Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 176: The Wedding’s Disrupter

Chapter 176: The Wedding’s Disrupter

Morale Support: Scherzo

Patreon: /ScherzoTranslations


Reiner Ian Gray!!!

William’s mouth twitched. He didn’t invite this guy to the wedding.

But William at least maintained basic courtesy; instead of directly expelling Reiner, he instructed the servants to attend to the headmaster of the Luna Nova Magical Academy.

He had more important matters to attend to and the inexplicably missing Elymia was the top priority.

The other families present had already started discussing in low voices. Though not explicitly stated, many saw Edward alone and became suspicious. If Elymia was not found soon, the Albione family’s wedding today would be a disgrace, losing all their reputation.

Unexpectedly, Reiner continued to walk forward, ignoring the servants on the side.

“Mr. Albione, long time no see,” Reiner spoke, nodding slightly in greeting.

“Mr. Ian Gray, I didn’t invite you to the wedding.”

William was displeased. He thought he had given Reiner enough respect, but the latter showed no gratitude.

“I don’t know how you got in, but if possible, I think it’s best for you to leave my estate.”

The two men’s confrontation drew the attention of others. Regardless, the bride was missing, and an uninvited guest appeared at the wedding, giving the impression that he was disrupting the wedding.

“In fact, Mr. Albione, I came here for two reasons.”

Reiner didn’t back down; he noticed George and Edward and continued.

“First, I am here for my student Elymia, today’s bride. According to the kingdom’s laws and the rules of the Magic Association, the marriage between mages should be based on mutual consent. From my investigation, Elymia Albione does not want to marry her brother.”

His words surprised everyone present.

Does this guy really know what he’s talking about?

Although the law indeed stipulated that, in the past three hundred years, no one had ever questioned pure-blood families in this way. Of course, pure-blood families themselves would not resist such marriages. What did Reiner Ian Gray really want to achieve?

Before others could react, Reiner continued.

“Second, I have received a commission from the legendary mage Charles Preston, requesting to reach an agreement with the pure-blood mages.”

This statement immediately silenced all discussions.

Legendary mage, Charles Preston.

The expert in necromancy, the founder of Immortal Throne, one of the seven at the pinnacle of mages.

Due to the study of necromancy involving living things, there was some exchange between them and the pure-blood factions. The moderate factions within the pure-blood families had intricate connections with Immortal Throne.

The commission from a legendary mage made everyone dare not treat Reiner as just a small principal. All eyes converged on Reiner. At this moment, people even forgot this was a wedding.

“What agreement? I haven’t heard His Excellency mention it.”

The leader of the moderate faction, the head of the Grindelwald family, asked. He had never heard of such a rumor before, but in any case, an olive branch extended by a legendary mage must be valued.

“Before explaining the situation, I need to make some clarifications. For this, Lord Preston specially sent his student, the advanced mage Lord Lockfield, to come as a witness.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a man in a white robe walked into the banquet hall. The seven golden edges on his cuffs glittered, causing several pure-blood family heads to almost hold their breaths upon seeing his face.

Harvey Lockfield, a seventh level advanced mage, the last student of the legendary mage Charles Preston, promoted to the advanced rank ten years ago, was a key figure in the Immortal Throne.

In the past, Grindelwald had met him several times. This was a person who focused on research and rarely participated in gatherings. Unexpectedly, today, he came here for Reiner.

“Lord Lockfield, thank you for your trouble.”

Reiner bowed to him. In fact, he had met him outside Berger City and was able to enter the Albione estate with the authority of this advanced mage.

“Ian Gray, let me see what you can do.”

Lockfield spoke lightly. He was very curious about Reiner’s genetic research. When he heard that Reiner could prove the connection between chromosomes and blood factors, he took the initiative to ask his teacher to send him to Berger City as a witness, also to ensure Reiner’s safety.

The concept of inheritance laws and blood factors are a groundbreaking discovery. It will definitely have a huge impact on pure-blood mages who rely on inheritance. It is inevitable that some emotional mages may do something unfavorable to Reiner. Lockfield’s presence could at least suppress the others.

There was a bit of a small selfish motive for Lockfield. If Reiner’s argument was reasonable and correct, then feedback from the world would also fall on him, who had a certain foundation in inheritance. This was also a matter of reaping the benefits.

Reiner nodded, but William was still very dissatisfied. This was his son’s wedding. Reiner’s current behavior, even with the support of a legendary mage, was too rude. Moreover, did he want to take away the bride?

“Wait a minute, Lord Lockfield. Even if there is something, I think it should wait until the end of the wedding. We can arrange a meeting room for discussion. Doing this now will embarrass all the guests.”

William directly requested Lockfield. In front of the advanced mage, he had done everything he could.

“You might as well ask Mr. Ian Gray. I am only responsible for witnessing. As for when, I have no requirements.”

Lockfield obviously didn’t want to interfere in the dispute between them; he just wanted to hear Reiner explain the relevant content of inheritance quickly.

“Here is fine, Mr. Albione. The content I am about to state is of great significance to pure-blood families. I see that everyone present represents various families. Why not sit down together and listen, maybe there will be new insights.”

Reiner looked around, seeing that these pure-blood mages were all formidable. Presumably, they were not only family heads but also important members.

Perfect. It also saves Reiner time without having to retell.

On one side of the venue, no one was paying attention to where Edward’s bride had gone. George asked Edward to leave the banquet hall first and took people to search for Elymia.

“This guy…”

Before sneaking away, Edward gritted his teeth, staring at Reiner. His eyes were vaguely bloodshot and he believed that Elymia must have been abducted by Reiner.

“I must make that bastard pay…”

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