Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 326: Onmyou Royal Academy’s Classes (End)

Chapter 326: Onmyou Royal Academy’s Classes (End)

[If you are interested in reading 10 chapters ahead, go check out my Pa.tr.eon with the link https://www.patréon.com/LazySageDao, or just type in my writer’s name on the website. The plot is getting exciting there, and you guys can support me in any way you can.

Additionally, go read my other novel [Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor] and [The Otsutsuki Clan: A Legacy of Blood and Destruction], it’s a Naruto Fanfic with an evil MC born in the Otsutsuki clan.

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Edward’s next class was about Shikigami and the Spiritual World, and it took place outside in a large area where the students brought their Shikigamis.

The teacher was an older lady less than 5ft, walking with the support of a cane: Sumiko-sensei. She talked in a very soft voice, yet everyone could always hear her as if she were next to them.

She divided the class into four groups based on the type of their Shikigami: defensive, attack, special, and All-purpose. Her first lesson was about how to find the connection between a mage and their Shikigami and use their mind. They have to strengthen that bond to better control them.

Subsequently, she explained the main difference between the types of Shikigamis. Attack and defense Shikigamis were self-explanatory: one focused on attacking while the other focused on defense.

However, Sumiko-sensei did mention that if a mage ordered their defensive Shikigamis to attack unless they had great control over it, it would not accept the order. And the same for an Attack-type.

Furthermore, attack-type Shikigamis have weak defensive capabilities, while defense-types have no attack capabilities. So based on the kind of Shikigami an Onmyou Mage has, they have to train them properly.

For example, a defensive Shikigami that is a wolf, can be trained to learn how to use their teeth and swift movement to attack.

When it comes to special-type Shikigamis, there are a few reasons they are classified as this. For example, Yuji’s space attribute Shikigami is considered a special type because it can teleport other people, so it is a form of transportation. However, it can be used as both defense and attack.

Then there is Gojo Tsuchimikado’s black tortoise Shikigami. It also has both offensive and defensive capabilities, but it is labeled as a special type because of the ability [Blessing], which is essentially Enchanting.

The Shikigami granted him the ability to make magical items, hence the reason for the special type.

Then, there is Mito Satoru, the commoner with a special-type Shikigami that divine things; she did not have any offensive and defensive capabilities.

Finally, Sumiko-sensei explained the advantages of [All-purpose] type Shikigami. They can attack and defend at a very high level and use the [Blessing Ability] to make magical items. Furthermore, if appropriately trained, they can even be used for teleportations.

Then, Sumiko-sensei told the students to practice on their own.

Edward looked at everyone’s effort before looking at Princess Matsumoto, who was in the same group as him since she was the only one with the same type of Shikigami.

“Kon, can you fly?”

“Yes, young lady,” replied the Shikigami.

“Can you take me to fly?”


“Why not?”

“Because there is no emergency or a need for flying,” replied Kon.

“But I want to fly.”

“There is nothing I can do about that.”

“I am your master; why don’t you listen to me?”

“Because you’re not strong enough, nor is our bond deep enough.”

“If you were not going to listen to me, why choose me in the first place.”

“Because of your potential,” Kon replied calmly.

Matsumoto clenched her teeth before feeling a gaze. She turned her head to see Edward watching her, giving him a vicious stare. However, Edward did not respond and turned to look at Hokuto, which is the name he gave his dragon.

He always loved eastern dragons, hence the reason he chose this one. Moreover, he seemed to have some affinity with Lightning Dragons.

“Hokuto, you’re too big. Can’t you shrink to a smaller size?” he said with a soothing voice. Then, to the shock of the people around, the dragon reduced its size to over a little 3 meters and coiled his body to reach Edward’s height.

With a smile, Edward caressed his head. He turned around to see Sumiko-sensei walking toward him. With the usual soft-spoken voice, the older lady said: “Since you have such control, you can try Spirit Fusion.”

“You mean I can fuse with it?”

“That’s correct.”


“Ask it to fuse with you. At the same time, make sure your spirit energy is linked to each other as if they were one,” said Sumiko-sensei.

Edward looked at Hokuto while thinking.

‘Shikigamis are Spirits, which means their mana is inside their Soul Dimensions. The so-called fusion is probably a fusion of our Soul Dimensions, allowing the weaker mage to access mana from their soul.

‘However, a great amount of Soul Strength, Willpower, and Mana Control would be required, especially the last one since mages have to make sure the mana inside their bodies do not conflict with the Shikigami’s mana.’

“Fusion,” he ordered Hokuto, and the dragon did not hesitate to enter his body. And as Edward theorized, their Soul Dimension momentarily fused, granting him access to Hokuto’s mana.

After the fusion, two small-dragon horns appeared on Edward’s head, his eyes turned reptilian, and two lightning tattoos appeared over his eyes as if he was a swordsman who lost an eye from a sword slash.

He raised his hand to look at his skin.

“Interesting,” he muttered. Although they looked normal, he could see they were now made of tiny dragon scales, drastically improving his physical and magical defense.

Shinigamis do not have flesh and blood in the Spiritual World. However, after making a contract with an Onmyou Mage and entering the physical world, they can switch between Spirit and Flesh and blood life forms.

As Edward felt the increase in power, he became a little excited; this was not the first time he had fused with a dragon. However, Albion was rebellious and could not be trusted.

Meanwhile, Hokuto was obedient despite having high intelligence. So, as long as he could raise this dragon to the same Tier, he can use fusion to boost his strength in battle.

“Excellent,” said Sumiko-sensei. She had heard of what happened in the previous class, so she decided to test how talented this student was. And as expected, he easily achieved Spirit Fusion, which was a high-level technique taught in the third and final year of the Academy.

Most mages cannot master this technique at the Academy but will use the knowledge to train for years before mastering it. Yet, he did it in a few minutes.

“You should be careful, young lad. More often than not, being the tallest tree is not a good thing.”

Edward looked at the old lady and could tell he was the only one who could hear her words. He smiled before nodding to her.

Edward’s next class was [Charm and Mantra Class.] Onmyou Mages do not rely solely on Talismans; they also have spells that involve using long chants in different languages, some very similar to Chinese and Sanskrit, and some extremely weird.

The mantra or incantations can be used to boost the power of Talismans and Shikigamis. After this class, Edward had a basic understanding of Onmyou Mages.

Unlike the Western Continent with Grimoires, the Eastern Continent walked a different path. Western Mages use Grimoires to use advanced magic, and most of their spells are instant. They do not have to study knowledge, but with intense training and a strong will, they will develop many spells.

The disadvantage is that 99% of them are useless without the Grimoire. Furthermore, they are restricted to their innate attributes.

Meanwhile, the Eastern Mages do not rely on foreign aid. Even without their Shikigamis, they have Talismans, Spells, and magic items to fight. The downside is their magic system involves prep before battles, and their spells are generally not instant.

Moreover, Edward could see that Eastern Mages’ battles involved more strategy and trickery. As for whose better? Both sides have their advantages and disadvantages.

After Sumiko-sensei’s class, it was launch time, so Edward went to the cafeteria. He ensured to sit with the commoners and get to know them.

The first-afternoon class was [Ceremonial Magic Class]. Edward learned in this class that the Eastern Continent was not as safe as it appeared as it had its own problem.

Shikigamis can become corrupted and turn into Demons or Yokai. Once that happens, Onmyou Mage must purify them since Yokais only lived for pain, destruction, and suffering; they have no qualms about killing innocent people.

Furthermore, there is something called Spirit Disaster, which is when the Spiritual World connects to the Material World. When that happens, Spirits will leave the Spiritual World and cause disasters.

On top of that, the energy released from the Spirit World can cause weird and dangerous anomalies in the Material World. It is the duty of the Onmyou Protection Hall to deal with these issues.

So, in this class, the students have to learn two essential Ceremonial Magic: the Purification Ceremony and the Gate Closing Ceremony.

The Purification Ceremony is to purify Yokais and the anomalous energy released during a Spirit Disaster. The Gate Closing Ceremony is to close the breach between the Spirit and Material World.

Edward asked what would happen if these gates were not closed or contained. The teacher told him many people believe the Spirit World might swallow the Material World if a breach is not dealt with quickly enough.

Finally, the day’s last class was the [Enhancement Class], the only class the mages had with the Samurai.

However, after walking into the class, Edward squinted his eyes slightly after seeing the teacher.

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