Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch43- Potter Vault

Ch43- Potter Vault

The goblin's eyes gleamed with a mixture of surprise and curiosity as Harry and Petunia were ushered into Grimbletack's office. The room, adorned with ancient goblin artifacts and gleaming treasures, spoke of the vast wealth and history of the goblin nation. Grimbletack, an elder goblin with a sharp gaze and an air of authority, sat behind a large, intricately carved desk.

"Welcome, Mr. Potter," Grimbletack greeted in English, his voice deep and gravelly.

Harry replied in fluent Gobbledegook, the goblin language, "May your blades be ever sharp, your spells potent, and your cunning unmatched in the pursuit of prosperity." His words flowed naturally, a testament to his dedication to understanding the magical world in its entirety.

Grimbletack's expression shifted to one of respect, a rare occurrence for a goblin dealing with wizards. "May your enemies quail before your might, their ambitions shattered like fragile glass, and may your strength be a beacon for all who honor our traditions," he responded, a hint of a smirk on his face. "I didn't know the Heir of Potter was versed in our language."

Harry smiled modestly. "A skill I picked up. I believe it's important to respect and understand the cultures within our world."

This pleased Grimbletack. He gestured for Harry and Petunia to take a seat. "Now, Mr. Potter, what brings you to Gringotts today?"

He then added, "I worked with your father and grandfather many years. Both great men." Harry was pleased to hear his father and grandfather praised. Tapping the table, he said, "I would like to access my family vault as the sole heir of the Potter family, but I was informed the key is in the hands of Albus Dumbledore."

Grimbletack nodded, "You are informed well. But that is not a problem. Since the vault is yours, you can always re-summon the key."

Harry was surprised; he hadn't known about this function. He pondered the implications, wondering about the security of such a system. What if someone had forced him when he was small and gained access to his vault?

Sensing Harry's concerns, Grimbletack explained, "It is not as easy as you think. First of all, you must be in Gringotts, secondly, a Senior Goblin must draw a rune. All of our crafts are special and have resummoning ability."

Harry nodded, then asked, "I was also informed that Dumbledore would know if I were to try to access my Family Vault. Does it mean you inform him?"

Grimbletack smirked, "A great Wizard of his calibre had probably placed a spell on the key and would be notified when it moved. We will not be informing him, no, but he will know nonetheless."

Content with the answer, Harry said, "Please draw the rune, I would like to summon my key."

Grimbletack stood up, his movements carrying the weight of centuries of goblin wisdom. He took a piece of metal and laid it on the table. With a small, intricately carved knife, he began to etch a rune onto the metal. The rune glowed faintly as Grimbletack chanted in Gobbledegook. The air in the room seemed to thicken, and a sense of ancient magic permeated the atmosphere.

As the rune's glow intensified, Grimbletack took a small, empty box and placed it in front of Harry. "Place a drop of your blood the box," he instructed.

Harry did as told. As his hand hovered over the box, dripping a drop, the rune's glow surged, and a small key materialized inside it. Harry looked at it in awe, the symbol of his family's legacy now tangible in his hands.

"Thank you," Harry said, pocketing the key. "I have one more question. Is there a way to protect my vault, so that even if someone were to force me here, they couldn't access it?"

Grimbletack answered Harry's inquiry with a solemn nod. "Indeed, I hold the second key to your vault. If you come here under duress, I will know." His voice carried the assurance of centuries of goblin expertise in safeguarding the treasures entrusted to them.

Harry, satisfied with this level of security, stood up. "Please, lead the way," he requested. Petunia, who had been observing the exchange with a mixture of curiosity and awe, followed closely behind as they descended into the depths of Gringotts.

The journey to the Potter family vault was an experience in itself. They traveled deep underground, passing through levels of security and enchantments that spoke of the ancient and noble lineage of the Potter family. Their vault was located in one of the deepest and most secure areas of the bank, a testament to the family's significant status in the wizarding world.

Grimbletack skillfully maneuvered the wagon, guiding them through the labyrinthine tunnels of the bank. The deeper they went, the more Harry felt a sense of connection to his family's past. Finally, they arrived in front of a giant vault door, imposing in its size and adorned with intricate carvings that shimmered with protective enchantments.

Harry and Grimbletack used their keys simultaneously to unlock the vault. As the door creaked open, a puff of green smoke billowed out, briefly obscuring their view. When the smoke cleared, Harry's eyes widened in astonishment at the sight before him.

Inside the vault were mountains of galleons, piles of precious gems, and numerous chests filled with family heirlooms. Along the walls were shelves stacked with ancient books, their spines embossed with gold lettering, hinting at the wealth of knowledge contained within. There were artifacts of magical significance, some gleaming with enchantments, others whispering of history and legacy. The air was thick with the scent of old parchment and metal, a tangible reminder of the centuries of wealth and power accumulated by the Potter family.

Harry was struck by the sheer magnitude of what lay before him. The gold glinted under the dim light, each coin a symbol of his family's enduring legacy. There were rows of neatly labeled chests, some bound with magical locks, others adorned with family crests. The books ranged from ancient spellbooks to historical accounts of magical events, their pages filled with the wisdom of generations.

Grimbletack chuckled at Harry's expression. "The Potter family owns several establishments around the world," he explained. "There are patented magical products to their name, and the lands in Diagon Alley bring constant profit. Adding to the fortune your ancestors amassed, this vault has never seen a day without gold."

Harry turned to the old goblin, a newfound respect in his eyes. "Thank you for your hard work, Grimbletack." His voice was sincere, recognizing the effort and diligence the goblins put into managing such wealth.

Grimbletack smirked in response, his eyes gleaming. "It was my pleasure," he said. And indeed it was. Goblins cherished gold, even if it wasn't their own, and the opportunity to oversee such a vast fortune was a source of pride for Grimbletack.

Harry walked into the Potter family vault, his eyes scanning the books and chests laid before him. "I will take a look at them, if you don't mind," he said to Petunia, who nodded in agreement. Grimbletack, with a knowing look, stepped outside the vault, leaving Harry to explore. "Take your time," he said, summoning his desk and papers, immersing himself in his work.


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