Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 152: Second attempt

Chapter 152: Second attempt

Nick's meal like always included quite a lot of proteins from various sources such as beans and meat. He also made sure to stock up on sweets since he was starting to get low due to the amount he consumes per forging session. After dinner he went to bed in order to prepare for his day tomorrow since it was one of the days he had herbology. The classes got progressively harder as education typically does and even Quirelmort's class was somewhat useful for their education despite his stuttering and feigned terror of the subject.-

Herbology however had proved to be the bane of Nick's existence as despite becoming more elvish and less human by the day spiritually speaking this didn't help his abysmal talent at the subject. According to Celebrimbor this was because unlike what many would assume being an elf does not in fact make one good with plants. The whole myth around that was actually because elves tended to enjoy living in harmony with their surroundings so their cities tended to have a lot of plant life in it. Much like any other race however they were each talented differently and so some of them were terrible at some things and great at others.-

Clearly Nick was far more inclined towards mysticism and crafting them nature and herbology leaving him miserable and often in need of help during the class. By this point he had lost count of the amount of times that he had been attacked or almost killed by the plants in the greenhouses. Hogwarts had a vast collection of magical plants and quite a few of those were very dangerous to be around such as the mandrakes that could kill you with their cries. He hadn't been exposed to those yet since that was part of the second year curriculum but he wasn't looking forward to it.-

The next day Nick made it through the two periods of herbology only being stabbed by a viper root a single time which was great considering it was usually around four or five normally. Steve had unfortunately been banned from the greenhouses after trying to steal some silver veined ivy but professor sprout didn't really punish Nick for the actions of the little thief since that was his nature. That didn't mean she didn't complain about it however while fussing over the injured plant.-

Still Nick made it to the workshop mostly intact after class to begin his next attempt at making a ring wraith. Much like he had planed he substituted the word gul with the word fea during the forging which created a vastly different result than before upon completion. First was the color of the ring being red rather than blue. unlike the previous ring this one also didn't feel cold but warm and welcoming. None of this matter if the effect of the ring was off however so Nick appraised the ring to determine his next course of action.

[RING NAME: Nazfea

Grade: RARE

Abilities: Autosizing , spiritual solidification , bound , loyal

Description: A ring capable of allowing pure spiritual beings to take corporeal form but does not allow them to use magic.

System appraisal: A strange ring that was made with ghost in mind created by an up and coming ring smith.]

"It's not a failure exactly but not a success either , give it a try." Nick said with furrowed brows. From his knowledge the ring wraiths were powerful sorcerers so despite the ring he made granting a corporeal form it failed to make the resulting ring wraiths fill the role he had hoped for. The ring basically just turned the ghost into immortal muggles that also didn't need to eat or sleep. A great achievement to be sure but a far cry from being good enough to prove very useful to him. Helena was much more cautious after almost getting eaten by the previous ring and as such was much slower putting this one on.-

Still the moment she did put the ring on she yelped as a shimmer went over her transparent body before her ghostly levitation failed and she fell onto the ground. After not having any weight at all for over a thousand years she was caught off guard by the sudden shift but quickly recovered. She had a wide smile as she patted the floor and truly felt the texture under her fingertips. Shakily she stood up and immediately reached for a normal metal block and eagerly hoisted it into the air.-

"I can feel and touch things , quick give me a cookie!" she said eagerly and Nick obliged by handing over a chocolate chip cookie. She placed the cookie in her mouth and bit down on it but looked ready to cry with a wide smile as she truly tasted something. Nick couldn't blame her really as she had told him that after becoming a ghost one of the biggest things that they missed the most was being able to taste food. It was only after that they lost that ability that most ghost realized how unappreciative they had been of it whilst they were alive.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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