Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 260: A stormy day(2)

Chapter 260: A stormy day(2)

Nick meanwhile was already in the castles courtyard letting the rain and wind wash over him as he raised his wand high above his head and simply let his rage and magic flow through it. A dense bright beam of lightning flew from the tip of the wand into the clouds above harmlessly but Nick felt better after venting out his anger at the sky. Oh he was still livid but at least now he was wasn't likely to do anything stupid in his anger. He ignored the terrible weather however and walked the castle grounds as the weight of his wet robes clung to him.-

The wind pushed against him and his hair fluttered every which way but he was otherwise unaffected by it. Nick found a log near the lake that he sat down on and stared off at the sky above while slowly calming himself. The weather also slowly receded and changed from a terrible storm to mere rain as he did so. The students inside the castle also relaxed as this happened and began to speculate as to what caused the storm to begin with. Most simply chose to believe that it was a freak storm that had happened a few times in history.-

Nick's friends however were searching all over the castle for him but couldn't find him in any of the usual places. Not the workshop or library and not in the courtyard of the castle where he liked to hang out to read. They checked the great hall but he wasn't there either and so they were all at a loss. Luna was especially insistent on them finding him and kept looking at the sky outside the windows with a worried expression. It was ironically through such an act that they spotted his dark figure sitting at the lakes edge on a sun bleached log.-

It was raining however so they were hesitant to go running out into it and getting soaked through. Luna had no such concern and immediately left the castle in a dash towards where he was. Harry was the next to do so and the rest followed shortly afterwards. Nick had a blank look as he stared at the sky above while the rain fell on his face. He noticed his friends approaching him from behind but didn't react to their presence.

His mind was calm but empty as he focused entirely on the sky above , it may as well have been a sort of meditation that instead of focusing inside focused on the outside instead. It was frankly terrifying to Luna as despite being able to see his magic since he wasn't restricting it she still couldn't read him at all. It was like looking at a natural fixture in the magic of the surroundings and blended in with the world itself. She knew immediately that it was wrong , people weren't meant to be blank and without intent or emotion.-

At the very least that was what her experience told her as even babies had emotions and intents if a bit out of control. If a Buddhist were to know of this however they would feel privileged as one in such a state of emptiness was a holy and enlightened state of mind. Luna neither knew of this nor cared as she immediately hugged Nick from behind snapping his mind out of that state. He was calm however and merely looked at his friends before tapping the log he was on turning it into a long bench. "You alright mate?" Ron asked worried.-

"Yeah , I just needed a moment to calm down after Lockhart attacked me." Nick said honestly. ""He did what!?"" nearly all of them exclaimed at the same time. "He attempted to obliviate me but failed and I imagine is currently getting interrogated by Dumbledore. Azkaban is the best place he can go because anything less and he won't be breathing soon." Nick said coldly with more than a little murderous intent that made Luna shiver on his back. He retracted his magic under his skin at that point as he had honestly not realized she was there till now.-

It was like waking up after being asleep with someone holding you , you simply wouldn't register that information until a change happened like you or the other person moving or making noise. "You can let me go now you know?" he suggested but the pale silver eyes that looked up at him from over his shoulder said that she didn't believe him. He could only sigh and leave her be after the scare he likely gave them all with his not so little explosion of anger. Focusing his wand at the sky above he channeled his magic into the clouds and willed them to disperse.

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