Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 82: Some Doubts

Chapter 82: Some Doubts

So, at the Monday morning meeting of Luna Nova Magical Academy, Reiner announced two things.

The first was that Luna Nova Magical Academy would once again participate in the mock exam of magic assessment that they hadn't been participating in for more than ten years. In the past few years, Luna Nova Magical Academy had been allowing students to decide whether to participate in the magic assessment or not. As a result, very few students in this school had successfully advanced to a formal mage in these years.

Claire was the only person who has successfully passed the exams and chose to stay at Luna Nova Magical Academy in the past five years. She was loved by the old principal and became the dean.

For the students, participating in the magic test meant that they would need to study magic seriously and spend time reviewing, which made many students who were originally just to muddle through feel desperate.

Not to mention that Reiner also proposed a system of early self-study and late self-study. Every morning self-study, everyone would have to do a math test paper, and in the evening of the day, Reiner would personally explain it.

Although many students were not clear about the difficulty of the math test paper, the few students who had a good relationship with Dana immediately noticed a slight strangeness. They had secretly checked on the test paper that could be called material from the abyss, and every word in it was like the most vicious curse that made people unable to sleep peacefully.

When they thought about that they had to do a test paper like that every day, and their faces immediately became ashen.

On the other hand, Dana was gloating. Compared to her classmates, at least Dana had no homework on Saturdays and Sundays!

If it was simply to increase the burden on the students, then Reiner would definitely arouse public outrage, so in line with the principle of carrots and sticks, he announced the second thing while the students were still whispering to each other.

That was the uniform of Luna Nova Magical Academy.

For teenage girls, getting new clothes was always a pleasant thing, especially when Claire and Sharon, who were models, walked onto the podium wearing two beautiful skirts, Reiner could even hear the students exclaim softly.

These two sets of novel and beautiful school uniforms had undoubtedly won the love of the students, so that the sorrow of having to study hard every day in the future diminished a little.

According to Reiner, uniforms could minimize students' mentality to compare their own clothes, and they would put more energy on learning, and at the same time, it could also establish the image of Luna Nova Magical Academy and make it become a very unique academy.

Reiner had his own plans for the future of the school. He knew that not everyone had the ambition to become a mage. Many noble daughters just come to receive basic education and social etiquette. Simply put, they were just there to get diplomas.

Therefore, Reiner planned to open two departments in Luna Nova Magical Academy in the future. One department was dedicated to training mages, conducting the most rigorous magic training, and recruiting the most diligent and talented students; the other department was the training of ladies and general education that the nobles liked. Of course, magic would also be studied as a basic subject, but all of this was currently only an idea.

Turning his gaze back to the morning meeting, of course, not all students were interested in the new school uniform. For example, after the morning meeting, the president of the student council, Elymia, found Reiner.

"Mr. Principal, I don't think these two so-called new school uniforms are suitable."

The president of the student council was tall, with long red hair like flames, and a pair of crystal clear eyes, but it was a pity that she didn't smile often, and she was even colder when she talked to Reiner.

In Reiner's words, the president of the student council was the kind of ice beauty with outstanding temperament, like a flower on a tall snow peak, beyond reach.

"Oh, why is it inappropriate?"

Reiner sat behind his desk with the newly released math test papers for Claire to distribute. They were divided into six types for students of different grades. He put them aside and looked up at the cold student council president.

"Luna Nova Magical Academy is a magic school, we should follow all other mages. Moreover, wearing long robes is a tradition, these short skirts are so indecent!!"

Elymia sternly said, as if she was not facing the principal of Luna Nova Magical Academy, but an ordinary student.

"Actually, Miss Elymia, I have participated in the annual academic conference of Mercury Balance. The dress of the high-ranking mages is much more open on weekdays. His Excellency Demetrius normally wears a double-breasted dress, and he is an elegant gentleman."

Reiner said lightly. Even the high-level mages at the top of the pyramid were able to openly accept new things, so the argument that mages should follow the tradition was actually not valid.

"Uh, but these short skirts are too revealing. It is like, like they are specially designed to attract men..."

Elymia didn't seem to know whether to say that nasty word, she got stuck for a while before she found another way to explain it.

"It is like something that a courtesan would wear, yes, such a dress will undoubtedly attract those nasty eyes!"

"Luna Nova Magical Academy is an all girls' school. I don't think there is anything wrong with dressing like this in front of classmates who are also girls. As for the nasty eyes, Miss Elymia, please rest assured, I am not interested in kids."

Reiner knew that Elymia was talking about him, so he shrugged and said.


Feeling that she was being teased, Elymia raised her eyebrows, but couldn't say anything to refute for a while.

"So, do you oppose the new school uniforms from the standpoint of the president of the student council or from the standpoint of your family?"

Reiner continued, and he knocked on the table, making Elymia frown.

"What do you mean?"

"Miss Elymia Von Erubiorene, if I remember correctly, the Erubiorene family should be the family of pure-blood mages, with a history of more than 800 years, right?"

After saying the student information he had obtained, Reiner looked straight at the other's clear eyes.

"Is it because you want to defend your family tradition that you want to oppose such a brand new dress?"

Reiner's words silenced Elymia for a moment.

But it was only a moment, because in the next moment, Elymia showed an expression of anger that Reiner had never seen before, and he could see that she was suppressing her anger with all her strength, saying every word as if gnashing her teeth.

"Please don't compare me with a group of scumbags!"

This surprised Reiner, the lovely Elymia did not explain anymore, she turned and left, closing the door heavily, leaving nothing but silence in the entire office.

"Why do I feel that there is still a story in it?"

Reiner said to himself, shrugging helplessly

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