Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 206: Wand splitting

Chapter 206: Wand splitting

Nick was honestly surprised to see that the execution had been completed flawlessly. 'I suppose I have truly entered into unknown territory at this point. The future is no longer set in the same course as before and I need to be vigilant to any unknown outcomes now.' he thought seriously as the group left the execution ground each with their own different thoughts. Harry was horrified at the way dementors killed while Dumbledore was sad at the lost of life in general. Sirius though had conflicted emotions as on one had he was relieved to know Peter was finally dead while on the other hand he was lost on what to do now.-

For almost a decade now he had wallowed in self pity and grief for the loss of his friend and the betrayal of someone he trusted. When he was suddenly told that he was being released since they had caught Peter he was astonished at the turn of events and happy that justice was to be done. But now that Peter is dead he didn't feel any satisfaction from it at all only emptiness as he lacked a purpose to drive him forward.-

Nick meanwhile had Dotty apparate him to the middle of nowhere in order to cleanse the locket of the soul shard in it. Removing the sealing box and the Nazgul ring from Greed he open the box and immediately dropped the ring unto the locket. The soul soul shard barely had time to react before the ring latched onto it's housing and began to convert it to pure spiritual energy with Nick's signature. Dotty watched on from nearby with a horrified expression as a dreadful scream came from the locket as it glowed gold and white before the ring released the now inanimate locket after storing away the energy for Nick.-

It did not fail to dawn on Nick that the ring was growing more powerful with each soul shard he fed it and was also growing smarter as well. 'Perhaps if it is fed enough it may turn into a full blown creature.' Nick thought now feeling slightly reluctant to destroy the ring once it's purpose was through. It was obvious loyal to him if it's apparent eagerness to please him was any indication so he decided to wait and see if it eventually becomes a problem or a boon.-

Monday was an interesting day for Nick as was in the workshop with Olivander hold one of the many housing he had made. "Today I will show you how to carve the runes needed to turn this ordinary piece of wood into a true wand. The first step is of course the splitting charm used to open the wand up. In this case APERTA VIVERRA!" he said while pointing his own hornbeam wand at the wooden housing. A blue spell shot out and into the housing which caused a crack to appear down the center of the wand housing exposing it's core area.-

"This spell was designed to be as easy to undo as possible without interfering with the runes written within it. Can you tell me why it is needed instead of transfiguration?" Olivander quizzed Nick suddenly. "When a transfiguration is undone it removes any changes in the object that was transfigured. In this case I imagine that that would also remove the runes added as well." Nick answered easily enough since he exceled at transfiguration. Olivander nodded with a an approving look "Quite so , wand makers in the early times tended to just use wand housings split by muggle means."-

"But the problem with that method was that if the enchantment holding the wand together was undone the wand itself was as well." Olivander said with a derisive scoff. "Instead of dealing with that sort of nonsense many wand makers put in a lot of effort to create this method of splitting that although temporary allowed the runes to be placed without compromising the integrity of the wand." he continued with a proud expression as he spoke of the progress of wand making. Nick nodded in understanding since while a wand that could be dismantled easily like that previous model could be overcome with skill he doubted many were capable of it.-

"FINITE!' Olivander said and the crack in the wooden house closed up as if it was never there to begin with. He then went on to show Nick the wand movements and tell him the intent needed to cast the spell successfully. Once Nick showed an adequate understanding of the spell he had him practice on the wand housings he had made previously. Nick had no problem admitting he had a slight problem with controlling the power of his spells which resulted in more than a few wand housings bursting into splinters.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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