Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 56: Reiner's Speech

Chapter 56: Reiner's Speech

A young mage apprentice!

And also a very handsome one! !!

The mages present looked at Reiner with mixed feelings.

Some people were amazed by his young appearance, and some were upset about the excellence of their peer. There were also a few open female mages who were already interested in this handsome young man. They wanted to invite him after the meeting and spend tonight together with him.

But before that, everyone was more concerned about another issue, what did the apprentice mage discover?

The dim weather outside the window contrasted with the flickering lights in the conference hall. At the junction of the shadows, Reiner walked forward step by step.

To be honest, Reiner also pretended to be calm. He did not expect that his paper would be circulated into the hands of the legendary mage, nor did he expect that the other party would take it so seriously. Reiner slowly walked to the podium and the legendary mage reached out to him with his hand. Reiner shook it gently.

"Your paper on the electrolysis of water is really wonderful, perhaps the best paper I have seen in the past ten years."

Lanchester whispered, with a kind smile.

"You are flattering me, Your Excellency Steinen, I was only fortunate enough to get such a small achievement by standing on the shoulders of giants."

Reiner glanced at Cornwall, standing behind Lanchester. He indeed started designing the electrolysis water experiment after seeing Cornwall's electrolysis papers. There was nothing wrong with this sentence.

"That's really humble of you."

Lanchester looked at Reiner with approval, then took a step back, leaving the huge podium to Reiner.

Reiner cleared his throat, and he found that Lanchester very thoughtfully placed a copy of his paper on the podium. This copy was obviously used by Lanchester himself, and it had been filled with various comments.

"Everyone, the content of my paper is very simple. It is about two new elements found in electrolyzed water."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, all the mages in the room gasped in shock.

Electrolysis of water!

If it weren't for what Lanchester had said before, probably most people would think that Reiner was crazy. After all, water was one of the four basic elements, and Reiner's words were undoubtedly challenging authority.

But no one raised objections. As Lanchester said, the mages present here were all mages at the forefront of academics. Their thirst for knowledge has surpassed everything. They would not rashly express their opinions. At least, they had to wait until the end of Reiner's speech and then raised their questions.

"I read the paper by His Excellency Penzance on electrolysis in the latest issue of "Alchemy". The paper mentioned that electrolysis can effectively separate the active elements from the compounds, so I began to think. Are some substances considered indecomposable because the elements that make up these substances are too active to decompose?"

Reiner did not rush to state his experiment, but first asked questions to explain his thought process.

Hearing Leiner's speech, many mages fell into deep thinking. Most of them had read the electrolysis paper by His Excellency Penzance, and many of them used the same method to try to discover new elements. But they have ignored the most common substance, water. For three hundred years, the theory of the four basic elements has been like a heavy cornerstone, deeply rooted in everyone's hearts, and no one wanted to shake this cornerstone in the past.

"Therefore, I set my sights on the water that I was most exposed to, and designed an experiment based on the paper by His Excellency Penzance, and discovered two special gas elements from the water, 'Occles' and 'Hydra'"

Then, with the help of Lanchester, they repeated the experiment on the spot and verified the properties of the two elements as described in the paper.

During this whole process, the audience was silent, people were observing, wondering, and thinking.

It wasn't until Reiner ignited the two proportionally mixed gases in an airtight container to obtain a certain amount of water, that the crowd exclaimed in a low voice.

"Based on the experimental phenomenon, I guessed that the previous combustion theory could not explain this reaction. Could it be flawed or even fallacy in itself?"

Reiner's words were like some kind of devil's whisper, which made people think about it with extreme terror.

"Therefore, based on the experimental phenomena I have seen, I put forward a new theory to interpret the combustion reaction. Combustion is the reaction of substances and combustion aids to produce Occles and similar gas compounds. As for the fire element, it does not exist in any corner of this reaction."


Just as Reiner's voice just fell, a thunderstorm sounded in the sky. This was the first thunder of Lake Wagner since the beginning of summer, just like the mark that today's meeting would leave its mark in the history of magic.

The electric light reflected on Reiner's face, he was calm and confident. The mages in the front row couldn't help but think of a certain Excellency.

Assisting Reiner's explanation, Lanchester waved his hand gently, and the particles of light intertwined in midair to form two reaction formulas.

2h20 (electrolysis) = 2h2+02.

2h2+02 (burning) = 2h2o.

This was an alchemy reaction formula derived from the abbreviation of the element name, which meant that every two parts of water would be broken down into two parts of Hydra gas and one part of Occles gas under the condition of electrification.

In the eyes of alchemists, this formula was so simple and elegant, clear and logical, and the number of elements on both sides of the formula was equal, which had a certain shocking power.

"I believe that the reason for the constant mass of the reactants before and after the alchemy reaction is the conservation of elements, so the alchemy reaction formula is written in this way. Of course, my ability is limited and I cannot verify all the current alchemical reactions, so this is also an assumption."

Reiner explained slowly. At this moment, Lanchester gestured slightly, adding to Reiner's words.

"I have repeated most of the known experiments these days, and they are basically in line with this law. According to my observations, the few experiments with reduced mass should generate something that we have never noticed before. They are probably new substances and new elements."

Hearing Lanchester's explanation, Reiner breathed a sigh of relief and continued.

"So judging from His Excellency Steinen's discovery, the conservation of elements should be a basic law of alchemical reaction."


Another flash of lightning flashed across the sky, like a spark, flashing in everyone's minds.

If the law of conservation of elements was correct, then alchemists could not only qualitatively and quantitatively control each alchemical reaction and observe its products, but also design new experiments based on the constituent elements of the compound. The existing alchemical system would take a big step forward.

After Reiner completely destroyed the cornerstone of the modern alchemical system, he immediately recast a more stable foundation.

And he was just a mage apprentice!

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