Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch95- A Curse?

Ch95- A Curse?

Harry, undeterred by Selena's cool demeanor, took a seat across from Selena. "I wanted to discuss the team dynamics," he said, getting straight to the point.

Selena raised an eyebrow, her interest piqued. "Go on."

Harry leaned forward, his expression serious. "Our approach to Quidditch, the aggression, the 'win at all costs' attitude... it's not setting a good example. We're reinforcing stereotypes about Slytherin that we should be trying to move away from."

Selena considered his words, her expression thoughtful. "You're suggesting a change in strategy?"

"More than strategy," Harry explained. "A change in attitude. We need to show that Slytherin can win without resorting to underhanded tactics. We should be leaders on the field, not just competitors."

Selena Rosier narrowed her eyes, a sly smirk playing on her lips. "I see you've set your sights beyond mere Quidditch, Potter," she observed, tapping the badge that marked her as the Serpent of the Crown. "You're aiming for a more favorable reputation among the rest of the school. But tell me, why does the opinion of others matter so much to you? Are you looking to challenge my position?"

Harry, maintaining his composure, replied calmly, "My ambitions are focused on improving Slytherin's interhouse relations within Hogwarts, not just for personal gain. It's about changing perceptions and breaking down barriers."

Selena leaned back, her gaze assessing. "A noble cause, Potter. But you must understand, Slytherin's reputation has been built over centuries. Changing that won't be easy, and not everyone will be on board with your... progressive ideas."

"I'm aware," Harry acknowledged. "But it's a challenge I'm willing to take on. A united Hogwarts is stronger than one divided by outdated rivalries and prejudices."

Selena answered with a hint of skepticism, "Let's assume I entertain this idea. Our aggressive play and ambition have secured the Quidditch Cup for Slytherin for years. What makes you think we should change a winning strategy?"

Harry, with a confident smirk, responded, "I'll catch the Snitch in every game. That's my promise."

Selena let out a snort, her disbelief apparent. "I watched the tryouts, Potter. You're talented, I'll give you that, but don't you think you're being a bit overconfident?"

Harry's grin didn't falter. "Not overconfident, just aware of my abilities. I know what I can do, and I assure you, catching the Snitch in every game is within my reach."

Selena leaned forward, her eyes narrowing as she assessed Harry's resolve. "You're proposing a complete overhaul of our team's image based on your ability to secure the Snitch?"

"Not just based on that," Harry clarified. "It's about setting a new standard for Slytherin. We can be ambitious and still play with integrity. Winning the Cup is important, but how we win matters too. It's about changing the narrative around our house."

Selena mulled over his words, her expression one of contemplation. "It's a bold strategy, Potter. But even if you do manage to catch the Snitch every time, that alone won't change years of ingrained perceptions."

Harry nodded in agreement. "True, but it's a start. And with your support and influence as the Serpent of the Crown, we can begin to shift the tide. It's about showing the rest of Hogwarts that Slytherin is more than just cunning and ambition. We're skilled, strategic, and honorable."

Selena's gaze remained fixed on Harry, her mind working through the implications of his proposal. "And what about the rest of the team? How do you plan to convince them to adopt this new approach?"

"I'll lead by example," Harry stated firmly. "I'll show them that skill and fair play can bring us victory. It's about earning respect, not just fear. If they see the results, they'll follow."

Selena's expression softened slightly, a hint of admiration seeping through her usual stoic demeanor. "Very well, Potter. I'll back your plan. But remember, the reputation of Slytherin rests on more than just Quidditch. You'll need to extend this ethos beyond the pitch."

Harry nodded solemnly. "I understand. And I appreciate your support."

As the conversation concluded, Harry stood up to leave. Nigel's voice echoed in his mind, "Quite the diplomat you're turning out to be, Master Harry. Slytherin House, the new beacon of honor and sportsmanship. Who would have thought?"

Harry mentally smirked, replying to Nigel, "It's all part of the bigger picture, Nigel. One step at a time."

Returning to the common room, Harry found himself accompanied by Daphne and Tracey. They settled into a comfortable spot, the low murmur of conversations around them creating a relaxed atmosphere. Their discussion meandered from the day's Quidditch tryouts to their upcoming classes when Malfoy, Zabini, and Nott joined them, accompanied by Pansy Parkinson.

Pansy, a girl Harry rarely interacted with, immediately brought a different energy to the group. Her demeanor, unlike Daphne's refined poise, was marked by a certain snobbish air. As a member of one of the Sacred 28 houses, she carried an air of entitlement and arrogance, her pureblood ideology often coloring her conversations. This contrasted sharply with Daphne, who, despite her own pureblood status, exhibited a level of tact and open-mindedness that Pansy seemed to lack.

Harry, leaning back in his chair, observed Pansy with a polite but distant interest. He believed everyone could serve a purpose in the intricate game of Hogwarts politics, yet he found Pansy's attitude unpalatable, making it difficult to engage with her meaningfully.

Nigel's voice rang in Harry's mind. "Ah, the delightful Ms. Parkinson graces us with her presence. Do remind me to polish my silver tongue; one must be prepared for such esteemed company."

Harry suppressed a chuckle at Nigel's remark, maintaining a neutral expression as he turned his attention back to the group. "So, Malfoy," he began, shifting the focus of the conversation, "what did you think of the tryouts today?"

Malfoy, leaning back with a confident air, responded, "Predictable. No one really stood out." His tone carried a hint of disdain, as if the tryouts were beneath his expectations.

Daphne, with a playful smile, chimed in, "Maybe Potter can do it next year. He is already good on a broomstick. Saving damsels and all." Her eyes glanced at Harry, teasingly suggesting his potential as a future Quidditch star.

Pansy, seizing the opportunity to insert herself into the conversation, leaned forward, her eyes fixed on Harry. "Oh, is Potter the new hero of Hogwarts now? Flying around and playing the knight in shining armor?" Her tone was laced with a mix of sarcasm and curiosity, clearly trying to gauge Harry's reaction to the praises being showered upon him.

Harry, maintaining his composure, replied with a casual shrug, "Just happened to be in the right place at the right time, Ms. Parkinson. Anyone would have done the same."

Nigel's voice danced in Harry's mind, dripping with sarcasm. "Indeed, Master Harry, because everyone can just casually leap off brooms and catch falling classmates. It's a regular Hogwarts pastime."

Ignoring Nigel's remark, Harry turned the conversation back to the topic of Quidditch. "The team could use some fresh talent, though," he observed, directing his comment at Zabini. "What do you think, Zabini? Any promising players catch your eye?"

The usually quiet Slytherin shrugged his shoulders, "Some of them weren't that bad, but I haven't seen any potential in Seeker attempters. "

Malfoy, considering Harry's question, replied, "A few potential Chasers, maybe. But the real game-changer will be our Seeker. That's where the real talent lies. But as Zabini pointed out, today was a total fiasco" His eyes flicked to Harry, as if challenging him to contradict.

Pansy, eager to keep the focus on Harry, interjected, "Well, if Potter's as good on a broom as they say, maybe he'll give us a run for our money next year. Right, Potter?"

Harry, unaffected by Pansy's probing, simply smiled. "We'll see, Ms. Parkinson. Quidditch is a team sport, after all. It's not just about one player."

Daphne, sensing the subtle shift in the conversation, smoothly redirected it towards academics. "What about Defense Against the Dark Arts? I doubt we'll learn anything useful this year," she mused, her tone a mix of skepticism and curiosity.

Harry tilted his head slightly, intrigued. "This year?" he echoed, his question laced with a hint of surprise.

Daphne, realizing her assumption, elaborated, "Oh, you might not know, but the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor changes every year." Her eyes conveyed a sense of resignation common among students accustomed to this pattern.

Tracey chimed in, her voice tinged with a touch of cynicism. "It's been like that for years. No one seems to last more than a term in that position."

Harry's brow furrowed in thought. "Is it some kind of tradition to keep the faculty fresh?" he asked, trying to make sense of the peculiar situation.

Malfoy, with a snicker, interjected, "They say it's a curse." His smirk suggested he found the idea amusing, or perhaps, intriguing.

Harry's mind whirred, processing this new information. "A curse? That sounds more like a superstition than a reality." He pondered the implications, considering the impact such instability could have on their education.

Nigel's voice echoed in Harry's mind, his tone suggesting he knew more than he let on. "Ah, the infamous Defense Against the Dark Arts curse. Perhaps they should consider Defense Against Bad Employment Practices instead."

Harry suppressed a smile at Nigel's comment, maintaining a thoughtful expression. "Well, regardless of the reason, it seems we'll have to be proactive about our Defense studies," he concluded.

Daphne nodded in agreement. "I've been thinking the same. We can't rely on a revolving door of professors to give us a solid education in such a crucial subject."

Tracey hesitated, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. She seemed on the verge of suggesting something, possibly about forming a study group for Defense Against the Dark Arts. However, as her gaze swept over the group, including Malfoy and Pansy, she seemed to reconsider. Clearly, there were some in the group she wasn't keen on including.

Daphne, observant as always, caught the subtle change in Tracey's demeanor and offered her friend a knowing smile. She could read Tracey like a book and understood her reluctance to share her idea with certain members of their current company.

Harry, meanwhile, found his thoughts drifting back to the topic of the Defense Against the Dark Arts curse. 'A curse that prevents any teacher from lasting more than a year? It sounds implausible, yet fascinating,' he mused. 'Who could possibly cast such a powerful and lasting curse?' He pondered the implications and the history that might be behind such a phenomenon.

Nigel's voice broke through his contemplation with a touch of his usual tone. "Master Harry, pondering the mysteries of Hogwarts' employment policies? Perhaps a career in magical human resources awaits you."

Harry almost chuckled aloud at Nigel's remark but managed to keep his expression neutral. He turned his attention back to the group, noting the dynamic between Malfoy and Pansy. Malfoy seemed to revel in the attention Pansy gave him, though Harry suspected it was more about bolstering his ego than any genuine interest in her and vice-versa.


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