Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 352: Eve’s Hidden Trump Card

Chapter 352: Eve’s Hidden Trump Card

Edward snapped his finger, instantly freezing the Water Titan. At the same time, he multi-casted another spell.

Heavenly Prison Pillars

Five massive pillars descended from the sky, surrounding the two of them at the center. Then, the top of the pillars connected to form a yellow gold star. Finally, chains came from the star, trying to bind Eve.

‘Want to seal me?’ she thought before sneering. She raised her hand to create an Anti-Magic ball before sending it to the chains. To her surprise, the chain bounced the anti-magic attack before binding it.

“Fascinating. You surrounded the spell with an aura of Anti-Magic to defend against Anti-Magic. Such subtle control, if not done correctly, the anti-magic energy would cancel out your spell,” said Eve as she looked at Edward, with her eyes shining with desire.

“I cannot wait to get my hands on your soul.”


She blew herself off. And as expected, her body reappeared a few seconds later, freeing her from the chains. Edward controlled them to attack once again. Eve created a small sun on her palm before throwing it at the chains.

Immediately, Edward frowned as she used the same tactic as him by coating her spell with Anti-Magic. Although her method is easily noticeable and considered shoddy to him, it was still successful. Furthermore, it was excellent for her first attempt.

Numerous small pebbles appeared before Edward through matter manipulation. Then, he blessed the pebbles with an Infinite Acceleration Spell.


The pebbles traveled faster than light before piercing Eve’s head and even destroying her soul.

Phew! Phew! Phew!’

More pebbles made her look like a bee hive. Unfortunately, she reverted her body to normal less than a second later. However, her face was pale this time.

Immediately, Eve controlled a space the size of the two continents before condensing them to a glowing black sphere smaller than an egg.


The sphere exploded, creating spatial turbulence that pushed Edward far away despite creating a powerful shield to protect him. Taking this opportunity, Eve teleported to this parallel universe’s Elysium and absorbed this version of herself.

Then, she controlled all the angels to go on a suicide mission against Edward, who had finally navigated through the spatial turbulence that essentially destroyed this parallel timeline.

“Enough playing around.”

Conceptual Magic: True Death

A black aura emerged from Edward’s body, killing everything in its path. Matter, energy, souls, the angels: anything and everything in these parallel timelines.

Eve generated a Time Bubble which created a separated space-time continuum. She thought by placing her body in another space-time continuum, this dangerous spell would not be able to touch her. She was wrong.

The spell even brought death to time itself.

As Edward watched Eve decay and disappear, he was not happy. On the contrary, his Cosmic Awareness told him danger was approaching. And as expected, Eve reappeared again.

Edward frowned as he could tell she did not use Vanessa’s Fate Magic to revive herself. As for the method she used, he quickly analyzed it.

“You don’t have to analyze anything; I’ll show you,” said Eve. Then, a bunch of phantoms suddenly appeared behind her. At first, it was only a dozen, but it soon grew to a hundred, thousand, ten thousand, and continued until at least a million of them. The odd thing was they all looked the same as her.

“Could it be?” muttered Edward, remembering the assumption he had about her.

“It’s as you think. After analyzing Mother’s power, I discovered the Multiverse. The first thing I did was contact other versions of myself; we united under the banner of finding a way to transcend this prison.

“It’s a shame the Mother was adamant in keeping us separate, preventing us from meeting directly. But our battle had done enough damage to this world to remove all restrictions.

“Now, we are united: we are one.”

They all said the last phrase in an eerie unison as if a hive-mind creature said something with thousands of different and distinctive voices.

Edward finally understood why the Universe’s Will of this world was different, capable of borrowing the power of the others from different timelines: it was a response to God’s behavior.

Despite understanding this, he wanted to curse out loud as his situation had just turned into nightmare mode. Fighting God now is like fighting a million Tier 7 Wizard. This was impossible even for him without his Floating City or other aid.

Without hesitation, he opened his interdimensional space and took out his long staff. It had an Aether Core on the top that could boost his spell. He sneered before saying:

“I will show you the superiority of an Arcanist over others Magical Paths.”

Arcane Rune Spell: Elemental Armageddon.

More than ten thousand magic circles appeared in the sky above Edward’s head. And from these magic circles came many powerful elemental spells:

Light Judgement, Pyroblast, Absolute Zero Ice Spears, Magma Eruption, Earthquake, World Destroying Tornadoes, Sea God Tsunamis, Lightning Spheres, and Darkness Swallowing.

The Eves acted on time to create shields to protect each other. However, dozens of them died. But, Edward did not stop attacking. More and more magic circles appeared in the sky, bombarding the Eves non-stop, killing dozens of them after each wave.

Despite the appearance of success, Edward did not have it easy. With the number advantage, most of the Eves could go on the offensive while the minority remained on the defensive.

So, Edward also suffered tens of thousands of spells, if not more. He flew around to evade, but there were too many of them. So, he would often be hit. Nevertheless, he did not care as he activated his Phoenix Bloodline.

A white flame would appear on his injuries to heal him. Furthermore, he still had a prototype of the Arcane Heart to heal him.

After a few minutes of non-stop bombardment, Edward realized he would soon be at a disadvantage because of a lack of mana. So, he opened a portal and fled to another parallel timeline.

As soon as he arrived, he swallowed all the mana in nature to replenish himself. And not long afterward, the other Eves appeared, and Edward wanted to curse out loud again.

In this brief period, the surviving Eves used different methods to revive the dead ones. Although not all of them could be resurrected since many died through Edward’s Death and Time Conceptual Magic, they still replenished their numbers to a dangerous level.

Edward did not waste time and summoned two things. Satan, a Tier 7 Undead, and a dozen large canons; they were the Tier 7 Canons from the World Gate that one of his clones fixed.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The canons began a non-stop bombardment. Adding to that Edward and Satan’s attacks, the sky above this world shone brightly before everything ended. The two groups found themselves fighting in the Blank Realm: the space between parallel dimensions. However, no one cared about this for now.


A spell cut Edward in two, but flames quickly connected the separated part, returning him to his peak.

‘If things continue like this, I won’t survive for long,’ thought Edward as he took a potion that replenished his mana. As he analyzed the situation, he realized it was a matter of time before he ran out of mana, leading to his capture.

He never thought he would be in this situation. He decided from now on; that he would have more than a hundred artifacts that store mana for his use. Not to mention, he will also wear a lot of mana regeneration magical artifacts.

‘It’s time to take risks.’

After making a decision, he took out five metallic orbs. He teleported directly into the middle of the hoard of Eve, right in front of the one from his timeline.

With a swift motion, he grabbed her and detonated the orbs before opening a portal and entering. After the explosion, a massive grey energy wave annihilated everything in its path—including the Eves.

Unfortunately, it also followed Edward through the portal.

“Damn it,” he said as he sealed Eve in his hand and kept opening portals to different parallel universes. Unfortunately, the grey energy turned into a cloud that followed him. And in the process, it would instantly eradicate all timelines it came in contact with.

Edward knew how dangerous Void Energy was, and if he had the slightest contact, he would be a goner. So, he fled as if his life depended on it. He knew the explosion would eventually stop, so he only needed to run until then.

So, he would replenish his mana in every timeline before quickly opening a portal to the next one. After jumping over a hundred timelines, he finally stopped as the cloud stopped chasing him.

With a pale complexion and heavy breathing, he looked around to see if he was safe. Then, he looked at Eve–who had a look of horror on her face. Unlike Edward, she saw with her eyes the horror of that cloud.

Edward closed his eyes to connect to his clone. He wanted to make sure his timeline was not affected by the explosion. After receiving a positive answer, he sighed in relief.

He did not immediately return home but took a few days to recuperate before returning home, with Eve as his new prisoner and experimental subject; she was more valuable alive.

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