Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 313: Solution to Lycanthropy

Chapter 313: Solution to Lycanthropy

"If this is true then why is there no records of such a phenomena?" Snape asked critically. Nick knew that the man was merely being thorough in his understanding of the information and as such was unbothered by the mans tone. "For the same reason that no one here knows how to perform any of the grand works of magic that Merlin or the founders performed , Time. As it flows ever forward time sinks information below it's currents to either be rediscovered later or lost forever. The fact is that most powerful wizards have a great deal of secrets involving their powers and once they die those secrets are lost until rediscovered by another."-

"As this process happens over and over again due to the selfishness of the powerful wizards as a whole lose more and more knowledge as the powerful hide away things they find preventing any in the future from knowing them. While this information may exist in some form locked away in a forgotten place the rest of the world simply won't know about it until it's publicized." Nick explained honestly. No one argued with him either as he was correct about those with power keeping their research and knowledge secret from others as each person here with any achievement under their belt had done so themselves.-

"What about Lycanthropy then? If it is as you said then why hasn't it been corrected yet since it should be easy?" Lupin asked finding the solution to his curse was a easily fixable mistake hard to swallow. Nick smiled mockingly "The answer to that was sheer bad luck for the werewolves. Those who wanted to fix it lacked the ability or talent to learn how while those who could fix it lacked the will to try. Basically the entire werewolf problem was because no one actually cares about it at all until they themselves are afflicted."-

"There may be a few rare exceptions but otherwise that is the reality of it. To summarize , bad luck for the werewolves." Nick said with a chuckle at the awkward expressions everyone in the room had as Lupin looked around. "Take me for example , even now I don't care about the matter past the benefits it offers me. I may not be a cruel or apathetic individual but I am also no saint that will waste his time on a matter that neither benefits nor concerns myself." Nick added making everyone but Snape stare at him in shock.-

Nick was a pragmatist at heart and it had always shown in every action he took as they all benefitted or concerned him or those around him. Everyone here except Lupin was aware of this but had never expected Nick to lay it out so bluntly. Snape wasn't surprised though as it seemed only natural in his eyes that a person like Nick wouldn't mince words for no good reason. It was a trait he admired greatly as such frankness led to the greatest of loyalty in those who chose to follow others.-

"While it hurts to see that here I thank you for your honesty in this matter. What do you gain from helping me if I may ask?" Lupin said with a depressed sag in his demeanor. "This is a many birds with one stone sort of a situation." Nick said with a grin. "See I happen to need quite a lot of data on animagi magics so I may modify the ritual to my own needs in the future which studying your condition will provide me. In addition to this your long term presence in the school as the DADA professor will improve the quality of the graduates by several levels."-

"Then there is the immediate gain of your relationship with my best friend Harry whom I believe you still haven't introduced yourself to , a poor decision but yours to make. Finally though and you'll all love this one , you'll be a slap in Voldemorts face as one of his enemies takes the position he longed to occupy years back. As I said many birds with one stone." Nick said with a smile while most of the professors realized that he had really thought about the matter.-

"How long do you need to remove this curse?" Dumbledore asked seriously since he was now certain that Nick was confident in this regard. "Remove it? Impossible!" Nick stated firmly surprising everyone here and leaving Lupin horrified. "Animagi magic is soul AND body based and Lupin has had the curse for far too long to remove it without ripping his soul itself to pieces. Rather than remove it it would be more accurate to say that my method is replacing the faulty parts of the magic with the improved better ones. I can't remove the curse but I can certainly turn it into a blessing instead!" Nick said with a wide smile.

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