Heather the Necromancer

medical update

medical update

I think its time I shared some information. I have been admitted to the hospital because my life is in danger. The doctors are 90% certain I have advanced, aggressive, Lymphoma.

If your not familiar with that its cancer of the lymph system. My neck has swollen to the point where I have to be under observation for fear it is closing my airway.

I hate to say this but their is a chance I won't be finishing my stories,

On monday I am having a biospy done that will tell them for sure what they are dealing With and begin the treatments. I am likely going to be out of commission for the next month at which point we will know for sure if I am going to survive this or not.

I wanted my readers to know, instead of wondering what has become of me.

writing my stories is my life and Ilove all my readers. I Hope this will not be the end

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