the sky and turned into a white-haired old man in a green robe on the tower.

The old man is none other than Daokun!

Today's Dao Kun is already at the ninth level of Dao Ancestor Realm.

"Woo, it's Dao Kun Tai Shang Sheng Lao!"

"It's really our supreme saint!"


Under the tower, hundreds of thousands of disciples of Tianmen Shrine looked at Daokun on the tower, and they cried.

Millions of years have passed since Tianmen Shrine was destroyed. They were extremely excited to see Daokun again.

"Master... woo woo..." Xin Bingxuan threw herself in Daokun's arms, and the tears couldn't stop dripping.

"Xuan'er, I'm really happy to see you all right." Daokun's turbid tears fell on the cheeks engraved with the years, "Silly child, don't cry, isn't this a good teacher?"

"Master, my disciple didn't cry... I just saw that you were alive, so happy." Xin Bingxuan choked and left Daokun's arms.

"The disciple has seen the Supreme Holy Elder!" Tan Yun stepped forward and bowed deeply.

"Yun'er get up quickly, this can't be done." Daokun hurriedly helped Tan Yun up, "I heard about the old man, you have newly established the master of Nanzhou in Nanzhou. I salute!"

Tan Yun said with a smile, "I am your disciple at all times."

After Daokun smiled in relief, he bowed to Fang Zixi and said, "This subordinate has seen the palace master."

"Hurry up and excuse me." After Fang Zixi asked Daokun to get up, he chatted with him.

A moment later, Tan Yun looked down at the 30 billion gods below and said loudly: "Next, I have a few things to announce."

"Master, please tell me!" Guan Kun was the first to speak, kneeling on one knee towards Tan Yun.

"Master, please speak!"

Immediately, the gods knelt down on one knee and looked at Tan Yun.

Tan Yun took a deep breath and said without a doubt: "First, the Great Emperor of Xizhou and Huyan Zhang have been killed by me and Zixi. Therefore, from now on, there will be no Ancestral Dynasty of Xizhou and Divine Sect of Bliss in Xizhou God Territory."

"Second, the Xizhou Ancestral Dynasty will be officially renamed: Tianmen Ancestral Dynasty, and my fiancee Fang Zixi is the Tianmen ruler of the Tianmen Ancestral Dynasty."

"Her order is my Tan Yun's order, and it is the most powerful authority in the entire Western Continent Divine Region. Anyone who dares to violate yin and yang will bear the consequences."

"Did you hear clearly?"

Hearing this, a tide-like sound engulfed the world, "Listen clearly!"

"Then what are you waiting for?" Tan Yun said loudly.

The gods fell to their knees one after another, kowtowed and shouted, "Meet the Lord of Heaven's Gate!"

Looking at the scene of the gods kneeling and worshiping, Fang Zixi was stunned for a moment, and then, after looking at Tan Yun affectionately, he looked down at the gods, and the sound of heaven rang, "Now this master has something to say."

"First, this master is already at the first level of the Supreme Dao Ancestral Realm, and has the ability to take charge of the Western Continent God Territory."

After hearing that Fang Zixi was already a legendary power, the gods became more and more respectful.

"Second." Fang Zixi's beautiful eyes showed hope, "This master announced that the Tianmen Shrine will be rebuilt, and I hope that geniuses and powerhouses who are not under the jurisdiction of the Tianmen ancestral dynasty will join."

"Thirdly, the master appointed Dao Kun as the guardian of the pilgrimage of the Tianmen ancestors, and at the same time he is the only deputy palace lord of the Tianmen Shrine, in charge of the human race, the beast race, and the four-art star field."


Time flies, five years have passed.

Today, Tianmen Ancestral City has not only been rebuilt, but it is even more prosperous. The Tianmen Shrine in Tianmen Divine Island has also been rebuilt.

The Tianmen Shrine is filled with powerhouses like clouds, and the number of senior officials and disciples has reached an unprecedented level, which is three times the number of the original Tianmen Shrine.

The entire Western Continent God Territory ushered in a peaceful and prosperous age.

As the sun went down, a Shenzhou sailed from the frontier of the Western Continent Divine Region into the sea of demons and headed towards the center of the sea.

At the front of Shenzhou, Tan Yun, who was wearing a purple robe, stood side by side with Fang Zixi, who was wearing a white dress.

Fang Zixi found that Tan Yun looked down at the sea below, and his eyes showed a deep sense of longing and an undisguised loss.

"I miss Yunxi, right?" Fang Zixi said softly.

"Well." Tan Yun nodded, "I don't know what she's doing now, whether she's doing well."

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