Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 178: Blood Wedding (1)

Chapter 178: Blood Wedding (1)

Morale Support: Scherzo

Patreon: /ScherzoTranslations


Reiner hadn’t even begun to state his findings when a distant sound seemed to stir up the entire banquet hall. William Albione furrowed his brow and called for the butler to investigate, but Reiner quickly spoke up to stop him.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Albione. This is just a little commotion caused by my students. Compared to what I’m about to explain, it’s just a minor disturbance.”

Reiner knew that the commotion was likely caused by Dana using the explosive magic he had taught her. Only that specific spell, named Dana’s Explosion, could generate such destructive power.

After all, this was tailor-made for Dana, a magic that can make the most of Dana’s huge magic power to cause explosions.

According to Reiner’s careful calculations, the spell’s potency at the center of the explosion was almost equivalent to a third level spell, based on Dana’s level as an apprentice.

Unfortunately for the people who blocked her, they would probably have to lie in a hospital bed for at least several months before they could walk.

Shaking his head, Reiner looked at the pure-blood mages present. These mages stared at him with sharp eyes, like daggers. However, Reiner had spoken in front of seven legendary mages at the Ernest Conference. As a person who presented his thesis at such a grand occasion, his heartbeat wouldn’t even beat faster when facing a few pure-blood mages.

Dismissing the small murmurs of doubt, Reiner continued, “Everyone, I’m here to share with you the secret of bloodlines.”

The secret of bloodlines!?

Several family heads widened their eyes slightly. In their view, the secrets of bloodlines were the secrets of the pureblood families. Although some weaker pureblood families had fallen in the past, and their secrets had been uncovered by the Magic Association, the fundamental techniques of bloodline fusion were still shrouded in mystery, beyond the reach of the outside world.

Now, Reiner Ian Grey, a first level mage, dared to claim that he would share the secret of bloodlines with these purebloods???

Is he too arrogant, or were they too backwards?

Ignoring the quiet skepticism, Reiner continued, “Regarding the secret of bloodlines, what I want to discuss first is peas.”


William was unsure where Reiner was going with this, why the secret of bloodlines would involve peas. However, with high level mages present, he had no authority to stop Reiner from speaking.

“I discovered that peas exhibit different varieties and external characteristics. I call these characteristics traits, and I attempted to study the differences and causes of these traits. As a result, I proposed a concept: bloodline factors. I believe bloodline factors are decisive elements in species inheritance, passed down from one generation to the next, determining the species’ traits.”

Reiner spoke eloquently while simultaneously requesting Lord Lockfield to project his relevant papers onto a huge white wall in the banquet hall.

“Through my experiments, I found that some traits have mutually exclusive relationships, and their expressions also differ. For example, when crossbreeding tall-stem peas with short-stem peas, the offspring only showed the traits of tall-stem peas, not both types.”

Accompanying Reiner’s words, a statistical chart of the crossbreeding experiment between pure tall-stem peas and short-stem peas appeared on the wall, surprising many pureblood mages present.

According to common knowledge, the offspring of two different individuals should possess both traits, not exclusively one, as seen in the chart.

In the eyes of blood mages, if a pure-blood mage has an offspring with an ordinary person, the child may inherit the characteristics of an ordinary person but not the characteristics of a pure-blood mage. This is the reason why the pure-blood families have always been intermarrying.

Before they could fully comprehend this revelation, Reiner presented another shocking result.

“Furthermore, when self-pollinating this batch of tall-stem peas, we unexpectedly obtained short-stem peas in the offspring.”

A subdued gasp echoed through the banquet hall as the experimental results appeared on the wall.

William wore a grave expression, sensing Reiner’s intentions but feeling overwhelmed by the impact of the experiments.

Grindelwald, conflicted, looked to Lord Lockfield for confirmation.

The experiment report was just one-sided information. They didn’t personally witness the scene, so they naturally lacked the opportunity for verification. Therefore, Grindelwald thought of Lockfield. This high-level mage surely wouldn’t be deceived by false data.

“I’ve personally verified the results of this experiment.”

Lord Lockfield, seated comfortably with a glass of fragrant red wine, appearing as if he were watching an exciting drama unfold.

His statement left the pureblood mages in silence.

Because from the experiment’s perspective, different traits didn’t completely disappear, but are hidden.

If one were to follow Reiner’s theory of blood factors, understanding the essence of these blood factors could enable the selection of specific traits, cultivating desired varieties.

These traits could involve appearance, characteristics, or even magical abilities.

The bloodline fusion technique of blood mages has long involved merging the blood of magical creatures with humans to generate power. After centuries of effort, they finally obtained stable bloodlines.

However, according to Reiner’s research, the bloodline fusion technique that pure-blooded wizards take pride in seems to be too inefficient?

“I’ve also confirmed that some traits can be inherited independently, while others may be linked. Given enough time for research, I believe decoding the genetic properties of peas won’t be difficult. By then, we could completely control the traits of peas.”

Reiner’s eyes swept over the audience.

A man stepped forward, the head of the Joestar family and a radical among the purebloods. Glancing at the pea experiment report on the wall, he questioned Reiner.

“Reiner Ian Grey, your research is based on peas. Even if there are any laws, they’re just the laws of peas. Are you trying to tell us that humans are the same as peas?”

No matter how you look at it, humans and peas cannot be the same species. There seems to be a huge loophole in Reiner’s theory.

His words resonated with many, all eyes turning to Reiner as if expecting to witness him falter.

However, when Lord Lockfield glanced at Reiner, the school principal smiled faintly.

“I can prove it.”

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