Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 4: System Upgrade!

Kyle had no idea what was going on but the first thing he did was to check his phone to make sure the money had be reflected in his bank account and the smile that crept up on his face made the cashier take a step back.

"Fuck yeah!" Kyle thought to himself, that he had over $50,000 in his bank account, which was more than he had ever had in his life.

Kyle didn't ev realize that the system had added a new feature, it sunk in a second after checking his balance.

"Wait, what? Harem function?" Kyle thought to himself. He didn't need to verbalize his thoughts as the system took it upon itself to explain what it was.

[The harem function allows the user to recruit wom into his harem by gaining their affection. A special cashback bonus is giv in addition to the cashback granted by the system tier with each amount spt on the wom within the user's harem.]

Kyle was perplexed by this, he thought this was all about money but he just found out there's a way to earn ev more.

"Holy shit!" Kyle thought to himself, to everyone else he was staring at the cashier and making funny faces.

"Um, are you okay sir?" The cashier finally questioned, snapping Kyle back to reality.

Kyle realized he was in public and quickly composed himself, his items were packaged for him and he handed them to Jane.

Kyle looked at his Cyan scre and pressed the [YES] button so the draw could begin, he noticed that he had something called Extreme Lottery and hoped it was something dect otherwise it would be a waste.

[Congratulations! You have drawn Extreme Memory Recall!]

[Extreme Memory Recall: This user has the ability to recall every information or evts expericed right down to the most insignificant details.]

[Congratulations! You have drawn Vehicular Mastery!]

[Vehicular Mastery: The user is an innate master of operating vehicles. Be it cars, bikes, or ev planes!]

[Congratulations! You have drawn a Jaguar XF!]

[The Jaguar XF: The user owns an exotic car! It can be found in the driveway!]

[Congratulations! You have drawn JPD Agcy Group!]

[JPD Agcy Group: The user is now the owner of a small acting Agcy in Beverly Hills! It is promising and has the pottial to be among the best! The necessary documts can be found in your car alongside the address!]

Kyle had the biggest smile on his face, his life was turning a in the blink of an eye and he wasn't about to question it.

Kyle walked out of the building and the only car that looked out of place hce easy to locate.

The car key spawned within his pocket.

Kyle ran to the car but not before someone tugged at his shirt, Kyle looked back and realized that it was Jane.

She gave him her number on a piece of paper but she couldn't ev hold his gaze, Kyle noticed her colleagues giggling at the back as he realized that they were probably the ones who urged her to give him her number.

[Harem Members: /]

[Name: Jane.]

[Age: 3

[Affection: 5%]

Kyle stopped in his tracks and spared her another glance only to see her stealing a glance at him before averting her gaze once again.

The system not only told him wom that are interested in him so he didn't need to guess but it also granted him items that spawned in real time.

This felt surreal, if this was black magic, Kyle hoped the caster wouldn't stop because he wasn't ev half-done.

Kyle wanted to check out the property that he had acquired, oping the door to his car and the new car smell hit his nostrils.

"Now that's a new car!" Kyle thought, luckily he had a driver's licse due to one of the jobs he had gott in the past involving delivery.

Kyle, thanks to the skill acquired by his system, could drive the car with relative ease

He instantly knew how to operate it but he first needed to find the documts of the agcy he now owned and just as he suspected, it was there.

Everything was signed and official in his name.


"Damn it, this agcy might as well eat a double-decked shit sandwich! I chose you and I hav't had a half-dect gig in years!" A lady barked at a woman with a clipboard who just stared at her blankly.

"The lack of jobs isn't because of our inability to find jobs, I think it is time for you to consider actual acting classes…" The woman responded, her face unmoved as she looked unimpressed by what she had se.

"You bitch! I am naturally born talt!" The lady continued to bark prompting the woman to take a deep breath.

But before she could respond, one of her employees called her to the side.

This lady had a powerful aura a her, she was clearly in her mid-twties but the power she exuded showed that she was used to leading.

She had that

"What is it?" The woman asked in a dismissive tone, the truth about this was that this agcy was about to go under, they were barely floating above water as people would rather choose the more established agcies.

"Miss Isabella, I have great news!" The employee responded, she was giddy and Isabella could instantly tell that it might be something worth listing to.

"Speak Carly, I'm a busy wo-!" But before Isabella could complete her stce, Carly interfered by showing her a page on her phone.

Isabella's face wt from neutral to surprised, she immediately snatched the device out of her hand.

"What is this!? Someone bought the tire share of the agcy!? This means…!" Isabella screamed before clasping her mouth shut.

"We are saved, boss!" Carly responded.

"Are you done!? I have places to be!" The talt-less upcoming actress exclaimed and Isabella realized at this momt that she didn't need to put up with this anymore.

She walked up to the lady, she had to tolerate her before because they needed all the money they could get but that problem had be solved by Kyle.

"I am afraid you're no longer qualified to work with us, you will be refunded your agcy fees. Leave or I will throw you out myself, you spoiled brat," Isabella felt the weight lift off her chest the momt she said this, she had wanted to say this for the longest time.

She already knew that the new shareholder would be coming here at any momt and realized she had to prepare the place to welcome him.

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