God Simulator

Chapter 9: The Barbarian Tribe

Chapter 9: The Barbarian Tribe

As the day drew to a close, the company neared its closing time, and the air buzzed with conversations among the employees. Sister Peng's voice cut through the chatter, a mix of excitement and concern lacing her words.

"Have you heard? The deviant that stripped a person naked made an appearance yesterday," she exclaimed.

"It happened right here in our very Jiuyuan community. I've always warned you about the dangers lurking around here. Thankfully, you accepted my offer to ride in my car yesterday. Otherwise, encountering such a pervert could have had unimaginable consequences," she added with visible relief.

Grateful for her concern, Lu Yao decided to show his appreciation by ordering a delectable small cake and a steaming cup of coffee for Sister Peng to take away.

After work, Lu Yao swiftly hopped into a rental electric vehicle and sped through the streets. He had calculated that battery-powered vehicles offered a quicker commute compared to public transportation, with no hassle of traffic congestion. In theory, they provided the fastest means of transportation.

Arriving home, Lu Yao wasted no time and settled in front of his computer screen. The pixelated world unfolded before him, transitioning from wintry landscapes to vibrant scenes of green grass, erasing all traces of the once-covered snow and barren trees.

The diligent garlic tribe continued their relentless expansion, reclaiming vast stretches of land. Meanwhile, the forest tribe villagers embarked on widespread hunting, gradually returning to their familiar way of life. As Lu Yao observed the meticulously arranged and ever-expanding wheat fields on the screen, he couldn't help but feel a ting of satisfaction.

Outside the temple, the prophet and the shaman stood in private conversation, their faces displaying contentment and relaxation. Occasionally, smiley face icons floated above their heads, signifying their pleasant exchange.

"The ancestors of the forest tribe were once followers of the ancient forest god, but that tale belongs to a bygone era, passed down through generations," the shaman shared, his voice laced with nostalgia.

"The elderly claim that in the distant past, the world was mostly engulfed by this very forest. During that time, all the wild beasts were allies of the forest tribe, and even ferocious demons were tamed servile. Each forest tribe member enjoyed an extended lifespan, coexisted harmoniously with the trees, and possessed divine powers bestowed upon them by Mother Nature," he continued.

"However, that period has receded into the past, so distant that we can no longer discern the authenticity of these tales," the shaman reflected, his voice tinged with regret.

"Since the time of the previous shaman, the forest tribes have been grappling with food scarcity for an extended period. Winters have grown colder, the animal population has dwindled, and rainfall has become increasingly scarce. The ominous presence of demon worshipers has begun to loom, and the forests are gradually succumbing to decay," the shaman explained, his tone filled with concern.

"My friend, we face a difficult decision. We must contemplate moving out of the forest and relocating the temple. Will God Yao accept the forest tribe?" he inquired earnestly.

An exclamation point materialized above the prophet's head, followed by the illumination of a light bulb, symbolizing a moment of revelation.

"As long as one is a devout believer, God Yao will extend His protection. The garlic tribe welcomes you!" the prophet proclaimed, his words carrying a note of assurance.

Simultaneously, a prompt materialized on the screen:

[The garlic tribe and the forest tribe have merged, resulting in a slight improvement in their collective faith.]

[The integration process is complete, and the wheat has seamlessly assimilated into the world.]

Lu Yao's gaze quickly shifted to the upper-right corner of the

Amidst the dense forest, the urgent cries of the two intrepid adventurers rang out, alerting the tribe to a grave threat. The prophet and the shaman swiftly mobilized the hunters, who armed themselves with wooden spears and assumed positions of readiness to defend their land.

From the depths of the western forest emerged a group of savage warriors, exuding a primal aura. Clad in rugged animal pelts and wielding crude stone axes, their ferocity was unmatched as they clashed with over thirty seasoned hunters.

Their aggressive voices filled the air, demanding the surrender of provisions. "Relinquish your food or face death! The heretics shall perish!"

Undeterred by the intimidating display, the hunters fought valiantly, their blades clashing with the primitive weapons of their adversaries. Fortunately, the Zhuyu Brothers, renowned heroes in their own right, proved invaluable. Armed with sturdy wooden staves, the brothers utilized their expertise in stealth and agility, launching surprise attacks from the shadows and incapacitating the savages with precise strikes. Their simple yet effective technique inflicted repeated blows that left the wildlings reeling in pain.

Pushed back by the relentless assault, the defeated savages were forced to retreat, cursing as they went. Their departing threats held a menacing promise of future attacks if their demands were not met.

While Lu Yao felt a sense of satisfaction in repelling the siege, a tinge of disappointment lingered. Merely driving the invaders away fell short of achieving complete victory. As he contemplated employing his divine lightning to eradicate the wildling tribe once and for all, Lu Yao was interrupted by the shaman, who shared crucial information about the barbarian tribe.

"They are a tribe of untamed brutes, dwelling high in the mountains. Lacking in wisdom, they possess an animalistic ferocity akin to wild beasts," explained the shaman, urgency lacing his words.

"The barbarian tribe wields great power, with each member renowned for their formidable strength. They have been preying on the resources of surrounding tribes, extorting provisions. Surrendering the food is necessary to avoid their wrath," he added.

As Lu Yao absorbed this newfound knowledge, a realization struck him. The black bear they had encountered earlier, which had attacked both the Garlic Tribe and the Forest Tribe indiscriminately, was, in fact, a warrior from the barbarian tribe. The creature's lack of discernment now made sense. Swiftly, Lu Yao had dispatched the bear with a surge of lightning.

The Forest Tribe had long endured the constant threat and blackmail from the barbarians. If the neighboring Garlic Tribe also succumbed to beliefs in demonic entities, the Forest Tribe would be left with no choice but to seek refuge in the demonic forces.

Finding solace in the knowledge that the barbarian tribe possessed great physical prowess but lacked strategic intellect, Lu Yao's concerns lessened. Though they attacked relentlessly, their brute force approach made them predictable, rendering them easier to confront.

Shifting his attention to the potted plants on the nearby table, Lu Yao focused on the prickly pear plant named "Little Fire."

"Little Fire," he addressed the cactus, "as a servant of the Lord, can believers in demons transform into beasts?"

"My lord, the transformation into beasts is indeed an ability possessed by a select few believers known as 'heroes.' It is a manifestation of their demonic powers," the prickly pear replied. "However, these individuals are a minority within the tribe."

Understanding dawned upon Lu Yao. He recalled that the lightning-struck black bear, despite being an adversary, had not immediately vaporizer. Perhaps, it was one of these heroes among the demon believers, inherently stronger than the average person.

His discerning gaze now fell upon the Zhuyu Brothers once more. They, too, possessed the status of heroes, but their abilities were not combat-oriented, contrary to his initial assumption.

Examining their profiles, Lu Yao discovered that their recent exploits had resulted in covert advancements.

The Fisherman, now at [Hero Level 2], boasted enhanced attributes:

Attack: 2 Defense: 1 Knowledge: 0 Mana: 0 Luck: 2 Morale: 0

His newfound ability, Water Seeking Level 1, made him proficient in locating water sources across diverse environments.

Similarly, the Hunter had ascended to [Hero Level 2], with improved stats:

Attack: 3 Defense: 2 Knowledge: 0 Mana: 0 Luck: 0 Morale: 0

He had acquired the Tracking Level 1 ability, making him skillful in identifying and interpreting traces left by various individuals and animals.

It became evident that the Zhuyu Brothers had undergone undisclosed enhancements. Although their newly acquired abilities were not directly related to combat, their utility was undeniable.

The tracking skill, in particular, had proven instrumental in discovering the presence of the barbarian tribe. Lu Yao now realized that he had initially underestimated the brothers' unique capabilities.

Moments of self-reflection prompted Lu Yao to amend his previous judgments. Destiny had interwoven their paths, revealing the brothers' invaluable roles in the upcoming confrontations.

Turning his attention to the towering mountains in the western expanse of the forest, the dwelling place of the barbarian tribe, Lu Yao resolved to confront the repercussions of their defiance.

Attempting to kill his believers only escape would not come without consequence.

Their punishment would be forthcoming.


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