Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 189: Sue’s Interview (1)

Chapter 189: Sue’s Interview (1)

Sue felt a bit nervous.

She sat on a bench, accompanied by two others who resembled her.

The lady on Sue’s left was in her forties, slightly chubby, and wore an expensive wizard robe with two lines on her gold-trimmed cuffs—a second-level mage. The lady had several gemstone-studded rings on her fingers, undoubtedly enchanted with magic, making them quite valuable. In appearance, she seemed more like a noble than a mage.

The lady on Sue’s right was younger, in her mid to late twenties, and she was slender, with high cheekbones and a clear-cut face. Her robe looked a bit worn, but still had two lines on her gold-trimmed cuffs. She was engrossed in reading an alchemy book, undisturbed by the surroundings.

Sue glanced at her own attire.

A featureless mage robe chosen in a hurry and plain black round glasses. She forgot to properly groom her chestnut-colored curly hair. As a second-level mage, Sue felt inadequate compared to those on either side and contemplated quitting.

However, having already come this far, she convinced herself to give it a try and reluctantly settled down.

Sue surveyed the surroundings. A well-lit corridor with midsummer sunlight streaming through windows, brightening the usually dim hallway. Unfortunately, despite the good lighting, the summer sun brought by high temperatures, made the place less suitable since it was without temperature-regulating magic arrays.

A bead of sweat formed on Sue’s forehead, but she resisted the urge to open her collar for ventilation. The mages on both sides seemed unfazed by the heat, likely due to temperature-regulating robes, a luxury Sue didn’t possess.

Her current outfit, a formal robe, was the most formal attire she owned. Normally, Sue wore breathable short skirts and blouses for work. This robe had been dug out after a long time for this interview.

Yes, an interview.

Sue had rushed from the Ezrase province in the north of the Ammonay region to Preste to attend an interview at this school.

Having graduated from the school years ago, she wasn’t seeking further education. Sue was interviewing for a position as a teacher, more specifically a professor in the Law Department at Luna Nova Magic Academy.

Sue knew little about Luna Nova Magic Academy, previously only aware that it was an all-girls school. It wasn’t until a few months ago that she learned about the achievements of the school’s principal, Reiner Ian Gray, from an academic journal.

“To have impressed both Lord Ragans and Lord Ableton, I never thought I’d have a chance to see him with my own eyes!”

With this thought in mind, Sue arrived in Preste with a recruitment notice she had seen at the Magic Association.

“Is Ms. Minerva Sinistra present?”

A girl walked out of the office across the corridor. She was dressed in a sky-blue short skirt and a white short-sleeved top, giving off a youthful and vibrant appearance. Her long crimson hair was tied behind her head. Despite her young age, the girl’s serious demeanor emitted a seasoned and professional aura.


The lady on Sue’s left, adorned with numerous rings, raised her hand with a hint of arrogance.

“Please come in for the interview.”

The girl didn’t comment on Ms. Sinistra’s attitude, speaking in a neither humble nor condescending tone.

Sue watched the aristocratic mage enter the office. For a brief moment, she thought she saw the legendary Reiner Ian Gray through the half-open door, but before she could confirm, the door closed, and all sounds from the room ceased.

Feeling uneasy, Sue took two deep breaths, attempting to calm herself. At the corner of the corridor, she noticed two figures.

“Hush, let’s approach quietly while they’re not paying attention…”

The taller figure whispered, wearing a light, airy long skirt and delicate slippers, resembling someone who had just woken up.

“I think they’ve already noticed us.”

The smaller figure, dressed like the redhead girl before, seemed to be a student of the school.

“How, how is that possible? We were hiding so well!!?”

The taller one was startled, leaning out from the corner, only to realize she had been exposed. She then noticed Sue staring at her.


Is this some kind of test?

Sue thought, recalling stories from books about such situations. The janitor passing by you during an interview might be your real boss, testing your character by observing you in secret.

However, looking at the casual attire of the other person, it didn’t seem like a test.

“Professor Claire, let’s head back.”

The petite girl pulled her companion’s sleeve, suggesting it wasn’t her idea.

Wait, professor Claire?

This seemingly playful kid is the professor at this school?

Have I misunderstood the term “professor” all this time?

Sue mumbled to herself, finding Claire’s image drastically different from the dedicated and serious professor she had in mind.

Rather than a professor, she seemed more like a mascot.

Like the little cat everyone collectively took care of in school during childhood.

Imagining a scene where students surrounded this teacher for play, Sue shivered.

A bit horrifying.

Just as Sue was puzzled, the office door opened. The previously arrogant Ms. Sinistra walked out, showing no expression on her face, leaving in the opposite direction without looking back.

“…Is Ms. Miranda Dipette present?”

The redhead girl noticed the two people at the end of the corridor, paused, and then continued speaking.


With a snap, the lady sitting to Sue’s right closed her book, stood up, and followed the redhead girl into the office.

This interview didn’t last too long. About five minutes later, Ms. Dipette, the mage, walked out of the office with a gloomy expression. She glanced at Sue, then briskly left, muttering something like “a waste of time” as she departed.

“So, you are Ms. Sue Heinrich, right?”

The redhead girl looked at the last remaining person and asked calmly.

“Yes, that’s me.”

Sue stood up hastily, paying no attention to the murmurs from the corner, and followed the girl into the office.

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