Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 211: Luna Lovegood

Chapter 211: Luna Lovegood

The next customer for the shop was equally strange though in a very different way than the Weasleys. Through the door walked a thin tall man with shoulder length white thin hair and slightly crossed brown eyes. He wore a long set of baggy robes and a necklace like a triangular eye around his neck. Behind him walked a eleven year old girl with waist long dirty-blonde hair and very pale eyebrows. The thing that caught Nicks attention the most however was her eyes that were silvery grey and filled with a sense of curiosity and intelligence.-

This was of course Xenophilius Lovegood and his daughter Luna Lovegood having come to shop for Luna's school supplies. Both Lovegood's seemed surprised to see Nick manning the shop with Olivander merely watching on from a chair behind the counter. The two of them were far from narrow minded however and adapted instantly. "Good afternoon sir , we are here to have my Luna matched with her first wand if it's no trouble." Xenophilius said with a friendly smile. "Not at all if it sets you at ease ...." Nick started to speak but Luna interrupted him "You hate saying that." she said catching Nick off guard.-

He was well aware that Luna was far more attuned to magic than most wizards from the books that all but lay it out but that didn't mean he wasn't ill prepared to be confronted with it. He didn't say anything but actively concealed the entirety of his magical energy within his body and watched closely as her face visibly changed in surprise and confusion. "And here I thought I was selling the act perfectly." Nick said with a grin yet Luna merely furrowed her brows while looking as if she was trying to find something missing.-

"You rely on that ability far to much I'm afraid , it's better to learn to read body language instead. Much more reliable." he added trying to be helpful. Xenophilius as well as Olivander looked confused at this interaction. "What ability are you talking about?" Luna's father asked curiously since clearly Nick had noticed something about his daughter that he had not. "What do you know about accidental magic?" Nick asked calmly. Despite not having anything to do with wand matching this was far too interesting for Olivander to bring the subject back to wands.-

"It happens usually as a result of high emotions and no normal outlet for release like wands." Xeno(I'm shortening it) answered confidently. Nick nodded "That is mostly correct , but did you know that wizards and witches are constantly releasing magical energy from our bodies?" Nick asked and the man nodded. "That magical energy is filled with whatever emotion one is feeling at the time. Luna here seems to posses the innate ability to visibly see and interpret these energies and as a result the rough thoughts of the person who she is looking at. It is not infallible however as I have just shown her though , hence the suggestion to learn body language." Nick explained.-

Xeno looked at his daughter for confirmation and she also seemed convinced at this explanation. "It should be true since all of his nargles disappeared and now it's like he isn't even there , it is rather bothersome." Luna said making her displeasure at Nick's act of withholding his intentions from her bluntly known. Nick chuckled at this while both Olivander and Xeno were astounded to learn of Luna's gift. "Can you also see these energies? Is that why you knew how to prevent her from reading yours? Can you teach others how to do it as well?" Xeno eagerly pelted Nick with questions that even Olivander seemed highly interested in learning the answer to.-

"Respectively no , no and also no. I will answer any concerns you may have for your daughter's ability but my own will remain private." Nick said sternly. Seeing that there was no more questions Nick moved the topic back to getting Luna matched to a wand like they were originally there for. Nick of course measured Luna who seemed VERY uncomfortable not being able to see what Nick was feeling and by extension thinking as he worked.-

Keeping in mind her personality Nick immediately went to the ash wands in the store which caused Olivander to raise an eyebrow in interest. Luna reached out and before she could touch any of the wands that rejected her Nick snatched them away. Luna clearly was startled by this but being as clever as she was started to target those wands in particular to test him. Nick was amused at this and played along after seeing how she was trying to figure out if he had lied about being able to see magical energy. Unfortunately for her he had not lied about not being able to see it as his was superior to a watered down magical sense like hers as he could even feel internal magical energy as well as far more than just the emotions held within.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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