Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch55- Compelled

Ch55- Compelled

Draco, slightly thrown off by Harry's polished demeanor, managed a smile of his own, though it seemed less certain than his usual smug expression. "I... ah, yes, thank you, Heir Potter. I've heard quite a bit about you, you know."

Harry's eyes twinkled with unspoken amusement, but he maintained his cordial front. "Oh, indeed? The wizarding world does seem to enjoy its tales," he replied, inviting Draco to sit down. The two larger boys hovered uncertainly near the door, looking from Draco to Harry and back.

Draco took a seat opposite Harry, his posture straight and his gaze direct. "Yes, well, the Malfoys have always been in the know about the goings-on in our world. I suppose you're quite excited about starting at Hogwarts?"

"Absolutely," Harry answered smoothly, his voice steady and composed. "It's a new chapter, full of learning and opportunities. Hogwarts is a remarkable place, or so I've been told."

Draco nodded, his initial bravado mellowing into a semblance of genuine interest. "It is indeed. And, Potter, if you ever need guidance or advice, the Malfoys are well-connected. We can be... helpful allies."

Harry's mind ticked away, analyzing Draco's words and demeanor. Nigel's voice chimed in subtly, "Ah, alliances offered before the journey even begins. A tad eager, wouldn't you say?"

Harry suppressed a smile at Nigel's comment, choosing instead to respond to Draco with tact. "That's very kind of you, Malfoy. I'm sure your insights into Hogwarts will be most valuable."

Draco seemed pleased with this response, a hint of pride returning to his features. "Of course, Potter. You'll find that certain families hold significant influence at Hogwarts. It's always wise to align oneself appropriately."

Harry nodded, his expression neutral yet friendly. "I'll certainly keep that in mind. It's a complex world we're stepping into."

The conversation continued, with Draco sharing tidbits about Hogwarts, the professors, and the various houses. Harry listened attentively, giving nothing away about his own extensive knowledge gained from Nigel and the Technology System. He was careful to interject with questions and comments that portrayed curiosity without revealing his depth of understanding.

Draco gradually relaxed, clearly believing he had made a favorable impression on Harry. Meanwhile, Harry's own assessment was quite different. He saw Draco as a product of his environment, a boy playing at politics and power without fully grasping the complexities of the world he inhabited.

Eventually, Draco stood up, signaling the end of their conversation. "Well, Potter, I should mingle with some of the others. But remember, my offer stands. The Malfoys can be powerful friends."

"Thank you, Malfoy. I appreciate the gesture," Harry replied, his tone gracious. "Enjoy the rest of your journey."

As Draco, followed by Crabbe and Goyle, left the compartment, Harry's gaze followed them thoughtfully. He turned his attention back to his book, but his mind was already weaving through the many layers of Hogwarts' social fabric.

Nigel's voice, light but insightful, broke through Harry's thoughts. "A rather interesting encounter, wouldn't you say? Young Malfoy seems to think he's playing chess, but he's barely grasping checkers."

Harry chuckled softly, his eyes still on the book's pages. "True, Nigel. But it's a long game, and we're just getting started."

As Harry returned to his book, the door to his compartment slid open once more. A red-haired boy with a face full of freckles peeked in, his expression a mix of hopefulness and slight embarrassment. "Can I come in? All the other compartments are full," he asked, his voice tinged with a nervous edge.

Harry looked up, his eyes assessing the newcomer. The boy's manner was earnest, but there was something about his demeanor that struck Harry as slightly off. He turned inward, calling upon Nigel's expertise. 'Nigel, he's under a spell, right?' he thought, seeking confirmation from his AI assistant.

Nigel's voice, infused with a hint of dry amusement, responded in Harry's mind. "Indeed, Master Harry. It seems our red-haired visitor is not entirely acting of his own volition." As Nigel spoke, a System message appeared before Harry's eyes, invisible to anyone else in the compartment.

[System Message: Ron Weasley (11) - Under Compelling Spell

Objective: Make acquaintances with Harry Potter.

Subliminal Messaging: Promote Gryffindor House; Express disdain for Slytherin House.

Spell Origin: Unknown.

Note: Subject's awareness of the spell's influence - Minimal.]

Harry's expression remained neutral as he digested this information, but internally he was alert and cautious. "Come in," he said aloud, gesturing to the seat opposite him. "Plenty of room here."

Ron Weasley, looking visibly relieved, stepped into the compartment and sat down. He ran a hand through his unruly hair, giving Harry a friendly, if somewhat awkward, smile. "Thanks. I'm Ron, Ron Weasley."

Harry nodded. "Harry Potter," he introduced himself, though he had a feeling Ron already knew who he was, well subconsciously at least.

Ron's eyes widened like saucers as he took in the sight of Harry's famous lightning-shaped scar that could barely been seen. For a moment, he seemed lost in awe. "It is real. You are really Harry Potter," he blurted out, his voice a mix of shock and fascination. Then, realizing his own abruptness, he quickly added, "Sorry. It's just... you're so famous."

Harry, far from the shy boy he used to be, smiled amiably. "It's alright, Sir Weasley. I've gotten used to it," he replied, his tone light and devoid of any annoyance. The Harry of old might have shied away from such attention, but he had grown, both in confidence and in his understanding of the wizarding world.

Ron, looking slightly embarrassed, shifted in his seat. "I mean, everyone's heard of you, but I didn't expect to actually meet you. It's a bit overwhelming, you know?"

"Understandable," Harry acknowledged, his gaze thoughtful. He was keenly aware of the intrigue surrounding his identity in the wizarding community, a curiosity that he had learned to navigate with grace and poise.

As they conversed, Harry couldn't help but notice Ron's slightly glazed expression, a telltale sign of the spell he was under. Nigel offered his observation. "Ah, the complexities of the wizarding world. One can never simply have a normal train ride to school, can we?"

Harry chuckled inwardly at Nigel's comment, amused by the situation and the irony. "Indeed, Nigel. But let's see where this leads," he thought back, keeping his outward demeanor calm and friendly.

Ron, meanwhile, seemed to relax as they talked, his initial awe giving way to a more natural conversation. He spoke of his family, the Weasleys, and his excitement about finally attending Hogwarts. Harry listened intently, his mind working to peel back the layers of the spell influencing Ron's behavior.

"So, excited about being sorted into a house?" Harry asked casually, steering the conversation towards Hogwarts traditions.

Ron's face lit up. "Oh, definitely! My whole family's been in Gryffindor. It's sort of a tradition. I hope I end up there too. Not Slytherin, though."

Ron's tone shifted as he mentioned Slytherin, his voice tinged with distaste. "All Dark Wizards came from there," he said with a hint of venom.

Harry, unfazed, responded with a knowing smirk. "That is not true, you know." He leaned forward slightly, his gaze piercing as he looked at Ron. Nigel chuckled in his mind at Harry's approach. "Trying to break the spell with manipulation, eh, Master Harry?" he mused silently.

Harry chose to ignore the remark, focusing instead on enlightening Ron. "Egbert the Egregious, an evil wizard, hailed from Gryffindor, the house you're so proud of," he began. "Emeric the Evil, who was even worse than Voldemort, although not as capable, was from Ravenclaw. Uric the Oddball came from Hufflepuff, and Hereward, known for his malevolence, was also from Ravenclaw. Loxias, another dark figure, hailed from Gryffindor, and Godelot, a notorious wizard, was from Ravenclaw."

Ron sat frozen, each name hitting him like a revelation. "And do you know who is from Slytherin?" Harry continued, his voice steady.

Ron swallowed hard, a mix of curiosity and apprehension in his eyes. "Who?" he asked hesitantly.

Harry's smirk deepened. "Merlin himself," he revealed with a dramatic flair.

Ron's shock was palpable. "Can't be," he stammered, disbelief etched on his face.

Harry pressed on, confident in his knowledge. "But he is. Merlin was Slytherin's student."

Ron's expression transformed from shock to contemplation. Harry watched with satisfaction, aware that his words were having the desired effect.

Nigel's voice echoed in Harry's mind again, laced with a hint of approval. "Well played, Master Harry. Shattering stereotypes with facts - a classic move."

"Really? Merlin was from Slytherin?" Ron asked, his voice laced with doubt.


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