Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 203: Atronachs

Chapter 203: Atronachs

Helena looked disappointed at this but shrugged it off since this wasn't the first time she had come across an unknown language in a book before. "What's it about?" she asked since she couldn't read it herself. "I haven't read it myself but from what I can see on the first page it appears to be the research notes of as wizard." Nick said honestly. "Ugh , why is it always research notes and unfun topics with you?" she complained before going on to ignore him and spoil Steve like usual.-

Nick chuckled at what she said but didn't argue as he did indeed usually only read things that would advance his knowledge and this book was no different. He of course wasn't going to point out that this book would let him literally create an army of loyal magical creatures whose origins were from an entirely different world. Atronachs were basically pure elemental energy given spirits and made manifest via magical energy. This allowed them to be summoned or shaped into any number of shapes based on the summoners power and skill. In Nicks case he would likely stick to common animal forms such as bears or lions.-

The rest of the day was spent with Nick carefully memorizing the information within this book that gave him several interesting pieces of information. For example he learned that unlike most atronachs those made by the atronach forge were in fact actually created by it. To clarify most summoned atronachs were those that were naturally "born" in some plane of oblivion or another. Somehow the process to "birth" an atronach had been figured out by whoever wrote this book which was remarkable. Nick was quite happy to find that this process was recorded in the book as well via the enchantment runes needed to create the atronach forge.-

It was a fairly simple process that involved a medium such as a ruby or sapphire being imbued with highly dense elemental energy of the corresponding element. Fire for ruby and lightning for sapphire in those particular examples. After that it was a matter of filling the gems with neutral spiritual energy until the gems burst apart. At that point if done correctly a vortex of magical energy will form before revealing the new atronach. There was a warning at this point that in order to bind the atronach to it's maker one needs to soak the gems in their blood before doing this process or else the atronach will be "wild".-

Nick grimaced when he saw the schematics for the forge at the end of the book alongside a list of ingredients as the ingredients were extremely expensive in the shop when Nick checked. By far the most expensive things were ebony in a fairly large amount and an unaligned sigil stone. Those two things alone would cost Nick nearly 500,000 points to purchase from the shops material section. 'It's a good thing that I am pretty sure I can just make a ring array with the same function for cheaper.' he thought relieved.-

Time passed quickly after that and two weeks came and went as June ended and July began. During this period Nick hadn't been taught anything really new by Olivander besides the woodworking techniques to shape the wood. It was honestly just the same stuff as muggle woodworking and thus merely needed practice to get down more than anything else. By the end of this month though Nick could pick out almost any wood and successfully tap and shape it into decent enough wand housings.-

He still made mistakes on the woods needing a more experienced touch such as burl woods but he was at an acceptable level in Olivander's opinion. It was at the first of July that this peaceful time was broken as a tall middle aged man with long thin black hair and neatly trimmed goatee walked into the shop in a dark colored muggle suit with the front open. "Welcome to Olivander's. Fine wand maker's since 382 B.C. How might I help you today sir?" Nick heard Olivander say from the front of the shop as he worked on carefully shaping the elm wood in his hands in the workshop.-

"I am looking for Nicholas Ravenclaw , is he in by chance?" the man said with a polite smile. Nick stopped what he was doing and listened in at this point since it concerned him directly. "Might I enquire as to who is asking about him?" Olivander said seeming to not recognize the man in front of him. The man chuckled "Sirius Black." he said not bothered by not being recognized. A decade long stint in Azkaban had left it's marks on him permanently so very few people recognized him at the moment.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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