Global Fog Survival

Chapter 126: Tides

Chapter 126: Tides


Amidst the gray fog, an invisible, loud noise suddenly erupted and rapidly spread outward.

The slow-flowing gray mist began to boil furiously at this moment! The invasion of the “night” was like a red-hot iron ingot being thrown into water, triggering a violent reaction in the gray fog, with the two sides completely incompatible!

As the gray fog boiled, all the survivors felt their shoulders lighten, and the overwhelming, terrifying pressure lessened significantly.

“I thought I was going to die!”

This was almost everyone’s first thought as they regained their mobility.

The next moment, as if realizing something, both those outside and inside the buildings quickly took out “rare polluted blood” and filled their lanterns. In this moment, on a night that should have been “daylight,” billions of lights were rapidly ignited!

Soon after, nearly everyone realized that the first thing affected during the recent abnormal change was…

“Look, the gray fog is boiling!”

“It seems like the gray fog has thinned a lot…”

“Everyone, be careful! The countdown has really ended early! Prepare for disaster!”

Messages scrolled rapidly in the chat channel, but it didn’t take long for the constant flow of information to come to an abrupt halt…


At this moment, the survivors suddenly realized that the chat channel had gone gray and was unusable!

And more bad news was delivered at this time.

“Damn it! Talent recruitment isn’t working either!”

“We’ve all been isolated!”

“The only thing still usable on the parchment scroll is the trading market…”

“Hurry and buy whatever valuable items you can, especially those ‘mysterious items’; if you’re late, they’ll be snatched up!”

“Get rid of anything useless; see if you can trade for some mist points to ensure we have the funds to repair cars and houses…”

“Phew, luckily Mr. Colin told us beforehand not to go out…”

“So what do we do now? What will happen tonight…?”

After nightfall, aside from the boiling gray fog, nothing seemed to happen. But everyone knew that this was only temporary…

One minute, two minutes, three minutes…

Suddenly, after about ten minutes of calm, someone in a fourth-level territory shouted in alarm, “Mutants! It’s mutants! They’re coming over!”

Everyone in the fourth-level territory froze at the words.

They looked over, and sure enough, not too far away, they saw a few mutants approaching.

Not many…

But… this was not good news.

Mutants had never attacked “territories” before…

Once back in the territory, no matter how fiercely they were pursued, mutants would give up, as if they suddenly couldn’t see their targets anymore. Just recently, people even joked that as long as they blocked the door right, they could single-handedly kill a lord-level mutant!

But now…

They had started attacking!

Meanwhile, in the underground area of overlapping spaces, at the end of the “light,” the ruins of the High Court.

On the gray stone throne, Colin barely raised his head to look at the darkness outside the High Court, sensing a large number of unsettling auras surging.

Soon, he saw many terrifying creatures rushing from the dim distance, varying in size but mostly hideous and unbearable to look at.

“Mutants…” Colin murmured.

At this moment, he was bound to the stone throne, stabilizing the chaotic “source of light” from the recent event…

He had realized something…

Although nothing had truly started yet…

The outcome of civilization was still uncertain… But his fate had already been laid out…

This fusion would not succeed easily, and he would pay an unbearable price.

All he could do was reduce that price as much as possible, bringing it down to a level he could bear—one that would let him survive. Whether he could gain immense power was no longer a consideration.

Feeling the horror of the “night” more acutely than anyone else, a trace of despair welled up in Colin’s heart. But as soon as this feeling surfaced, Colin ruthlessly suppressed it. He no longer had time to be distracted; he needed to absorb as much of the “source of light” as possible while he could…

As he absorbed, the light inside the grand hall condensed inward, no longer unbearable as it had been moments before.

“The hall is now accessible. Buy me some time.” Colin’s voice came from above the gray stone throne.

The group, having just emerged from the protection of the pure light screen, had no idea what had just happened and glanced back.

They saw the man they served sitting on the gray throne, eyes closed at some unknown point, his elbow resting on the armrest, a hand propping up his face as if in some kind of slumber.

On him, a mass of light continuously floated, flickering and writhing, screaming silently, trying to “escape” from his body. But some force seemed to be gradually pulling it into Colin’s body bit by bit.

If everything happened normally, with a complete fusion with Colin, not even he knew what would happen next. But unfortunately…

This could no longer happen. His outcome was bound to be a failure.

He knew only that he had to absorb this power as much as he could before the influence deepened, in order to deal with this “night incident” and strive to survive!

After Colin’s words fell, Sanna and the others immediately began preparations, entering the ruined hall without a dome. The “manhole cover” was tossed to the entrance by Sanna, who had Li Chou open it, and then pulled out the hundreds of people inside…

Just as they completed their preparations, the monsters arrived…

“Suppress these mutants!” Number One shouted. With the number of monsters still low, they did not plan to use artillery.

Behind him, the “new” subordinates, though somewhat intimidated by their first encounter with the monsters, showed no fear, quickly splitting into teams to assist Number One in clearing the mutants.

One hour, two hours…

Time passed quickly, and as it did, a growing sense of dread filled the air, the distant view becoming blurred, like being trapped in a dream… And the number of mutants increased.

Now, hundreds to thousands of monsters roared and howled, surging like a tide from all directions toward the ruined High Court. It wouldn’t be long before these loathsome creatures reached and destroyed everything here!

Fortunately, this area had the special “ghost wall” restriction, causing the monsters to only approach from certain directions… Under the suppression of firepower, everything was still manageable.

It was unclear how much time had passed… The number of monsters had clearly exceeded a thousand. They surged forward like a crimson “sandstorm”! Within the “sandstorm,” the abominable flesh ran or crawled, more violent than ever.

As they charged in groups, shaking the entire area, a piercing light suddenly cut through the night sky, exploding into the “sandstorm.”


A section of aberrations was blasted to pieces in a violent explosion. Blood, bones, and limbs splattered everywhere.

But in the next second, more aberrations, screeching strangely, charged out, covering the entire area.

Boom, boom, boom, boom—

More shells fired from the cannons, arcing through the air, tearing into the “tide” with ear-piercing sounds and erupting with deafening force that shook the ground. Within just a few quick bombardments, the once impenetrable “tide” showed clear thinning, with many mutants turning to dust under the artillery barrage before they could reach the High Court…

But this didn’t mean everything would end soon, for this was just the beginning… Everyone could feel the terror still flooding in.

Finally, after tens of minutes of intense bombardment, some stronger mutants broke through and reached the High Court. These monsters were almost all elite mutants.

“Keep firing! We’ll deal with these things; we must buy more time for Lord Colin.” After Sanna spoke, her body burst with bright yet soft light, and she quickly cast multiple blessings on everyone, including herself.

“About 6-7 times strength…”

After receiving the blessings, Russell clenched his fist, gauging his power. This strength was enough for him to handle the “stragglers” and ensure no breaches behind.

But then, a white figure dashed out at a speed almost impossible to see with the naked eye, overtaking him. Russell froze. What just happened?

He soon saw that the priestess, who had always been “protected” beside Colin, had appeared at the front line. She had, at some point, chained her Bible shut and was now swinging her arm, striking down the elite monsters with precision. Or using violent methods to directly kill the elite mutants on the spot!

This left Russell, who had been preparing to deal with the strange creatures, slowing to a halt after a couple of steps: “Aren’t you a priest?”


Sanna didn’t respond immediately, crushing a mutant’s head in one hand, blood splattering her face before evaporating under the purification of holy light. Those mutants that had broken through here fell in staggered steps, soaked in blood and unable to move further…

Above her head, a barrage of artillery shells shot out, streaking across the sky in arcs of light, purging and reaping the lives of each mutant.

Seconds later.

With everything swiftly dealt with, she turned her head, her clear lake-blue eyes meeting Russell’s gaze. “I’ve picked up a bit of combat skills. Is there a problem?”

…No problem at all. Russell quickly shook his head, feeling the same mix of emotions that Colin once had.

The brief exchange quickly passed, leaving them no time to speak further as more and more monsters swarmed in…

Even Sanna was beginning to struggle.

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