Heather the Necromancer

Book 5: Chapter 47: Put to the test

Book 5: Chapter 47: Put to the test

The sun moved to noon as the strange procession crested the hill and looked upon a large city. For Heather, this was a momentous occasion as she saw what could truly be done with the creative powers of the world. Many buildings looked like you would expect, but others challenged her imagination. They rose upward in thin towers of what looked like glass or were lovingly crafted into sweeping arches of white and silver. Some looked like cubes of metal glowing with red runes of magical significance. Three floated above the town, one encased in a glass globe with a waterfall that fell into the city, creating a rainbow.

She could see players flying in a myriad of ways, some on the backs of mounts, others on magical devices, and still some who flew with no visible means of propulsion. There were no walls, but there did seem to be a defined border with what looked like guards.

This is amazing, Heather said aloud as she leaned out of the palanquin. Its like an amusement park. Why isnt Gwens city like this?

Lack of players, Breanne said as she looked out the other side. Gwen sets the theme of her city, but if she allows it, players can build whatever they want and have the points to purchase.

Most people just purchase a house with whatever theme the city comes in, Quinny added.

So these buildings must belong to high-level players, Heather said as she looked at one of the floating islands that was dense with trees and had vines hanging over the side.

There are some powerful players, Breanne assured her. Some we dont dare get on the wrong side of.

Heather nodded and looked at her strange escort, struggling to come to terms with Frank. His trip to Gwen was filled with rewards as he now walked in shining silver armor with a long sword belted at his side. He had no helm, but Gwen provided a silver circlet that sat over his long flowing golden hair. He had a cape of rich green with a unicorn emblem, marking him as a knight of Gwen's city. He was given some official titles so that players who could check would see he was Lord Frank, Carrion Knight, and champion of Ellowshire.

The cover story was that Heather was a gift from Gwen to a distant party. Blackbast was paid to deliver her, and Frank sent along to ensure their safety. Quinny and Breanne were Blackbasts slave girls, and Legeis was her primary bodyguard. Blackbast had even gone to the trouble of creating a contract and paying Legeis a small sum, so if they were tested, they would not be caught lying.

Henceforth she would not refer to herself as Princess Hannah while wearing the slave collar. Instead, she was Heather, a Lilithu devil flower singer with a magical ring that gave her minor necromancy powers. It even helped that the ring glowed when she used her necromancer powers, lending to the belief that it was the source. The ring was part of the gift, and Frank was chosen as her escort because she could aid him in battle with heals and buffs.

As Heather was a flower singer, Webster was presented as her familiar since flower singers could summon nature-based pets. None of them knew if that included spiders, but they crossed their fingers and hoped for the best.

Umtha was to be kept out of sight, and the goblin woman grumbled incessantly about not wanting to leave the egg. The problem was finally solved by Legeis building a new container for it inside the magical room. Now she could hide there with the extra protection of Heather's bone champion. Heather even ordered the bone champion to protect Umtha and the egg with his life.

Blackbast would do the vast majority of the talking since she was being presented as the leader and master of the three girls. It also helped that she had magical skills in seduction and persuasion, giving her a natural edge in any confrontation. Breanne would play along, but Quinny readily agreed to play the role to the fullest. She would follow Blackbast's commands without question and help project the image that they were nothing but pampered pets.

So it begins, Breanne grumbled as they approached the city.

This isn't such a big deal, Heather said, trying to convince herself it was true. It all seemed strange, but she couldn't think of a good argument against it. The collars weren't locked, and none of them were expected to fill any role they didn't want to. The whole act was to give them a solid cover story to explain to anyone who looked too close.

I dont see why you two are so uptight about this, Quinny said with a smile. Havent you ever gone to the beach?

Whats that got to do with anything? Breanne asked.

Quinny rolled her eyes and explained that she had gone to the beach quite a few times. On every visit, she wore less than she had on now and didn't think twice about parading around through hundreds of people.

I guess I did that too, Heather admitted.

And so did millions of other girls, Quinny followed and glared at Breanne. I bet you did too, but you dont want to admit it.

Fine, I did, but that was when I was young and foolish, Breanne countered.

And now youre young again. So what's the harm in being a little foolish too? Quinny shot back. Didnt you say you came in here to start over and enjoy a new life?

I did, Breanne sighed and gave her a slight smile. I guess I am being silly about this. I will play along but do I have to keep calling her master?

Just when people are around to hear it, Quinny answered. Come on; this is going to be fun. It's like were the performers at one long theater production and all we have to do is stay in character when people are around.

We can always get back to our lairs to be ourselves, Heather added.

Thats true, Breanne agreed and looked between the other two. Well, its time to see if this disguise is going to work.

Heather nodded and leaned out of the palanquin to see they were about to pass between two iron statues whose eyes glowed with blue light. She realized they were golems and served as the security for the city. Blackbast jumped down to walk with Legeis to her left and Frank to her right. Behind them came the palanquin with curtains pulled aside while the three girls lounged and watched as the people began to notice.

I think we have gotten some attention, Heather said as a woman with a blue mohawk pointed to the procession.

Nobody seems to care beyond gawking, Breanne noted as she looked out the other side. This might work even better than we expected.

Heather certainly hoped so and nearly laughed when Quinny waved to a barbarian-looking orc and blew him a kiss. They wound their way down the widest street, and to Heather's delight, not a soul approached them. It was as if everything was perfectly normal despite the fact that nothing was normal in this city. There was so much variation to the player races, many of which looked human with minor animal traits. She spotted a woman with rabbit ears and a man with a snake-like head and scaled chest. Quinny delighted in pointing out all the women who were wearing as little and in some cases less than they were.

Heather realized that this was a very different world, and maybe it was time to stop fighting it. As she started to wave to onlookers, they rounded a corner, and she saw the most beautiful fountain. It was as large as a house and made of purple crystal. It was shaped like a spiral of flowers, rising to a massive tulip-like bulb. The water from the floating island above fell into the tulip then cascaded down a dozen flowers of every variety. It finally reached a round basin where it shimmered with magical light.

I want one of those, Heather said as they passed by it.

Breanne joined her and smiled at the beautiful fountain s they slowly passed by.

I do have to admit that some players make wonderful things, she said.

I needed to see this, Heather remarked. I need to see the beautiful things in this world.

Trust me, you havent seen anything yet, Breanne said with a smile.

Heather smiled as they passed the fountain, and she saw a building beyond it made of black rock and woven with metallic blue lines. It rose in four towers around a great dome, and from the very peak, a golden beam of light shot into the sky. It was like a trip to a magical las vegas, and all around her, there was something amazing to see.

Blackbast took them to a building of green rock polished to mirror-like perfection. It was lavishly decorated with tropical plants and ponds of water full of colorful fish. The name was the Jade Palace, and with a raised hand, she brought the procession to a halt.

Why are we stopping? Heather asked as Blackbast sauntered back, coming to the palanquin to talk with her pets.

How would you like to have a meal and spend a few hours enjoying yourself for a change? Blackbast asked.

You mean we actually get to stop and do something? Heather asked.

It would be wiser to rush through the city and move on before trouble can find us, but I think you should have some fun as well, Blackbast replied.

Well, Heather said and looked at the others. I dont mind.

Yeah, lets go inside and see what it looks like, Quinny agreed.

I agree, Breanne said but then insisted that she be allowed some wine.

You can have whatever you want, Blackbast said but then was quick to point out that she would order for them, and they were not to eat or drink anything until she permitted them.

They begrudgingly agreed and, one by one, climbed down to line up before Blackbast. Once they were clear, Blackbast ordered Legeis and Frank to protect her beauties while she took the palanquin to a nearby building to park it.

Well, this is interesting, Heather remarked as they waited outside in the tropical gardens.

Are you alright? Frank whispered without giving away that he was talking to her.

I'm fine, Heather shrugged. How do you feel about being here, considering what you are?

I feel nervous, he admitted and looked about. But I dont think even a detect undead spell would locate me since I used the figurine.

They will still find me, Quinny said, then tossed her head. But then Blackbast will just explain that I am her pet, and people should respect that.

Does that spell detect you in your elven form? Heather asked as she looked at Breanne.

It depends, Breanne remarked. Those who are much lower than me will fail. The closer you are to my level, the more likely it will work, but the range will be limited. The higher level you are, the longer away you will detect me.

Even if somebody high enough did cast it, I doubt it will matter here, Legeis said as he stood in his cockpit. That collar around your neck pretty much acts as a free pass. Heck, the bad players would probably approve of a monster player being enslaved.

And now I disapprove of all this, Heather said as that realization put a bad taste in her mouth.

Don't let it bother you, Quinny said as Blackbast came out of the barn-like building without the palanquin. Remember nobody can become a slave against their will, and they can't be kept a slave if the player begins to hate it.

True, Heather said with a sigh. It's a strange mechanic, but I suppose for some people, this is a thrill.

Yeah, I bet a lot of slave girls used to be men in the real world, Quinny added.

Oh, did you have to put that idea in my head? Heather groaned. Now I am going to wonder if people think that about me.

Who cares what you used to be, Quinny laughed. I know you want to go home, but you're here now, so let go of all that. All that matters is what you are now.

I suppose youre right, Heather said and looked at Breanne. shes awfully insightful today.

I swear she has found her true purpose in that collar, Breanne grumbled as Blackbast arrived at their side.

Now, you follow me inside and speak to no one, she said with a firm glare. Once we are settled, you may speak to one another, but be careful about what you say and always address me as master.

Yes, master, Quinny was quick to respond with a smile.

Blackbast smiled and ran her hand up Quinny's chin. Oh my, sweet pet. It won't be long before that collar is on for good, will it?

Who knows what the future might hold, Quinny teased back.

Oh, boy, Heather mumbled as Breanne shook her head.

I fear your sisters can't wait to get it off, Blackbast laughed. Well, let's have some fun while we can. She took the lead and brought them through the garden to a pair of golden doors carved with images of dancing women. Heather began to wonder what kind of place this was as the doors opened of their own accord.

Inside was a grand building of red wood and green marble. It was filled with artwork, from paintings to statues, and covered in planters full of lush green growth. The air was sweet with a hint of smoke and the flavors of unseen foods. There were small fountains in places, cascading gentle streams into golden basins. A woman with a zebra-like pattern on her skin and long white hair welcomed them with a smile. She and Blackbast discussed their visit for a bit, and Heather heard Blackbast ask if they had a place to put her pets on display. The woman smiled and assured her they had just the place and asked for just a moment to get it ready.

So, what are we doing? Legeis asked as he looked down from his armor.

Playing our little game and proving how well this ruse is going to work, Blackbast replied.

I dont like the idea of putting the girls on display, he argued.

I don't want this either, Frank added. It was better when they were in the palanquin, and people couldn't see them clearly.

Oh, don't be silly, you two, Blackbast sighed. All I asked for was a place of prominence where my wealth and power will be on display. This is all part of the nature of classes like mine. You show off what you possess.

It's fine, Heather put in with a smile. I appreciate your concern, but if we are going to travel the north safely, we have to play along.

Legeis looked like he was going to argue some more, but the woman returned to inform Blackbast that her space was ready. They were led down several halls to a grand room whose ceiling soared up and was decorated in intricate patterns. There were dozens of tables tucked into spaces along the walls and separated by plants to create semi-private spaces. Additional tables covered the main area and were filled with players of every description. Many looked up as their group was led to a large rectangular space at the head of the hall. This area wasn't private at all and was dominated by a throne-like chair. The floor was littered with thick pillows and cushions of silk in a myriad of colors.

This will do nicely, Blackbast said and turned to the woman before handing her several coins of gold. I would like a fine meal, and wide enough for us all. Bring platters of sweets for my pets and something meaty for the boys.

Of course, the woman said and bowed before heading off to fill the order.

This is like a larping restaurant, Quinny whispered as Blackbast walked to the throne and took her place. Legeis stood just behind her on the right, while Frank took his place on the left, standing as guards over their queen.

And where are we supposed to sit? Breanne asked only to have Blackbast gesture to the pillows with a sweep of her hand.

Of course, Breanne groaned. We sit at the masters feet.

Quinny laughed and waded into the cushions, laying out and smiling. Heather followed and sat before Frank as Webster settled in beside her on his own pillow. Breanne sat near the middle, piling a few cushions to lean on. A moment later, three women arrived carrying silver platters piled high with cakes, sugared fruits, and soft bread. These were placed among the cushions just as two more women arrived with a tall pitcher of wine and a tray of crystal glasses. These were added to the existing trays, and the women promised more food was coming soon.

Well, this is kinda fun, Heather said as she looked over the tray of cakes.

Would you care for a wine, master? Quinny said sweetly. Blackbast nodded, so Quinny crawled to the center and carefully filled one of the glasses. She held it to Blackbast, who took it with a nod and began a gentle sip.

Do you want one, Heather asked as she looked to Frank. I bet it's been a long time since you were able to drink.

I feel bad asking you to bring me things, he said.

We are playing a game, nothing more, Blackbast whispered as she leaned closer to him. Let her bring you what you want.

Frank sighed, and Heather took that as her cue and poured him a glass of wine. She took to him with a smile and then asked if he wanted to try some treats. He admitted he did, so she went back for a handful of little cakes and stood by his side as they shared them.

She found it kind of fun to be fawning over him for a change and even poked the occasional little cake in his mouth. It reminded her of that day she fed him in the mountain and realized that she was growing accustomed to his appearance even back then.

He dared to comment on how pretty she was, and she blushed while feeding him another cake.

Bring Legeis a wine and some treats, Blackbast said to Breanne, who quickly brought him a glass.

Sorry you have to do this, Legeis said, but Breanne shook her head.

I am fine with this so long as it keeps everyone safe, she said

Well, thank you anyway, he said with a raised glass.

I will get you some of the treats to try, Breanne replied and went back to fetch them.

For the next ten minutes, they snacked on cakes while sipping delicious red wine. When the women finally returned, they brought more wine and a platter of different meats seasoned and cooked to perfection. In addition, there were bowls of cream sauces and slices of cheese to add to the meats and enhance the flavors.

Heather couldn't believe how hungry she felt to see the meat and realized she had been subsisting on cookies for far too long. Blackbast was served first, with Quinny piling up a plate then holding it before her to eat. Heather did the same for Frank as Breanne brought one to Legeis and then refilled his wine.

Once they were done, the girls sat around the platter and ate to their heart's content, laughing and teasing that they should have done this sooner. The hours went by, and nobody bothered them despite people taking note of the master and her harem.

Its amazing how this works, Heather said as she leaned into a pillow while petting Webster. People are so conditioned to just accept this as normal.

It is normal, Quinny said. They assume we are living our fantasy and having a blast doing it.

But then why are so many of them terrible to monster players? Heather asked.

Do not assume that sentiment is widespread, Blackbast answered. I believe you had some bad encounters early on, but the vast majority of players have no qualms about them.

Its the bad ones that go looking for them, Breanne said. Thats why you kept encountering them. But, oddly enough, it's here in the north you will likely find the nicer players.

Heather could only assume she was right and settled in to look across the crowded dining room. People were starting less, and many only gave them passing looks, smiling and moving on. She began to enjoy the moment, breathing in the sweet air and listening to soft, airy music playing from somewhere. It was actually rather peaceful and beautiful, a rare moment of calm in a world full of chaos and storms. All that came to a surprising end when a woman approached with a playful smile.

She had reddish skin and hair black as midnight. She had a short tail that ended in a fork and a pair of gently curving horns capped by golden tips. There were a pair of bat-like wings sprouting from her shoulders and tucked tightly back. Her eyes were like red gems, glowing on a face so finely sculpted for beauty it made Heather stare. The woman wore silver and gold on every arm, leg, and even a band around her tail. A leather wrap barely contained her chest, and a lion cloth of silver hung between her legs.

Oh, the woman said when she saw Heather looking. I didnt realize you had one of my sisters as a pet.

Sister? Heather repeated and looked to Blackbast, who appeared to be amused.

She thinks you and she are the same race, Blackbast said and nodded to the strange woman. I am afraid my pet is a Lilithu devil.

Oh, my apologies, the woman said with a dip of her head.

Heather didn't understand what was happening until she realized the woman was a succubus player. Then, with a sense of awe, she wondered how anyone could pick that race and be so bold about it.

Do you belong to somebody? Blackbast asked as the woman began eyeing Frank.

Me? Oh no. I thought about being a slave girl, but I was afraid my master would keep me all to himself and not let me play, she said bashfully.

Wait a minute, Heather interjected. How could anyone mistake me for a succubus? I dont have wings.

You dont have to, Breanne replied.

Shes right, the succubus agreed and turned her back so Heather could see the wings clearly. They suddenly shrank, pulling inward until they vanished altogether, leaving nothing but smooth skin. It helps to be able to get rid of them. Sometimes they just get in the way.

I see, Heather said in wonder. I wish I had wings.

Dont you? the woman asked. Most devil kind have wings, but some dont get them until later levels.

I wonder if I get them eventually? Heather asked.

If you do, you will not be able to use them, Blackbast interjected. The collar overwrites your class.

Right, Heather sighed and looked back to the succubus as Blackbast asked if there was something she could do for the woman.

Heather listened in near shock as the woman boldly proclaimed that she had come to the jade palace to eat. However, the food they served wasn't what she needed to nourish her soul. She wondered if Blackbast could spare one of her pets or even a guard to help her feed. Blackbast politely declined and pointed out that they would be leaving soon. Besides, her pets made sure the guard's needs were not neglected.

Oh, what a pity, the succubus said and bit at her lower lip as if disappointed. They look like the rough type. Maybe I could help your pets with them?

Is she for real? Heather whispered to Breanne, who told her to be quiet.

I am afraid there is no time, but you are a sweet morsel, Blackbast purred and leaned forward. If ever you change your mind about being collared, I would love to add you to my collection. I assure you, I will have no qualms about letting you play.

Hmm, the woman said and turned with a sway of her hips. I will keep that in mind. I do love to serve, after all. With that, she swaggered off, leaving Heather unable to believe what she had just seen.

People actually play that race? she said once the woman was safely away.

Why wouldnt they? Blackbast asked.

But you have to. You know. In order to feed, Heather said and gestured awkwardly with her hands.

Sheesh, it isnt that big a deal, Quinny said. I nearly played a succubus. Now that I see one, I kinda wish I had.

One thing this shows is that the right kind of monster player is still tolerated, Breanne pointed out.

Yeah, the sexy ones, Heather said with a roll of her eyes. People never change, but then I am no better, she added and looked at Frank, remembering how his appearance made her cringe.

You can't help what you're attracted to, Quinny said and explained that she thought the succubus was hot.

I forget you play for both teams, Heather giggled.

You should try it, princess. It might loosen that tight grip you have on your virginity, Quinny countered.

What? Heather nearly choked. Who said I was a virgin?

Please, we all know it, Quinny laughed.

I will have you know that I did have a few boyfriends in my time, Heather protested.

Yeah, in the real world, but youre I in a new body inside a new world. Have you taken that new model for a test drive yet? Quinny asked.

Heather started to blush as she realized what Quinny was getting at. In the world of New Eden, she was completely different, in a body that had never so much as shared a kiss. She cleared her throat and answered the question with a no causing Quinny to laugh.

I bet that doesn't last long now that Frank's all good-looking, Quinny teased.

Hey, thats none of your business, Heather argued as Frank groaned in embarrassment.

See, she didnt say it wouldnt happen, just that it wasnt my business, Quinny replied.

Will you leave her alone, Breanne snapped. Nobody wants you narrating their love lives.

My pets, no more arguing, or I will feed you to the succubus, Blackbast interjected with a smile. Now finish up. We need to be on the road soon.

Heather was glad that topic was over but was too embarrassed to look at Frank to see if he was alright. She ate a few more treats then they were taken outside and loaded into the palanquin. Blackbast suggested she spend some time studying her books, which gave her an idea to look for a bookstore in the city. Blackbast agreed to ask around and, after a few questions, learned that there was indeed a bookstore. It took several minutes to find, but eventually, they arrived at a tower that got wider as it went up. Inside, the space was filled with shelves of books arranged in rings around a spiral staircase.

Heather was given twenty minutes to hunt for some of the volumes referenced in the necromancer tome. She asked the man who ran the store for some of them by name, and he assured her he wouldn't carry prohibited titles.

Figures the books would be banned, she grumbled and returned to the palanquin.

They went to leave when a woman and three men appeared and addressed blackbast. The woman was dressed in a delicate gown and wearing a dazzling diamond necklace. The men looked to be guards, dressed in various types of armor but all sporting a blue star-like pattern on their chest. She introduced herself as Maline, a Noble lady, and patron of one of the larger houses in the city. She had learned that a woman of notable character was passing through and wanted a chance to meet her.

Blackbast was her usual sultry self, introducing the party one by one, then asking the woman how she could be of service. The woman cordially invited them to stay a few nights on her estate and provide some pleasant company. To Heather's amazement, the women pointed to one of the floating islands and assured them they would be treated like royalty.

I don't like this, Breanne said as they listened from the palanquin. The last woman who invited us to stay was planning to kill us for the experience.

This isnt a monster player, Heather said as she wondered if there might still be a hidden motive. Is the noble lady her class?

I think so, Breanne replied. It gives her all sorts of skills in managing an estate.

What good is that? Heather asked and looked to Breanne, who shrugged and explained it was a good way to live comfortably. She essentially picked a class that focused on providing all her personal needs and comforts. She would even have servants like Blackbast did, probably with similar collars.

Oh, I bet that's why she's interested in Blackbast, Heather surmised. They share something in common. She leaned close to the edge and listened as the woman boasted of the wonders held in her estate. Blackbast used a portion of their ruse and explained how she was delivering one of the girls as a gift and couldn't delay. The woman was unfazed and offered to open a portal to speed them along after a few days.

Blackbast let out a long purring Hmmmmm, then asked a question with a glance to Heather. She explained that Heather was a bit of a researcher, which was one reason why she was being given to her future owner. The man who remained unnamed was researching the history of the land, especially the war with the necromancers. Heather wanted to read about their work, but the books were forbidden and not for sale. She leaned closer to the noble lady and asked her if she had a private library that might be of use.

The woman nodded with a smile and played a game of words where she denied breaking the law while assuring Blackbast that a book or two might be accidentally found there.

Then I believe we will accept your invitation, Blackbast replied with a nod.

Very good, Maline said with a widening smile. I assure you, you wont regret it.

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