Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 196: Percival’s Invitation

Chapter 196: Percival’s Invitation

Morale Support: Scherzo

Patreon: /ScherzoTranslations



Durawn immediately stood up, causing the chair behind him to make a loud noise. He retreated several steps, as if Reiner was some kind of monster.

“Reiner Ian Gray!”

Legend has it that he suddenly appeared at a pure-blood family wedding, abducted the bride, and publicly presented a set of theories, causing dozens of mages present to all have their heads explode.

In the description, while playing the piano, Reiner performed a joyful tune. Along with the music’s rhythm, the heads of the pure-blood mages exploded one by one, like fireworks blooming. In the end, the entire wedding venue became a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, with even the bride’s white wedding dress dyed blood-red.

Of course, this was an exaggerated rumor, but Durawn now recalled it, feeling a chill down his spine.

He did mention something about cognitive collapse, but it was just casual boasting. However, he didn’t expect that the person involved would be sitting right there, silent throughout the whole time!

How will he retaliate against me? Is he going to make me experience cognitive collapse?

Thinking of the scenes in the rumors, Durawn’s legs trembled, and he walked unsteadily.

“Reiner, please don’t scare Mr. Durawn.”

Lord Percival saw Durawn sweating profusely, as if afraid that Reiner would suddenly say something that would cause a cognitive collapse. He spoke to defuse the situation.

“Sorry, I was just joking.”

Reiner shrugged, walked away from the blackboard, and handed Durawn’s thesis back to his desk.

“Mr. Durawn’s idea is good, but perhaps it needs more practical experimentation and theoretical support.”

As Reiner approached step by step, Durawn kept backing away. He stumbled over a chair, falling to the ground. Even so, he still stared at Reiner closely, not daring to slack off.

“Please watch your step, Mr. Durawn.”

Reiner spoke, reaching out to help him up. However, Durawn looked at Reiner’s hand as if touching it would cause his skin to rot. He crawled and scrambled towards the door.

“I-I’ll take my leave.”

Durawn didn’t even bother to retrieve his copy of the thesis, sneaking out of the doorway and disappearing.

“His father is the Deputy Director of the Magic Association’s Mage Management Department. He introduced him here because his father wanted us to teach some lessons to this whimsical son of his.”

After Durawn left, Lord Percival explained.

“Durawn is his youngest son, pampered since childhood. His magical ability is not high, but he likes to daydream. His mother has always spoiled him, so his father can’t criticize him directly and had to let us handle it.”

No wonder there was no resistance to Reiner’s frontal exposure of the flaws in the thesis. It turned out he had backing.

Thinking about it, Reiner suddenly felt like he might have been played. Although the rejection of the thesis would happen regardless of his presence, it now seemed that he had become the one proving Durawn’s ideas wrong. Lord Percival and the others seemed to have no connection to it, and Reiner wondered which one Durawn would resent in the end.

It doesn’t matter, Reiner thought. Regardless of appearances, when it came to backing, there was probably no first-level mage who could be better than himself.

“Your performance just now really surprised me. I only had an instinct that the design in the thesis had issues, but you directly proved it with mathematical methods. Truly worthy of someone who created a new coordinate system.”

Lord Percival said as he began to tidy up the scattered theses on the table, preparing to leave the meeting room.

“Maybe the proof process was too simple. I just wrote it casually.”

Reiner spread his hands.

Roger had already packed up and left. In the spacious meeting room, only Lord Percival and Reiner remained.

“People like him, I’m sure you’ve seen many outside the manor. The only difference is whether they can come in or not.”

Lord Percival spoke with a heavy tone, patting Reiner’s shoulder.

“I know you, at a young age, have achieved many honors that most people can’t achieve in their lifetime. So, perhaps you want to prove yourself in various aspects, set higher standards for yourself. But Reiner, truth be told, you’re still just a first-level mage. You should focus on improving your magical abilities. This is a bit of life experience from me as an elder.”

“I understand.”

Although Reiner wanted to say something, he ultimately didn’t speak, just nodded silently.

“Where do you live?”

Lord Percival asked again.

“Oh, in a hotel in the city. Why do you ask?”

Mercury Scale had booked a relatively comfortable large hotel for Reiner, and he had been resting there for the past week.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to invite you to dinner tonight. Consider it a welcome gesture as the head of the department.”

Lord Percival proposed, looking meaningfully at Reiner.

“Of course. I would be honored.”

Although he didn’t entirely agree with the Lord’s behavior, Reiner still gave him respect. After all, the way one behaves is a matter of personal choice, and he had no reason to judge.

“That’s great. My wife has recently developed a new dish, and tonight would be a good opportunity to try it together.”

When talking about his wife, Lord Percival’s face showed a rare gentle expression, making Reiner sigh lightly. Regardless of who it was, facing family would bring the same tenderness.

“I’ll be looking forward to it.”

Reiner agreed.

“After the afternoon’s work is finished, let’s take a carriage together. My house is near the Astar Advanced Magic Academy.”

After packing up, Lord Percival left the meeting room. He didn’t return to his office and went somewhere else for another meeting.

Reiner also left the meeting room. Just as he sat down at his desk, Igor approached.

“I heard Lord Percival invited you to dinner at his house?”

“How come you know everything?”

Reiner was a bit speechless. Igor seemed to be quite the gossipmonger, a stark contrast to his somewhat disheveled and decadent appearance.

“Leaving that aside, from what I know, Lord Percival’s wife is beautiful, and their daughter is very cute.”

Igor retorted mysteriously, resembling a friendly neighbor.

“Well, Lord Percival did mention that his wife has developed a new dish.”

Feeling a bit strange, Reiner replied.

“Indeed, the rumor is true!”

Igor showed a somewhat eerie smile, patting Reiner’s shoulder lightly.

“What rumor…”

Reiner was puzzled, but he had a feeling that he was sold out.

“Well, just enjoy the dinner. There won’t be any problems. Yep.”

Clearing his throat, Igor said in a mysterious tone.

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