Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 186: Explaining

Chapter 186: Explaining

Peter made a face a face like he was straining to do something but Nick scoffed at him. "You are wasting your time , that piece of metal around your neck forces you to stay in your human form." he said a Peter had a look of horror on his face as he finally realized that escape was pretty much impossible. "I'm.. innocent ... please believe me." he said very slowly as if he couldn't move his muscles like he wanted to and his confusion at it showed. Nick grinned viciously "And that is the weakening curse placed on the thing to stop you from trying to steal a wand or run." he said cutting off all hope for the man.-

"You didn't mention that it would do that." Moody said having been caught off guard by this sudden addition. "Are you going to complain about something that makes your job easier?" Nick asked with a raised eyebrow at the grizzled man. Moody shook his head and chuckled in a grating manner "No , but the plan may have been different if I had known." the man said in what may as well have been a complaint even if it wasn't technically.-

"Someone explain what in merlin's saggy robes in going on right now!?" Ron cut in clearly freaked out by the happenings. His father wanted to step forward to comfort his son but Nick stopped him "Let me handle it , you need to speak to the rest of your family about this situation." he said and Arthur sighed but agreed. Looking at Ron and Harry who were both shell shocked by this event , though for different reasons , Nick sighed . "Follow me both of you and I'll explain when you are far enough away from this place not to do anything stupid." he said before leading them away from Moody and Pettigrew who was currently being bound in various ways by the old auror.-

Once in the field outside the house Nick finally spoke "What do the two of you know about the night Harry lost his parents exactly?" he asked seriously catching them off guard. "His family was attacked by You-Know-Who and he was the only survivor right?" Ron asked not understanding what it had to do with what had just happened. Nick shook his head "It's quite a bit more complicated than that I am afraid." he said with a sigh.-

"To get the full picture I need to explain a few details that are key to that night. First was that Harry's father had three people who he considered his closest friends ever since his days in Hogwarts , Sirius Black , Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. During the height of the war with the dark lord they were on the front lines defending against the man and his followers when a prophecy was told about the man's down fall coming in the form of a newborn child. Harry was that child and so knowing the Dark lord would stop at nothing to kill Harry these three friends implemented a plan to keep him safe." Nick paused to let all this sink in.-

"This plan involved a very special type of charm called the fidelius charm that made it impossible to find their hiding location so long as the person designated as secret keeper did not tell anyone else the secret. Keep in mind that becoming the secret keeper was the same as painting a massive target on ones back for the dark lord to target , a heavy burden. Unlike what many assumed however the strongest member of the group Sirius rejected becoming the secret keeper to act as bait for the dark lord while the true secret keeper remained hidden." Nick paused again.-

"Unfortunately his replacement was none other than Peter Pettigrew in this case who he thought he could trust with this burden. What none of them knew however was that Peter had been the dark lords informant for quite some time and had been telling the man of all their plans. So soon after becoming the secret keeper Peter brought the dark lord straight to the Potter's hiding place and the events of that act are well known." Nick said seriously.-

"Driven mad with rage and grief Sirius tracked Peter down fully intent on killing the man and Peter framed him for the betrayal as well as breaking the statute and murder by using a blasting charm on a group of muggles while sacrificing a finger to seem as though he too had died without a body. In truth however he had escaped after losing that finger and had hidden as the family pet rat of the Weasleys until now thanks to the fact he was an Animagus whose animal form was a common rat." Nick finished speaking with a sigh.


my patrons can read at least twelve chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

pa /pa treon_loskro

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