God Simulator

Chapter 205: What happened?

Chapter 205: What happened?

After successive battles, Apostle Zelkuku was covered in wounds.

He leaned wearily against the cave’s stone wall, relying on the earth element to slowly repair his body.

As an earth golem, he possessed higher resistance and defense, and even had a chance to be immune to the opponent’s attacks and spells. However, the opponent’s vampiric ability was a severe counter to his own, growing stronger as the battle dragged on, showing no fear of attrition, making it extremely difficult for him to cope.

On the front lines, the Fifth Fearless Empire’s offensive surged like a tide, victorious in every battle, causing Zelkuku, who was tied down, to grow anxious.

The enemy soldiers were equipped with fine spears, javelins, shields, and bows, experienced in combat, and supported by a kind of Transcendent creature known as "Sand Lizards."

Facing a regular army far outnumbering their own hastily assembled resistance, the Wuzi people could hardly mount an effective counterattack. Sometimes, Wuzi warriors even had to resort to self-destructing to slow the enemy’s advance.

This was no solution at all.

If it weren’t for the Empire’s desire to capture Wuzi people alive, minimizing casualties, the kingdom’s situation would be even more dire.

Zelkuku knew in his heart that the hope for Wuzi Wang’s kingdom to turn defeat into victory was extremely slim.

Even if the Wuzi people hid underground, the Empire’s Sand Lizards could find them.

The enemy had already used a series of methods such as flooding, pouring oil, and setting fires. Once ignited, the black mud was difficult to extinguish, and without this protection, the poisonous water could drive the Wuzi people to despair.

The Wuzi people had been desperately fighting the enemy to protect their homeland, beliefs, and freedom.


How could they win?

Zelkuku silently pressed on his wound, repairing it with quicksand.

Suddenly, he rolled to the side.

With a crash, the spot where he had been was struck by a giant axe, sending shards of rock flying everywhere.

The enemy was relentless.

"Earth golems sure can take a beating."

The enemy grinned, pulling out a man-high black axe: "Too bad, you’ve met me. Let’s see if your high-level immunities trigger more often, or if my vampiric axe sucks more."

Zelkuku adjusted his breathing, trying to get himself into the best possible state.

The man before him was one of God Bo’s four Apostles, Shane.

Shane’s rank and combat power were both above his own.

Zelkuku’s entry into the battle had finally stabilized the front lines, but the berserker Shane disrupted the balance. Most of the wounds on Zelkuku’s body also came from that giant axe.

"I admire your loyalty and tenacity, but since you refuse to submit to Lord God Bo, there’s only one path left for you."

"Zelkuku, to die on your native soil is the last mercy I can offer you."

Shane’s eyes turned pitch black, his giant axe swinging, chopping the earth golem into retreat, his body riddled with gashes.

Zelkuku’s head, arms, and shoulders were chopped off again and again, and he kept repairing himself.

His movements grew slower, and eventually, he was left with only half a face, his magical power no longer supporting the restoration of his entire body, making it difficult for the earth golem to even stand.

"It’s over."

Shane smirked, his axe descending head-on.

At that moment, a white shadow flashed past him, and moonlight suddenly appeared in broad daylight.

A bloodline appeared on Shane’s neck, and black blood spurted out. He frantically covered the wound on his throat, looking around in confusion.

Who, who was it?

Wuzi Wang?

No, this was not Wuzi Wang’s way of fighting.

Wuzi Wang’s abilities were explosions and dissolution, not this kind of combat. Moreover, his Divinity was not much left, he would not waste it on himself but wait for Lord God Bo.

Strength and warmth were rapidly fading from his body.

Death felt so clear.

Vampiric, vampiric, suck the blood fiercely!!!

His mind was desperately thinking, but his limbs were completely out of control.

Just one strike, and he was cut off from life by an unseen enemy.

Shane felt the absurdity and cruelty of fate.

Who was it, who...

He struggled to open his eyes, wanting to see the face of his assassin. But his vision was already extremely blurry, only seeing a white steed with ghostly flames burning in its eyes, the beast didn’t even glance at him.


Was he bitten to death by a horse?

No, it definitely wasn’t a horse.

It just looked like it.

What happened? What kind of terrifying monster had emerged?

In his dying moments, a thought flashed through Shane’s mind.

A strange calamity had befallen the world, no one could escape, everyone had to die, not just himself...

With such consolation, Shane’s consciousness completely blurred, and his tall body, along with the giant axe, fell backward.

The earth golem, having narrowly escaped death, was full of astonishment on the remaining half of his face.

Shane possessed a vampiric giant axe, which allowed him to continuously draw life force from the enemy’s wounds, making him extremely adept at frontal melee combat, growing stronger as the fight went on.

Zelkuku was completely countered by him in terms of characteristics.

Yet such a powerful Apostle, with no weaknesses, was killed in one strike by this sudden stranger, extinguishing the flame of belief on the spot.

The stranger gave him a cold glance.

The earth golem felt a piercing pain, a primal fear in his physiology making him nervously lower his head, as if being stared at by some high-ranking predator.

He caught a glimpse.

The newcomer was a female human.

She wore a horned white bone helmet, a red cloak enveloping her slender body wrapped in bandages. Neither in appearance nor temperament did she resemble a fierce warrior, but rather a king inspecting the front lines.

And the bone sword in her hand, a work of art, had effortlessly slain a high-ranking Apostle just moments ago.

Shane’s body was still warm.

"Who... who are you?"

Zelkuku asked somewhat cautiously.

The swordswoman remained silent, picking up the giant axe from the ground, and in the blink of an eye, the weapon vanished without a trace.

Another figure suddenly descended from the sky.

The newcomer said, "The surroundings are secure, no other Apostles detected."

The swordswoman didn’t respond to her own people either, simply using her sword to completely destroy Shane’s body.

The newcomer was a young black-robed witch, wearing a magical hat and holding a wand, but her eyes were wrapped in black cloth, seemingly injured.

"Zelkuku, you’d better take this time to heal."

She revealed her own name.

The earth golem was taken aback.

The aura emanating from her was of a higher rank, although not as sharp and painful as the swordswoman’s, it still towered above him.

How could there be such high-ranking powerhouses within the kingdom’s borders? He had no idea.

They were definitely not apostles of the gods.

The only apostle left in Wuzi Wang’s kingdom was himself.

Zelkuku said warily, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"My name is Isabella."

The witch’s voice was gentle: "We come by the command of the gods. As God Bo is invading this world, we have come to assess the situation and ask if you need help."

Zelkuku pondered.

They shouldn’t be from God Bo, otherwise, they wouldn’t have killed Apostle Shane at first sight. Any Apostle was an important limb to a god.

But their identities were mysterious, their power terrifying, and their motives unclear.

Thinking was not Zelkuku’s forte.

He decided to take them to see the god.

With the god’s wisdom, he would surely be able to judge their true intentions.

If they had malicious intent, the god’s majesty would be enough to deter them.

"Please follow me."

The earth golem zigzagged through the underground passages, piloted a subterranean boat through a complex cave system, and after a detour, brought the visitors to a safe area surrounded by mountains.

"Please wait."

The two visitors from another world waited quietly.

The earth golem’s body stiffened, his eyes emitting white light, and his whole being radiated a solemnity that was completely different from before.

"Two guests, I am the god of this world, you may call me Wuzi Wang."

Wuzi Wang communicated with them through the body of the Apostle.


Overlooking all this, Lu Yao held a steaming glass cup, sipping honey pomelo tea that had been simmered over a small flame.

The whole process went smoother than expected.

Because the world was anchored, the passage opened by the Golden Plains did not cause cross-world weakening, allowing Isabella and Sarina to enter Wuzi Wang’s kingdom in their prime.

Sarina was directly paired with the [Ghostly White Horse], maximizing mobility and burst power.

Under the enhancement of Isabella’s [Sword of the Forest], the female Tyrant launched a thunderous assault on the LV36 Apostle Shane.

Relying on the white horse’s [Advanced Camouflage], Sarina’s moonlight blade’s first of four attacks dealt double damage, instantly delivering 2.5 times the attack power, bursting up to 767 points, triggering the execution decree, and instantly killing Shane.

He looked at the new item in his possession.

[Vampiric Giant Axe LV4]: Damage +4, Defense -1. When used as the sole weapon, it enables [Last Stand].


[Last Stand]: When the user’s health is below half, each attack can draw a certain amount of life from the opponent, the lower the user’s health, the stronger the vampiric effect.

Lu Yao’s eyes lit up.

Although Shane himself wasn’t much, this equipment was indeed a little artifact for prolonged battles.

Sarina used a sword, which wasn’t suitable, but the vampiric axe was a perfect match for the Blood Knight.

The Blood Knight had a vampiric ability, which made sense.

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