Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 190: Family assets

Chapter 190: Family assets

Nick found it exceedingly unusual how such a powerful family had all but been erased from history. To the point in fact that not even the direct descendants of the three brothers were aware of it. Looking at the history books he had read during the last school year to get an actual overview of the world's magical history that had not really been covered in the books from his past life Nick had discovered this inconsistency. From his own knowledge of each possessor of the wand Nick had also discovered that the deathly hallows themselves were created during the thirteenth century and thus after the founders time.-

This explained why the Peverell family had records like this one as it was before the hallows drove the family to near extinction. 'Not that this has anything to do with me.' he thought dismissing his thoughts on that family and focusing on the other things he had learned. First and foremost was that Rowena Ravenclaw had cleverly left a way to manipulate the wards of Hogwarts for her descendants. It was a small thing involving creating a minor resonance between her bloodline and the founding wards that hold up the ones placed later by the headmasters.-

This meant that despite having removed any ownership of the castle that her descendants would have she still made sure that they still got special treatment. There was a warning left behind however stating that the other founders had done the exact same thing for their own descendants. This was vital information for Nick as it meant that he finally understood why Dumbledore couldn't get rid of the curse Voldemort had placed on the dada position. It was not because he didn't want to but because he simply couldn't without taking down the entire ward system.-

This sounds like an easy thing to fix since you could just copy the whole ward scheme before taking it apart to remove the curse attached to it. The problem however was that the wards themselves were made using techniques that had been lost and thus once removed no-one knew how to put them back up. Simply put Dumbledore's only solution to removing the curse at the moment was to wait for Voldemort to truly die releasing his bloodline imprint and thus curse. Nick however now had another solution in the form of placing his own bloodline imprint and using that to purge the curse.-

'I'll wait until Lockhart is gone before I do that though' Nick thought seriously while adding this to his rather long mental list of things to do later. Other than this there was not much that he wasn't already aware of in regards to his families legal assets. Almost all the deals from so long ago were impossible to truly complete due to the people involved being long dead and thus voiding them out. The only things not in this category was the ownership of the island with the house and surprisingly the right to claim a house elf should the one serving the family perish.-

Obviously this was the case since whatever house elf that lived a thousand years ago had long since been decayed into dust. Getting a new house elf was surprisingly easy as Grimgrip merely rang a bell and had a young one summoned from the colony of the things. It was a small creature with the large ears and eyes that the race was known for that had a face full of freckles and a clean linen toga style robe that covered the important parts.-

"This one is Dotty sir and is happy to finally have a master!" the elf said eagerly. "My name is Nicholas Ravenclaw and you are to serve the Ravenclaw family from now on faithfully understood?" Nick asked seriously. "Dotty understand sir Ravenclaw it is this ones greatest joy to serve the Ravenclaw family!" Dotty said with a wide smile and a deep bow. Taking a couple galleons out of Greed Nick handed them over to Dotty "Your first order is to improve the quality of your clothes to match yours status as the servant of the prestigious Ravenclaw family" he said.-

"Understood sir!" the elf said seriously before snapping it's fingers and vanishing in with a loud pop. "No offense meant Mr. Ravenclaw , but that seems like a waste of funds to have a servant dress expensively." Grimgrip said honestly. "When you look at ones household what is the first thing you look at to determine wealth?" Nick asked with a crafty grin. The goblin thought about the question before answering "How lavish everything is of course." he said honestly. Nick nodded "And what would be more of a flex of wealth than a house elf wearing fine clothing?" he asked and the goblin smiled widely as it figured why Nick did this.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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