Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch51- Let’s Create More Potions!

Ch51- Let’s Create More Potions!

He extended his arm, and Hedwig gracefully hopped onto it. With his feathered companion beside him, Harry returned to his desk and took out a piece of parchment. He was about to write a formal acceptance letter to Hogwarts. He dipped his Phoenix Feather Quill in the ink and began to write, speaking the words as he did:

"Dear Professor McGonagall,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to formally accept my place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is with great anticipation and excitement that I look forward to joining the school and embarking on this magical journey.

I am particularly eager to delve into the vast realms of magical knowledge and skills that Hogwarts is renowned for. As I prepare for this new chapter in my life, I wish to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to study at such a prestigious institution.

Furthermore, I would like to inquire about the necessary preparations and arrangements required before the term begins. Any guidance or information you could provide would be most appreciated.

Thank you once again for this incredible opportunity. I await further instructions and look forward to meeting you and the rest of the Hogwarts faculty.

Yours sincerely,

Harry James Potter

Heir of Potter Family"

Harry then called, "Misty." The house-elf appeared with a soft pop, her eyes gleaming with loyalty and affection. "What does Master Harry need? Misty will do immediately," she said, her voice tinged with eagerness.

"Good morning, Misty. How did you sleep?" Harry inquired, his tone warm and caring.

Misty's eyes brimmed with tears of happiness. "It was very nice. Feeling Potter Magic once again felt so warm. Misty is glad," she replied, her voice quivering with emotion.

Harry smiled gently and patted her head in a comforting gesture. "Good. Can you get some snacks for Hedwig, please? She has a long distance to travel. Pack some light snacks for her to consume on the way as well," he instructed, thinking of the welfare of his loyal owl.

Misty nodded enthusiastically. "Misty will do right now!" she exclaimed before disappearing with another pop.

Harry's gaze then fell upon the letter he had just written. He focused his mind, channeling his intent through the Phoenix Feather Quill. "Appear when Hedwig reaches Hogwarts. After that, don't vanish. Let everyone read it," he commanded softly. The ink on the parchment obeyed, vanishing from sight.

A moment later, Misty reappeared, holding a small package and a plate of snacks for Hedwig. The house-elf's efficiency and dedication were remarkable, and Harry couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for her presence in his life.

Harry carefully rolled up the now-blank parchment and secured it to Hedwig's leg. The owl ruffled her feathers, a sign of readiness for the task ahead. Harry then handed the package of snacks to Hedwig, ensuring she was well-provided for her journey.

As Hedwig took off, soaring gracefully into the sky, Harry watched her disappear into the distance. He felt a sense of accomplishment, knowing his letter would safely reach its destination and convey his intentions clearly to Professor McGonagall.

Harry walked down to have breakfast with Aunt Petunia and Misty. After breakfast, Harry retreated to his room to practice his magical skills. Entering the Virtual Potion Creation Room, Harry focused on improving his potion mastery, a crucial skill for his upcoming year at Hogwarts.

"The Cure for Boils potion is at 80% mastery, Master Harry," Nigel's voice echoed in his mind. "Shall we work on that, or would you like to focus on the other potions first?"

Harry pondered for a moment. "Let's go through the list of first-year potions and my current mastery levels, Nigel."

The Technology System's screen displayed before Harry's eyes, showing a list of potions:

Cure for Boils: 80% Mastery

Forgetfulness Potion: 45% Mastery

Herbicide Potion: 50% Mastery

Wiggenweld Potion: 35% Mastery

Antidote to Common Poisons: 40% Mastery

Pompion Potion: 30% Mastery

Strength Potion: 55% Mastery

Hair-Raising Potion: 25% Mastery

Harry studied the list, his eyes narrowing in concentration. "Let's work on the Forgetfulness Potion first. I need to bring that up to at least 70%."

The Virtual Room adjusted to his choice, setting up the required ingredients and equipment. Harry methodically worked through the potion-making process, Nigel's voice providing tips and insights.

Harry first mentally checked the ingredients required for the Forgetfulness Potion. "Two drops of Lethe River Water, two Valerian sprigs, two measures of Memorybane Root, four mistletoe berries," he recited to himself. Looking at the virtual ingredients arrayed before him, he turned to Nigel. "Which recipe did I use last time to achieve 45% mastery, Nigel?" he asked, eager to improve his technique.

"Ah, Master Harry, if memory serves right, you used a rather traditional approach," Nigel replied. "However, there's always room for innovation. Shall we experiment with different conditions today?"

Harry nodded. "Let's start with the preparation of ingredients. I'm thinking of altering the grinding coarseness of the Memorybane Root."

"An astute observation," Nigel commented. "Different grinding techniques can indeed alter the potency of the root."

Harry began by grinding the Memorybane Root to a finer consistency than he had previously. He then carefully measured out the other ingredients, pondering the order in which he should add them.

"Perhaps reversing the order of the Valerian sprigs and the mistletoe berries might yield a different result," Harry mused aloud. "And what about the water temperature, Nigel? Would altering it affect the potion's efficacy?"

"A valid hypothesis, Master Harry," Nigel responded. "The temperature of the water can indeed affect the brewing process. A slightly warmer temperature might enhance the dissolution of the ingredients."

Taking Nigel's advice, Harry adjusted the temperature of the Lethe River Water before adding it to his cauldron. He watched closely as the water's temperature rose slightly, creating a gentle steam.

Next, Harry focused on his stirring technique. "Last time, I stirred in a clockwise motion. What if I try a counterclockwise pattern this time?"

"Experimentation is the key to mastery," Nigel encouraged. "Alter the stirring pattern and observe the potion's response."

As Harry stirred counterclockwise, he noticed a subtle change in the potion's color and viscosity. It seemed to be reacting positively to his new method.

"Now, about the age of the ingredients," Harry said, looking at the virtual shelves. "I wonder if using fresher Valerian sprigs would make a difference."

"Indeed, the freshness of ingredients can significantly impact the quality of the potion," Nigel agreed. "Try the fresher sprigs and see how the potion responds."

Harry replaced the Valerian sprigs with fresher ones and added them to the cauldron. He watched as the potion bubbled gently, its color deepening to a rich shade.

As he continued his experimentation, varying the ingredient preparation, order of addition, water temperature, and stirring technique, Harry was deeply immersed in the process. The Virtual Room provided him with a perfect environment to test and learn without the constraints of the physical world.

After several attempts and adjustments, Harry finally brewed a batch of the Forgetfulness Potion that seemed superior to his previous attempts. The potion's aroma was more potent, and its color was a vibrant shade of blue.

"Let's analyze this batch, Nigel. What's the mastery level now?" Harry asked, eager to see the results of his efforts.

Nigel's voice was filled with anticipation. "Analyzing now, Master Harry. And... congratulations! You've achieved 52% mastery of the Forgetfulness Potion. A remarkable improvement!"

Harry shook his head in mild frustration. "Not good enough," he murmured, his gaze sweeping across the vast expanse of the Virtual Potion Crafting Room. "I need to push further, experiment more broadly."

With a determined nod, Harry set about transforming the virtual space. "Create 200 cauldrons in a 2 square formation, each square consisting of 100 cauldrons," he instructed. The room responded instantly, rows upon rows of cauldrons appearing in a neatly organized grid. The sight was impressive, a testament to the power of the Technology System and Harry's growing command over it.


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