Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 306: First creation

Chapter 306: First creation

Nick ate dinner without any issue at all and turned in for the night quite satisfied with what he had accomplished for the day. He was completely unaware that Voldemort was practically screaming for his blood at the moment after learning that his horcruxes were missing. Voldemort was also horribly worried about his most recent horcrux however as it was his last lifeline to immortality as far as he was aware. As a result he layered an unreasonable amount of protections on Nagini to stop any attack on her. Unlike the other horcruxes that could be hidden away safely Nagini was a living thing and as such required food and water regularly to survive.-

As a result he brought her everywhere with him now so that nothing untoward happened. If Nick knew about this he wouldn't care to begin with as compared to Voldemort his upcoming problems were far more important. As far as he was concerned he had already removed all the irritating horcruxes to deal with leaving only the two simpler ones to deal with. Harry's soul shard was proving trickier than anticipated for Nick as he had brought Harry into the realm to study it while he was showing off earlier and fully analyzed the connection between the shard and Harry.-

To put it bluntly Harry's soul was firmly wrapped around the shard and needed one of two things to occur for it to be removed. The first was for Harry himself to gain control over his soul and fully devour the shard removing it's connection to Voldemort while also boosting his own talent and abilities. That was the best option in Nick's opinion and had only upsides with no downsides. The second method however was much worse , Harry needed to die.-

To be more specific his soul needed to be fully removed from his body allowing it to expand as bodiless souls do releasing the shard that without a vessel would disperse. The problem with this method was that Nick would then need to expend the decade long ability of the staff of Asclepius to resurrect Harry after the soul shard was gone. The method Dumbledore used in the books also worked but required so much coincidences to play out that it was better to not use it at all. Nick obviously wanted to take the first method in a manner of speaking.-

See he wasn't going to train Harry how to control his soul but rather was going to give Harry the resurrection stone ring and secretly have Harry come into contact with the stone in his soul space and devour it. This way Harry didn't need to learn a dangerous thing like soul magic and could still get the benefits. 'Now I need to figure out how to do this without anyone figuring it out.' he thought to himself as he slowly drew in more light from the sun the next day. It wasn't hard to improve at this new magic since with only the bare minimum information it only took a few small adjustments to see improvement.-

It was a bit like learning how to swim by experience as he flailed about at first but when he found something that worked he immediately shifted to it and slowly got better and better at it. The biggest problem Nick had with this new light drawing magic was that it left him horribly vulnerable as all of his senses were muffled as he focused on the lights. This meant if anyone were to sneak up on him or attack him he may not realize it until it's too late.-

He was working on sensing the lights without dampening his other senses but it was without any progress at the moment. He was very tempted to use his first enchantment method to create a ring to passively stat the light sensing magic onto his other senses but he had this sneaking suspicion that that may cause him serious problems later. Still adjusting his light collecting magic was far easier so he now had a basketball sized mass of the suns light material ready to use. Interestingly unlike metal ore that remained separate from other pieces of the same stuff the light instead fused with other pieces nearby.-

Nick stood in his realm holding the light material in his hands as he began the condensation process of the crafting style under the analysis of the realm. He made various handsigns that caused his magic to wrap around the material and begin to stab into and fuse with it. Once enough magic had been injected the material violently shuddered and began to fold into itself while taking a specific form that it was most attuned to. To Nick's irritation that form was not a ring of some sort like he had thought but rather was an arrow with a round golden head and white flame-like feather fletching.

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