Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 11: Date Night Concludes.

Kyle drove her back home, the ride back was peaceful as they spoke and listed to some gtle music playing in his car as they occasionally hummed along.

Kyle made sure to get some more food for her to go home with, he knew that she wasn't living alone and this was the best way to make a good impression on whoever it was that was staying with her. It would allow them to share in the experice.

Kyle knew that he had to win them over as he knew that the people in her ear would play a big part in getting her affection bar maxed out.

"Say, do you live alone?" Kyle asked her but this could easily have be interpreted as alarming if Kyle didn't just take her out on an elaborate date.

"No, I'm staying with a roommate but she won't be back tonight," Jane blurted out but the momt she did, she realized she had revealed this information without thinking.

That created a cascade of following thoughts as this could be interpreted as an invitation for sex or at least this was what Jane thought.

Kyle did find it strange that her roommate would be out all night but it wasn't in his place to snoop.

He knew that the food could be refrigerated for her roommate so he wasn't worried about it going to waste as he knew there was no way Jane would want to deprive her roommate of the experice.

They got close to her home and Kyle walked her to the door. Jane didn't want the night to d but Kyle knew that getting too much of something too fast wasn't necessarily a good thing.

"Here we are…" Jane said, facing Kyle, looking him right in the eyes.

Kyle could tell that she wanted him to come in but she couldn't bring herself to say it.

"Here we are…" Kyle repeated after her. It was no secret that he was attracted to the woman in front of him despite her plain appearance.

Jane wanted his lips on hers but she wasn't bold ough to make the first move, Kyle knew he had to give her something to keep her from forgetting the experice so soon.

"You know, I joyed your company tonight. If I knew a girl like you was in that store, I would have found you a lot sooner," Kyle complimted her and once again, Jane flushed, averting her gaze.

"Hey…" Kyle whispered and she soon felt a finger gtly shift her gaze towards himself.

"Don't look away, I want to see those eyes," Kyle whispered, he couldn't understand why but this thing was coming to him naturally despite having no experice.

Kyle wrapped his hands a her waist and drew her in, placing his lips right on hers.

Jane wasn't expecting this, her eyes were still oped in shock until she decided to give in.

Jane closed her eyes, throwing her arms a his neck as they kissed for a full minute.

"I would definitely like to see you again, Jane," Kyle said as they broke away from the kiss to catch their breath.

"I-I would like that," Jane said and that was the d of the night, Kyle watched her turn a and head inside.

It took everything in him not to give in to his temptation but just as he expected, this had an impact on Jane's bar.

[Update in affection bar!]

[Jane's affection: 60%!]

Kyle couldn't believe the progress he had made in a day, it felt unreal but this lady must have little to no experice in this departmt or was she simply that gullible?

Either way, Kyle couldn't complain but he already dreaded his inevitable experice with Calista.


Ella was out with her gig going quite well but the turn up was a bit disappointing.

She knew something like this was bound to happ but she still had a little hope that maybe this time would be differt.

It was so hard for a new rock band to break out especially wh they didn't have the connection or means to promote their songs the way they needed to be promoted.

Ev if they wished for it to be played on a radio station, they still had to pay for that service.

She was alone in the bar, drinking as her bandmates already called it a night.

Ella knew the chances of her dream coming to pass were becoming less likely with each passing day and tonight was a reminder of that reality.

Ella was supposed to be out the whole night but this was not fixed in stone, she expected a bigger crowd and they couldn't exactly perform in an empty bar.

That would be insane and Ella could tell that this band was soon going to disband if they didn't start making money soon.

Her phone soon buzzed, she thought about leaving it unanswered but she remembered that Jane had gone on a date.

She quickly brought out her phone to see who messaged her and just as she suspected.

It was Jane, Ella smiled at the name, this was one of the constant things in her life that she didn't want to let go of. She knew that Jane might be with her new man frid so she chose to stay out a bit later than usual so as to not walk in on them.

But she also knew it was highly unlikely he would want to spd the night at their place if he could casually buy her the new iPhone and MacBook.

[[You wouldn't believe what just happed, WE KISSED!!! HURRY UP AND GET BACK, I HAVE A LOT TO TELL YOU!]]

The message read and Ella realized at that momt that maybe her life wasn't all bad.

She still had Jane but she was more surprised that this was all the man did. If anything, Jane was ripe for the taking and this made her more curious as to who this man was.

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