Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 198: Ravenclaw manor

Chapter 198: Ravenclaw manor

Nick held out his arm with a smile and under the stunned expressions of Helena and Seram had the very large bird gentle land on it. His shoulder sagged quite a lot since the bird weighed quite a bit considering it was nearly the same size a decently tall person. Seeing how hard Nick had to struggle to keep his arm up the bird quickly hopped onto his shoulder instead that was much more stable. He still struggled with it of course but at least he could still stand. "Chirp!" the bird sounded out as it craned it's neck to make eye contact with Nick with a very familiar golden colored set of eyes.-

"I am officially jealous." Helena said with a pout. Nick chuckled and scratched the bird under it's chin which it seemed to enjoy immensely. "At least he's not attacking us right?" he asked with a grin. "Hmph!" she snorted angrily and walked towards the building. Olivander meanwhile was marveling at the big bird currently occupying Nicks attention. "Truly a wonderous creature , now if I could just get a couple of feathers." he muttered under his breath with a calculating gaze.-

Both the bird and Nick heard this and turned to look at the old man with Nick looking amused and the bird about two seconds away from ripping his face off. "Don't mind him all that much , he has dedicated his life to the pursuit of wand making so he tends to get a bit single minded in this regard. If you give him a few loose feathers you were going to shed anyways he'll be quite happy to leave you alone." Nick suggested and the bird looked conflicted before it decisively plucked four of it's feathers and dropped them before ignoring the old man who scrambled to collect them as they fell.-

Nick hadn't lied either as Olivander had immediately began testing the various properties of the feathers while absentmindedly following Nick as he walked over to the edge of the buildings wards. Holding out his signet ring the wards shimmered before dropping after accepting his magical signature. Knowing that Olivander was too distracted to notice Nick took out his wand and waved it causing the overgrown plants on the building to vanish as he banished them. With them gone he finally got to see the real view of his ancestral home.-

It was a stone mansion that radiated dense magical energy the likes of which only fell short of Hogwarts itself. The building appeared rather dirty from the dust and cobwebs that covered it but Nick didn't mind that and walked up to the front door that was a large wooden construct with metal reinforcements and pulled on the handle. The door smoothly opened as if the hinges had been oiled just the day before revealing the inside of the building. It was surprisingly plain to be honest as besides the fireplace , stair and hallways leading to other rooms the entrance hall was totally barren with plain stone floors and unpainted walls.-

Helena walked into the building with a nostalgic look as she got lost in memories of a time long since lost to her. Nick didn't disturb her and walked to the immediate right hallway to explore his new house. The hallways were apparently just as barren as the entrance hall as there was nothing in them save the windows and doors leading to other rooms. Opening the first door Nick saw that it was a fairly barren guest room with a bed and chamber pot but nothing else. The next two doors led to similar things which came as little surprise all things considered at this point.-

Leaving that hallway Nick went to the other side of the mansion and found Helena in the first room of that hallway. The room had far more decorations from various books to drapes on the windows a dresser and even a gold full length mirror in the corner. There was a mess in the room with clothes strew about and spell marks on the stone walls. With the look on Helena's face as she walked around the room he knew that this was likely her own room.-

Leaving Helena to her thoughts Nick walked further down the hall and found the kitchens which was next to Helena's room and the final room on this floor that was a pantry with various potion ingredients held in a stasis spell. 'That woman sure seems to love her stasis charms.' Nick thought with a chuckle as he closed to door and turned to leave this hallway. Once back in the entryway he went up the stairs to the second floor. Once again there were a series of doors on either wings so Nick took the left wing to explore first.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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