Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 236: System evolution

Chapter 236: System evolution

Everything was going well after that as over the next week he went to class and made himself look good with his knowledge of the entire years courses. For example in Flitwick's class they were being taught the dancing feet spell "tarantallegra". It was a simple spell that made the thing or person hit by it move their bottom parts , typically legs , in a random manner that looked like dancing. Nick however modified the spell slightly to cause the afflicted thing to spasm from their entire body like some crazy breakdance.

Detention was frankly hilarious in Nick's opinion as he was basically Flitwick's assistant during that time that was being used to teach the third years or first years depending on the day. Honestly speaking the classes with the first years were the best in his opinion as they were in awe of his versions of the spells they were learning. Due to Luna being in the class however she was the one who also pointed out to her classmates that Nick was a freak of nature even in his year so they shouldn't try to copy his accomplishments. Nick couldn't argue either as she wasn't wrong about it.-

Still just knowing that it was possible was enough for the students to work extra hard to master what they were taught during the class. The third year class however was different as they all mostly ignored Nick when he went to try and help them since he had read through their textbooks as well. Flitwick never said anything about it however since there was nothing he could do about premade opinions. The most important thing however happened at Friday night at exactly midnight and it was in regards to the system. [IMPORTANT ANOUNCEMENT! System has finished it's adaptation to the host and is now ready to evolve for better utilization. Proceed Y/N?]-

This caught Nick off guard as he hadn't even known that the system could evolve much less that it was adapting to himself. 'How long will this take?' he thought hoping that the system could read his mind like it normally did when he used it. [Approximately one hundred and sixty eight hours.] The system responded making Nick suck in a breath of air as that was an entire week of time. 'Fine do it , I just hope this is worth it' he thought eventually and he got one final message from the system [Affirmative , Starting evolution!].-

It was an odd sensation for Nick as he could feel a part of his soul that he hadn't been aware of previously "heat up" for a lack of better words. With it's seemingly universe hopping capabilities one would think it would be a huge chunk of it but it was actually tiny instead. Like a hair on his body kinda small. 'Makes me wonder who made the thing?' he thought before turning over to try and go back to sleep , he failed since his mind simply wouldn't calm down.-

When the first rays of the sun began to crest over the edge of the world he could only sigh and get dressed before leaving the dorm. Thanks to his elven physique he didn't need to sleep everyday but still did so out of habit so he wasn't tired despite not sleeping much the previous night. Walking out of the common room he casually strolled down the moving staircase and greeted the various paintings he had become acquainted with the previous year. As most of the castle was still asleep it was quite quiet as Nick walked.-

Soon he left the castle and felt the sun's gentle warmth on his face and smiled before walking out of the courtyard and towards the Black lake that was shining in it's dark green way. Pulling his broom from Greed he transfigured his clothes into a wetsuit and mount the broom and shot into the sky. At this point in time he no longer cared if his flying prowess was exposed to the student population since Madam Hooch and the rest of the staff likely were already aware. The only real hassle might be his housemates that might try and bug him to join the quidditch team.-

With that in mind he did a bit of aerial stretching before flying over the black lake and storing the broom in Greed again. Without the broom keeping him in the air Nick dropped straight into the center of the lake. The salty water stung at his eyes a bit at first but he quickly got used to it and thanks to his night vision and powerful elvish sight he could still see perfectly. Creating a ring of oxygen around his nose and mouth Nick dived towards the mermaid city bellow him.


my patrons can read at least twelve chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

pa /pa treon_loskro

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