Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 2371: Canonized the master of Nanzhou! "Fourth Update"

Chapter 2371: Canonized the master of Nanzhou! "Fourth Update"

Tan Yun stayed where he was, and a drop of tears fell down his handsome cheeks.

Tan Yun didn't go after him, he was very confused, he only knew that his grandfather was dead, and the old devil was also dead in the past, but he didn't know that there was so much hatred in it.

"Tan Yun, right? There are some things I want to tell you too," said the great demon master.

"Great Demon Lord, please speak." Tan Yun clasped his fists.

What the Great Demon Lord said next is thought-provoking.

She said: "In this world, nothing is absolutely right or wrong. From your human standpoint, more than 90 million years ago, my father led a group of demons to attack the human region. It's good to be killed by your immortal ancient gods."

"But have you ever thought about a question, whether it is a demon, a human, or any other race, there is only one home, and that is the universe."

"And the High Ancestor Realm is not only the homeland of human beings, but also the homeland of our demon race. Why do you humans enjoy abundant resources, and we demons must stay in the evil realm of demons and live a dark life? "

"When we were weak, in the past, you humans, in the name of killing evil, slaughtered our demons wantonly, and forced us to the realm of the demons, but when we are strong, we want to leave the realm of demons and return to ours. When we were in our homeland, your grandfather, your clan, massacred us again."

"Tan Yun, I think you will be the king among human beings in the future. I sincerely ask you to think about whether there is right or wrong between demons and humans."

"Tan Yun, I remind you that people of all ethnic groups are the most terrifying."

"And you have to understand that in ancient times, when your immortal ancient protoss were not yet strong, it was not your human beings who ruled the ancestral world, but my demons."

"To make it clear, since ancient times, the masters of the Great Ancestor Realm have been the Demon Race. More than 100 million years ago, the Immortal Ancient God Race began to rise strongly, occupied the area of the Demon Race, and finally drove our Demon Race to the Demon Sea."

"At that time, your ancestors and my ancestors agreed that from now on, the sea of demons will be the home of the demons, and humans should not step into it."

"But what happened later? Humans betrayed their trust and wanted to obtain the cultivation resources of the Devil's Sea. They provoked trouble, and my devils killed people."

"And it was at that time that your grandfather put the interests of mankind first, but he forgot his previous agreement, that the sea of devils was the home of my demon race, and led the immortal ancient protoss to massacre my home in the sea of demons. !"

"Tan Yun, you stand on a fair stand and ask yourself, is it my father's fault or your grandfather's fault!"

Listening to the words of the Great Demon Lord, at this moment, Tan Yun did not have the courage for the first time, and said that the Immortal Ancient Protoss was the embodiment of justice.

For the first time, Tan Yun felt a little guilty.

"I'm sorry, I don't know the origin of the hatred between the immortal ancient gods and the demons." Tan Yunqing said sincerely: "If what you said is true, I admit that my grandfather was wrong."

"I can guarantee that if one day, I rule mankind, I will give you a fair and just answer."

The Great Demon Lord nodded, "I'm very relieved that you can say that. I'll wait for the day when you dominate the human race and say goodbye."

After that, the Great Demon Lord led more than six million demons and disappeared at the end of the sky...

After the big devil left, her words kept circling in Tan Yun's mind.

"Zixi, is what the big devil said true?" Tan Yun looked sideways at Fang Zixi, his eyes a little blank.

"It's true." Fang Zixi nodded and said, "In the distant past, human beings were enslaved by demons."

"However, before we go further, it is unknown whether we humans are enslaved by demons, because it is too long ago, and the human beings at that time are long gone."

"Actually, the Great Demon Lord is right. The sinister things in the world are not demons or beasts, but people's hearts."

Tan Yun let out a long sigh and kept repeating the six words "The sinister thing is the human heart".

After a while, Tan Yun was refreshed, "I know what to do."

"Huh?" Fang Zixi asked with a frown.

Tan Yun said loudly: "I want to unify the four continents, control the regime, and create a system that allows humans and many races to coexist peacefully."

"The Great Demon Lord is right, this world is not human, and the Supreme Ancestor Realm is the homeland shared by countless races."

"We are not qualified to slaughter other races because they all have the right to live."

Fang Zixi smiled, "You're right, I agree."

Afterwards, Fang Zixi's smile disappeared, her brows furrowed, "How do you plan to deal with your relationship with Yunxi, do you really want to end your relationship with her?"

"No, of course not!" Tan Yun shook his head, his eyes firm, "When I unify the four continents, I will go to the Demon Realm and bring her back."

"Well, I'll accompany you when the time comes." After Fang Zixi smiled slightly, he looked down at the gods who couldn't afford to kneel down, and said, "What should they do?"

"I have my own way." Tan Yun finished speaking, looking down at the gods and said, "I don't care whether you truly surrender to my immortal ancient gods, all I want is for everyone to obey orders, can you do it?"

"Report to the master, we can do it." All the gods said in unison, and the sound shook the sky.

"Then everyone raised their heads and looked at me, and those who violated the order will be killed without mercy." When Tan Yun undoubtedly sounded, the gods raised their heads and looked at Tan Yun.

"Hongmeng Divine Eye."

Suddenly, Tan Yun's eyes radiated a strange red glow, and immediately, the gods looked dull.

"At the beginning, the people who slaughtered my immortal ancient protoss stepped out of the team!" When Tan Yun's curse-like voice sounded, immediately, thousands of people got up and stepped out of the team.

Among the thousands of people, there are dozens of senior members of the Bliss Shenzong, and the rest are the powerhouses of the Southern Continent God Realm, Dao Emperor Realm, Dao Emperor Realm, and Dao Ancestor Realm.


After Tan Yun said in an indifferent voice, a vast ancestral force was released from the body, swallowing thousands of people, and immediately, thousands of people turned into a cloud of blood, leaving no bones.

Tan Yun said again: "Among you, you want to hold back for a while, and the people who will kill me will come out in the future."

Soon, tens of thousands of people stood up dumbly, stepped out of the team, and were easily killed by Tan Yun.

Later, Tan Yun lifted the Hongmeng Divine Eye, and after everyone regained their senses, they looked at the corpse in front of them, wondering what happened.

"Now all the people from the Taoist ancestral realm are listed." Tan Yun ordered.

"It's the master." With the respectful voice, twenty Taoist ancestors stepped forward.

Among them, there are three people with the highest realm, all of whom are at the eighth level of Dao Ancestor Realm.

Tan Yun used the Hongmeng Divine Eye again to control the three of them in front of everyone, and asked, "The three of you, who is related to the Immortal Ancient Protoss?"

Two of the old men did not speak, and the other one, who was about ninety years old, said with a dull expression, "I have."

"He Yuanyuan?" Tan Yun asked.

The old man said with a dull expression: "Our Zhuge family, 90 million years ago, was one of the three major families in Nanzhou God Territory."

"At that time, our Zhuge family had always been loyal to the Immortal Ancient Protoss, but later, the Immortal Ancient Protoss was destroyed, and my father was implicated and executed by Emperor Nanzhou."

"Our entire family was exiled, so I've been living incognito."

Tan Yun nodded, lifted the Hongmeng Divine Eye, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Returning to the master, the subordinate is called Long Wuhui." The old man was respectful.

Tan Yun smiled slightly and said, "No regrets, do you have management experience?"

Long Wuhui said truthfully: "My subordinates know a little bit, and now the number one sect in Nanzhou Divine Region was established by subordinates."

"Okay, very good." Tan Yun said again: "Now in Nanzhou Ancestral City and Nanzhou Palace, are there people stronger than you?"

"It should be gone." Long Wuhui said.

Tan Yun looked solemn, looked down at Long Wuhui, and said, "Zhuge Wuhui listens to the seal!"

Long Wugui's old body trembled and said in disbelief, "Master, how do you know the surname of your subordinates?"

At this time, the gods behind Long Wugui all laughed.

Tan Yun smiled and said, "Listen to the seal."

"It's the master." Zhuge Wuhui, who was confused, knelt down with his knees bent.

The following words from Tan Yun made Zhuge Wuhui like being in a dream!

Tan Yun looked down at the gods, and the loud voice resounded throughout the world, "From now on, Zhuge Wugui is the master of the Nanzhou Divine Realm and the ruler of Nanzhou."

"The entire Nanzhou God Territory is under the control of Zhuge Wuhui, if anyone resists, kill Wuhui!"

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