Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 157: Journey and Preparation

Chapter 157: Journey and Preparation

Morale Support: Scherzo

Patreon: /ScherzoTranslations


On the swaying steam train on a regular rhythm, Reiner stared at the recording stone in his hand, lost in thought.

In the evening, Anvina returned home from the estate, handed the recording stone to Reiner in the hotel, and told her experiences in detail.

Reiner had initially suspected that Elymia might have lost her virginity to Edward, but judging from Edward’s behavior, it appeared that something was hindering him.

However, since the wedding was scheduled for Elymia’s birthday, it meant that whatever was hindering Edward would persist until then. Reiner and the others didn’t have much time.

That night, Reiner and Claire boarded the steam train and headed back to the Luna Nova Magical Academy.

It was still early in the morning, and due to the rushed schedule, they purchased regular compartment tickets. Claire, unable to withstand the fatigue, laid down on the opposite bench and fell asleep, while Reiner took off his robe and gently covered her like a blanket.

Reiner, however, stayed awake the whole night, roughly browsing through the contents of the recording stone on the swaying steam train.

It could be seen that in the Albione family, due to generations of intermarriage, most people had blond hair, differing only in shades. However, the family tree also showed cases of individuals with heterogeneous hair.

Excluding those who died shortly after birth, among the remaining hundred or so family members, only five from the Albione family had red hair.

On the other hand, non-awakened individuals were not uncommon. Reiner, after going through the data, found that at least twenty members of the family had never awakened their bloodline power before their deaths.

However, among those with both red hair and no awakened power, Elymia was the first.

Due to a combination of factors, it led to the belief that she was the product of an affair, and it was not entirely without logic.

Reiner believed that since the reproductive process in this world was similar to Earth, genetic theory could probably explain these phenomena to some extent. However, the Albione family, being a blood mage lineage, had undergone multiple modifications to their bloodline, making it necessary to support the theory with experiments.

Setting aside that aspect for now, Reiner then opened the file recording Mr Ron’s itinerary.

From this, it could be seen that Ron arrived in Berger City seven months before Elymia was born. In other words, unless Elymia only stayed in her mother’s womb for seven months, Ron couldn’t be her father.

To be safe, Reiner checked the Albione family genealogy again, confirming that blood mages also needed a ten-month gestation period. This indirectly proved that Ron, who was forced to commit suicide, did not have an affair with Elymia’s mother, Martha.

Why such an obvious fact was overlooked, Reiner couldn’t know. Perhaps someone wanted to frame Elymia’s mother, or it was revenge against Mr. Ron. With so many possibilities, Reiner wasn’t very interested.

“If we can prove that Elymia is indeed the biological child of the Albione family, then maybe she..”

Reiner pondered, and outside the window, the scenery had changed from mountains to an endless wilderness. The lush forest in front indicated the location of the Luna Nova Magical Academy. They were almost home.


Reiner called Claire’s name softly, stirring the teacher from her slumber.

“Good morning. I really didn’t eat that ham…”

She mumbled sleepily, still drooling, until her eyes met Reiner’s gaze. Claire suddenly widened her eyes.

“I-I, where are we now?”

Claire jumped up, her robe falling off, and she glanced at her clothes, then at Reiner. She slowly sat down, placing her hands on her knees, looking obedient.

“We’re almost there. Get ready.”

Reiner didn’t say much; he was still immersed in thought.

“Can we really change Elymia’s mind?”

Seeing this, Claire asked anxiously.

“No, I don’t think I can change someone’s mind.”

Reiner shook his head, then continued.

“But I believe providing necessary references for her to reevaluate herself is feasible. Of course, ultimately, it depends on Elymia’s own will.”

They got off the train and returned to the Luna Nova Magical Academy.

The academy was quiet; it was summer vacation. Except for a few students and teachers who didn’t go home, the campus was maintained by idle alchemical creatures who were cleaning.

The greenhouse was completed two days ago. After a week of rest, Reiner planned to have the construction team build the enclosures for cultivating magical creatures.

After putting down his luggage, Reiner didn’t choose to go to his room to bathe. Instead, he went straight to the principal’s office to check the status of the greenhouse through the reports.

The greenhouse was located on the west side of the school, where Mr. Antoine had temporarily stayed before. It had a vast planting area, but it wasn’t just a farmland. It had magical facilities attached to it. Each plot could be individually adjusted to meet the needs of different plants. More importantly, the magical setup in the greenhouse could accelerate plant growth, with the potential to increase efficiency tenfold depending on the plant type.

Of course, truly precious magical plants had extremely long growth cycles, with three to five hundred years being normal. Reiner had spent a considerable amount to set up this greenhouse. For ordinary people, it would be quite challenging to use a magical greenhouse to cultivate rare magical plants in large quantities.

After confirming the condition of the greenhouse, Reiner was relieved. He was glad that he had chosen to build the greenhouse first to save on magical material costs. At least now, he had time to conduct experiments.

Reiner immediately picked up a pen and wrote a shopping list.

Although the materials he planned to use for the experiment were not rare, Reiner had strict requirements for their characteristics, so he wrote in great detail.

After finishing, Reiner checked it carefully to ensure accuracy before preparing to seal it with wax. Just as he was about to do so, the office door was pushed open.

“Uh, I went to your room just now and found no one…”

Claire said somewhat awkwardly.

“I’ll give your clothes back to you after I wash them…”

It turned out she was referring to the robe Reiner had put on her earlier.

“Okay, if you want to.”

Reiner smiled and didn’t mind. He then picked up a piece of stationery and handed it to Claire.

“By the way, Claire, help me seal this letter and send it to Mr. Osborne by express mail.”

“What’s this?”

Claire took the letter and glanced at its contents, feeling even more puzzled.

“These are the materials for my upcoming experiment. If the experiment succeeds, it might change Elymia’s views on herself and her mother. Of course, everything is unknown until the results come out.”

“Experiment materials?”

Claire became even more confused because the most frequently mentioned word on that list wasn’t some rare magical material but something commonly found.



T/N: Dude about to invent Mendel’s Inheritance Laws

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