Gospel of Blood

Chapter 297: The Gods Will Protect Us

Chapter 297: The Gods Will Protect Us

The wailing horn gradually rose to a crescendo, and a silver glow illuminated the battlefield. With the accompanying mages chanting, the patterns on the Borde-Violet elite soldiers’ armor lit up.

“Raise shields!”

The noble officer commanded.

The fully armored soldiers raised their shields, which also glowed with patterns, forming a beehive-shaped magical barrier above the formation.

Castell’s arrows fell like rain, and the galleys in the river fired their cannons.

However, aside from enchanted arrows or expensive anti-magic projectiles, ordinary attacks could barely harm the activated magic formation.

The battle quickly moved to the bridge, and it was a one-sided slaughter. The noble leading the Castell soldiers were instantly overwhelmed by the brilliance of the magical formation. The silver army formation cut through Castell’s lines like a sharp steel blade, penetrating the bridge.

High in the tower of Northport, Charlotte watched the battle unfold.

Once the enemy’s magic formation engaged, the long-contested Northport Bridge fell at a pace of a meter per second, with Castell soldiers either being overwhelmed by the attacking formation or pushed off the bridge.

“Countess, Baron Somir reports that Northport Bridge is lost!”

“Countess, Viscount Roman-Four reports that the fleet’s anti-magic ammunition is exhausted. He suggests destroying the bridge to prevent the enemy from crossing!”


Various bad news came one after another, and the situation rapidly deteriorated.

Charlotte also noticed that the magical shield covering Northport was faltering under the coalition fleet’s bombardment, on the verge of collapse.


Viscount Leon-Castell, looking solemnly towards the bridge, couldn’t help but say,

“Destroy the bridge. We cannot allow the elite soldiers to cross. If they do, the enemy’s stone throwers will move to the north bank, putting Northport in even greater danger…”

“Countess, please order the bridge’s destruction! If they take control and activate their defensive magic, it will be difficult to reclaim it!”

“Yes, we can rebuild the bridge later, but we cannot let Northport fall!”

Other nobles urged.

Charlotte slowly withdrew her gaze, shaking her head lightly.

“No, Northport Bridge is crucial for our counterattack and cannot be destroyed.”


The nobles grew anxious.

“If we can’t even hold it, how can we talk about a counterattack?”

“Yes, Borde’s elite soldiers are too many. We cannot resist them…”

Viscount Leon-Castell sighed.

“Countess, while Northport’s magical defense system is strong, it has its limits. Our shield is near its breaking point to protect the city. Allowing the enemy to advance further would be disastrous…”

He looked at Charlotte deeply and said respectfully.

“I believe you have plans and hope for a counterattack, but we must consider how to defend now.”

“The strength of the magical shield is linked to the power of its maintainer. Although President Layton is an experienced Silver Moon mage, maintaining such a large-scale defense is too difficult.”

“Castell is no longer the same as it was when we had Blazing Sun. Perhaps your father could have sustained the shield during the Star-Moon War, but times have changed…”

“Countess, Castell’s magical power is not what it used to be. Sometimes, sacrifices are necessary for victory…”

Hearing the Old Viscount’s words, Charlotte was moved.

“Viscount Leon-Castell, you mean…”

Viscount Leon-Castell gritted his teeth and said,

“Destroy Northport Bridge, stop protecting the city, and only maintain the magical defense over the count’s estate and the fortress, delaying as long as possible!”

Charlotte frowned slightly.

Just as she was about to reply, she heard a cracking sound in the sky, like glass shattering.

She looked up to see the magical shield over Northport growing more unstable, with some areas becoming almost transparent.

The duchy fleet’s bombardment continued. Under Charlotte’s intense gaze, some projectiles even breached the shield, landing inside the city.

Loud explosions ensued, and thick smoke rose from the city, with terrified screams heard sporadically.

Suddenly, a soldier hurried over, accompanied by two guards supporting a pale-faced mage apprentice.

“Countess, urgent report from the mage tower!”

The soldier said quickly.

Charlotte looked at the apprentice.

“What happened?”

“Countess, Master Layton can barely maintain the shield. He is reaching his limit…”

Hearing this, the surrounding nobles turned pale.

“Countess! We can’t delay any longer!”

Viscount Leon-Castell shouted.

Charlotte remained silent.


The Old Viscount repeated urgently.

Charlotte finally raised her head.

She glanced at the magical shield in the sky, then suddenly said,

“Viscount Leon-Castell, did you say my father once maintained a shield over all of Northport during the Star-Moon War?”

The Old Viscount was stunned but instinctively replied.


Charlotte seemed to be deep in thought.

After a few seconds, she raised her head and directly addressed the soldier.

“Take me to the mage tower.”

The soldiers and nobles were stunned.

Seeing her serious and beautiful profile, the Old Viscount’s expression changed dramatically.

“Countess, you… you don’t intend to control the magical defense system yourself, do you?”

“Yes, your father did maintain a defense over Northport, but he was a Blazing Sun! It’s different!”

“You’ve grown rapidly and are incredibly gifted, but you’re still just a Silver Moon!”

“The mental and magical strength of a Blazing Sun far exceeds other extraordinary. It’s not a gap that can be bridged by numbers. You can’t do it, and it might be life-threatening!”


Charlotte suddenly raised her hand, silencing him.

She placed a slender finger on her lips, smiling gently and beautifully.

“If I don’t try, how will I know?”

She then raised her head and drew a ring cross on her chest reverently.

“We are not only fighting the Third Prince but also the Blood Demon Cult supporting him in the shadows…”

“I believe, as long as we have a devout heart, the Gods will protect us and help us overcome this evil.”

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