Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 183: A Crow’s Feast (1)

Chapter 183: A Crow’s Feast (1)

Morale Support: Scherzo

Patreon: /ScherzoTranslations


Listening to the conversation between William and George, the most shocked person present was Edward.

He had always been proud of being the legitimate heir of the Albione family. Even though his father William was very foolish, as long as he could secure his position as the inheritor of the Albione family, it was enough for him.

For Edward, the most dreaded person was probably his uncle George. He, serious and stern, often hindered his plans. Edward thought that when he inherited the position of the family head, he would definitely exile George to a distant and desolate half-plane!

He is the master of the Albione family!

But unexpectedly, reality was disappointing.

Edward turned out to be the product of an affair between George and his mother. The person he had always hated turned out to be his true father!

According to the rules, only the blood of the eldest son could inherit the family. Among Edward’s generation, only Elymia met this qualification.

In other words, the future head of the Albione family was not Edward, but Elymia!

In an instant, Edward felt his world view change abruptly, and the turmoil in his consciousness directly manifested in his body.

In his perception, he was the purest Albione bloodline. After awakening the bloodline power, this power permeated Edward’s body, reshaping his physique. Now, with a deviation in his perception, the uncontrollable power of the bloodline began to backfire!

The magical power that had been stably flowing in his body suddenly surged back like an intense tide, rapidly spreading throughout Edward’s entire body.


Edward let out a scream, causing his mother Angie to panic beside him.

George quickly stepped forward, took the trembling Edward from Angie’s arms, infused magic to try to neutralize the rampant magical power.

However, Edward’s body had already undergone changes due to the bloodline power. The current backlash was not ordinary: it was an explosion destroying his foundation!

Moreover, George himself was shaken by Reiner’s previous research results and had a dispute with William. In the turmoil of magical power, he couldn’t completely control it.

Not only that, but the red powder Edward had previously ingested had a strong erosion and numbing effect on the mind, intensifying the power of magical backlash.

All these factors combined, this storm could no longer be stopped!

“It’s all because of you… it’s you who caused this…”

Edward tightly grabbed George’s hand, bloodshot eyes filled with intense hatred, his teeth gritted.


George hadn’t finished speaking when a loud bang was heard, and all the blood vessels in Edward’s body burst.

Blood splattered everywhere, and closest to Edward, George was covered in blood. The thick red liquid slid down his face, and George stared blankly at everything.

Even if Edward could be saved, as a magician, his foundation had been completely destroyed. If a squib could rely on his efforts to learn magic, Edward was now completely isolated from magic. Like his good friend Cologne, he couldn’t even maintain a normal body and would appear weak throughout his life.


A sharp scream broke the silence after the disaster. Isis knelt on the ground, her life shattered in an instant. Edward’s backlash, her own identity, everything was impacting her mind.

Although Isis’s magic was mediocre, the backlash caused by the change in perception was not as severe as Edward’s, but it still severely distorted her mind.

“It’s not true, it’s not true, it’s not true… HahahaHAHAHAHA, it’s not true!!!”

She muttered to herself, her hair disheveled. it was clear that Isis’s sanity had been impacted and she was sinking into madness.

As one wave subsides, another follows immediately.


A scream echoed from the corridor. People saw a disheveled woman with exposed fair skin crawling into the hall in panic, her face full of horror.

“Cologne, he…Cologne…”

Edward’s second wife, Margaret, had blood splattered on her face, which was clearly not her own blood. Before she could finish speaking, she was shocked by the scene in front of her and sat down exhausted.

“What’s happening…”

She was originally having an affair with Cologne after marrying Edward. Margaret was dissatisfied with her brother and hooked up with Cologne, who often visited the Albione family. The two had been having an affair for several years behind Edward’s back.

But unexpectedly, Cologne, who had inhaled too much blood rock, burst all his blood vessels halfway, directly losing his life. Without caring about dressing, Margaret hurriedly came here, only to see Edward covered in blood, Isis going mad.

“Father, what happened…”

Margaret wanted to seek help from her father William, but to her surprise, William just looked at her coldly.

“Don’t come near me, bastard.”

From Margaret’s words and actions, one could guess the approximate situation. William now had no sympathy for these two daughters.

His own consciousness was somewhat chaotic. A series of events had left William exhausted. It was enough to destroy his cognition, but he persisted. He controlled his magical power to the fullest because he knew that if he had a problem here, the entire Albione family would be usurped by George.

He was unwilling to accept defeat!

He had been in charge of the Albione family for so many years, and unexpectedly, he was betrayed by his own brother.

He would not accept it!!!

And George, at this moment, faced the same predicament as William.

He raised his head blankly, looked at his biological son, and then at his biological daughter. He didn’t understand why this happened.

Edward’s breakdown, Isis’s madness, Margaret’s betrayal. It was a perfect family. Why was this happening?

What did he do wrong?

Don’t the strong deserve to have everything?

Around them, irregular magical fluctuations were surging, a sign that both were trying to suppress the chaotic magical power within them. Their cognition was on the verge of collapse, and they had no way to retreat.


Finally, with a low rumble, another burst of blood erupted.

But contrary to everyone’s expectations, the person suffering from magical backlash was neither William nor George.

“How could this happen…”

The man uttered a low whisper, seemingly unable to believe everything that had happened. His body could no longer support him, kneeling down, the splendid robe stained with blood, the five golden edges on the cuffs became dim.


The sound of a body falling to the ground echoed in the vast banquet hall.

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