Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 221: Collapse

Chapter 221: Collapse

Morale Support: Scherzo

Patreon: /ScherzoTranslations



This statement brought silence to everyone.

Originally, mages conducted research to understand the unknown world, and in the process of deciphering the nature of the world, they achieved many results that made people’s lives more comfortable.

But at some point, some mages began to pursue fame and fortune in the mundane world as their ultimate goal. At the same time, it’s understandable for the desire to improve life and magical power by following in the footsteps of predecessors.

However, many people, while enjoying the fruits of their predecessors’ labor, climbing to high positions, living a life of luxury with money and fame, instead ridicule those who still strive to make the world a better place.

They believe it to be meaningless, futile, and the behavior of fools.

They ask, “With such talent, why not use it to earn more money, to climb higher, to seek more benefits, instead of researching questions that might never be answered in your lifetime?”

These people do not realize that everything they have now comes from the achievements of those they ridicule.

Therefore, they are unworthy.

Percival’s face turned ugly. He knew Reiner was referring to him. Percival clenched his fists, trembling slightly.

“…You’re just lucky. You stumbled upon a few results, and published a few theses,” Percival numbled, suppressing his emotions as he looked at Reiner.

“You have no idea how difficult it is to live in this world. Yes, researching magic is the right path for mages, but mages are also human. We need to eat and sleep. Do you know how much effort it took me to get to where I am today!?”

Facing Percival’s questioning, Reiner remained expressionless, coldly watching.

“Sirius was obsessed with his theory and lost everything. What does that have to do with me? In fact, the application of imaginary numbers only manifested ten years later. At that time, it was a useless theory. Even if Sirius hadn’t proposed it, someone else would have come up with the same theory ten years later.”

“But perhaps, if Sirius’s thesis had been recognized ten years ago and conveyed to the High Council, the Newington-Holland equations might have appeared ten years earlier.”

Reiner’s words left Percival speechless, his face turning ashen.

“No, Lord Percival, I am not criticizing your actions. After all, in that era, very few could see the potential of imaginary numbers. As an ordinary mage, it’s normal not to have enough knowledge to understand it.”

Reiner spoke in a seemingly comforting tone, then shifted his speech.

“I want to ask about Sirius’s death ten years ago.”

His words startled the other review committee members, who all turned to look at Percival.

“I met Sirius’s mother in the hospital. Fortunately, White Sail Hospital was established a long time ago and is directly under Immortal Throne, so it has a complete medical record system. With the doctor’s permission, I had the privilege of seeing Sirius’s death report and brought it here.”

Reiner took out a document from his storage bag and placed it on the table.

“The report shows that although Sirius’s cause of death was organ failure due to damage, the doctor’s examination results tell us that the damage to Sirius’s organs was not due to disease but external blows, with impact far beyond what a normal person would encounter. This is due to magic.”

Percival was stunned, looking blankly at the document.

“I learned from some people at the school that Lord Percival, you once served as an assistant professor at Astar Advanced Magical Academy. During that time, Sirius often promoted his thesis at the school, and there were multiple witnesses to your conflicts.”

Reiner naturally couldn’t find so much detail; he only had some clues and made his own deductions. Of course, these words were mainly to provoke Percival.

“Although you gained the favor of Vice Principal Bodoro and progressed steadily on the path of magic, winning the heart of Lady Lisa, and achieving a successful career and family, a nightmare still lurks in your heart.”

Hearing Reiner’s words, a flash of shock crossed Percival’s eyes.

“You appear high and mighty, but deep inside, you fear Sirius. You worry that he will suddenly have an epiphany and overthrow everything you worked hard for over the years. Underneath your seemingly arrogant exterior lies an extremely insecure heart!”

It was as if a lightning bolt struck Percival. He stood up, slammed the table, and roared.

“You don’t understand anything. I have completely defeated Sirius and taken everything from him. I am the winner. His end was his own fault. He struck first…”

Before Percival could finish his words, a muffled thud was heard at the door.

He turned to see his wife, Lisa, sitting on the ground.

“Lisa… when did you get here?”

How much did his wife hear just now?

Percival then looked at Reiner, full of fury.

“You! You set me up!!?”

“I only told Lady Lisa a little about Sirius. The rest, you said yourself.”

Reiner shrugged. He had come to the review committee not just to submit the thesis but had also written a letter to Lady Lisa, informing her about Sirius’s situation and inviting her to the review committee that morning.

“Lisa, let me explain…”

Percival was extremely anxious. He hadn’t expected that his meticulously built life would still be shattered by Sirius. Even in death, that guy still haunted him.

“Percival, is it true?”

Lady Lisa looked very weak. She had always believed Sirius was still alive, but now she learned he had long been dead, and the culprit was her husband, Percival.

Sweet memories were instantly stained with blood. She didn’t know how much of Percival’s affection was genuine and how much of it was deceit.


Percival couldn’t speak. He felt the splendid, magnificent tower in his heart collapsing in an instant.

He looked at Reiner, the spell he had been preparing slowly dissipating. Percival ultimately did not attack Reiner. He knew that if he impulsively attacked Reiner, the result would only be his own ruin.

Lisa could not be without a husband, and little Yako needed a father.

“It seems I’m late.”

At this moment, a deep voice came from behind Lady Lisa, surprising even Reiner, who turned his head.

A figure dressed in ceremonial robes appeared at the door.

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