Ghost Story Club

Chapter 96: Eleventh Ghost Story – The Forgotten Friend (9)

Chapter 96: Eleventh Ghost Story – The Forgotten Friend (9)

“At that time, I pretended to be the ghost’s mother-in-law that imitated to be my Mom. I drove the performance to the extreme, pushing it to the point it couldn’t continue imitating anymore. And that was how I exorcised it.”

“….That’s right.”

Gyeongwon nodded in admiration.

“Even thinking about it again, I think it was a brilliant idea.”

“Yeah. Although the situation is a bit different, don’t you think there’s something similar between now and then?”

I spread my hands as I explained enthusiastically.

“The current ghost story, in a way, is also in a position of continuously pretending to be our friend and be with us. So I think it’s possible to resolve the situation if we use the same approach.”

Of course, the process would be a little different.

While the ghost story of pretending to be my Mom appeared with a physical presence and performed directly.

This ghost story manipulated reality to leave traces of it everywhere. However, if we think about it carefully, all she was doing was pretending to be our friend and imitating someone else, not herself.

Just as that ghost wasn’t my mother, Kim Eunjung wasn’t my friend either.

So my conclusion was that we could try using the same solution.

“She might be an imitation to you guys but she’s a real person and friend.”

“‘Your’ friend.”

I corrected Jinhee, who was about to protest.

“She’s not our friend.”


Gyeongwon crossed his arms and nodded in agreement.

“Your explanation may sound crappy, but I think it’s accurate. She’s definitely not our friend.”

“….So? What are you going to do?”

“We’re going to make her ashamed. To the point where calling us her friends becomes painful.”

The club members nodded their heads with apparent interest.

“What exactly are we going to do?”

In response to Sunah’s question asking what I was referring to, I answered confidently.

“For example, what if I took off my clothes right now and ran around the playground? Would Kim Eunjung still be able to call us her friends?”

I explained that part step by step while drawing a stickman without any clothes with the marker pen.

“Wearing only underwear like this…”

“I suppose since Prez is explaining it you also intend to do it?”

“No. Dukhun will be the one doing it.”


[T/N: Kusokurae (クソクラゲ) is literally cursing in Japanese.]

Dukhun suddenly stood up with an angry expression.

“Why would I want to do something like that!”

I nodded while pointing with my index finger.

“Good point.”


Sunah looked at me with a sympathetic face.

After pondering for a moment, I quickly erased the drawing.

“There must be other good methods. Let’s think about them together.”


“Anyway, everyone understood what I’m trying to say, right?”

Gyeongwon nodded expressionlessly.

“I definitely understand.”

“The key point is to either push the situation to the point that she doesn’t want to be friends with us anymore, or make it so that she can’t stay to be friends.”

“Hey, but.”

Suddenly, Jinhee crossed her arms and asked bluntly.

“What if Eunjung is still alive and well? If we try some weird methods and they end up affecting Eunjung who is far away…”

“It’s okay. Just like how my real Mom wasn’t affected just because I exorcised the ghost story imitating my mother, the real Kim Eunjung shouldn’t be affected at all.”

“Then what if she’s not alive? What if it’s really the ghost that appeared after the original person died?”

“…Then that’s even more dangerous. You clearly said she was a psychopath who killed people.”

Jinhee pouted as if she had nothing more to refute.

“…I just suspected that. As I’ve said before, there was no evidence that she was the one who did it. If you take away the weird part about torturing the animal, she was a kind and gentle friend to me.”

“Yesterday, you were completely blatantly assuming that she killed someone.”

“Yeah, that’s right. She also said that Kim Eunjung cut the rope of the workers on the apartment building they were working and caused them to fall to their death.”

“Hey, that’s just…”

Eventually, Jinhee sighed when Dukhun blatantly pointed out what she said.

“I was just trying to tell a scary story. How could an elementary school girl cut three ropes where workers were working at the same time?”

“….But, what you said were all real events, right?”

Jinhee, showing hesitation on her face, eventually nodded in agreement.

The lizard’s split tail, the massacre of the rabbits, and the three people falling—all of these were real events.

“….Well, that’s okay. We also investigated by asking around in the classroom. The Kim Eunjung you remember from your childhood memories and the Kim Eunjung who is causing a ruckus here are completely different in terms of their upbringing and personality. I don’t think they’re the same person.”

“That’s true, but…”

“So let’s put aside our worries about your friend and just try to get rid of the ghost story. Okay?”

Soon, Jinhee nodded as if she couldn’t help it and muttered.

“Okay for now.”

“Okay. Then I just thought of something really interesting.”

Soon, their eyes turned to me.

“It seems unnecessary to lower our own status just to make ourselves undesirable as friends. I’ve come up with a rather safe method.”

Then, Teacher Jang Hwaeun, who was quiet, asked with a worried expression.

“You’re not thinking of bullying her, are you? Just make her unable to come to school…”

“I won’t do something so extreme.”

I said with a stern expression.

“I’ll just make her appear dead.”

* * *

[2029, May 1 | Wednesday, 1:07]

[Lee Joon: Number of Attempts – 2]

[Ghost Story Points: 66]

[Causality Rate: 14%]

“… Who died?”

The middle-aged Hanja teacher, who entered the classroom during the 5th period to take the class, stared blankly at something.

[T/N: A “kanji teacher” is an instructor who teaches kanji, the logographic characters used in the Japanese writing system.

In a Korean school, a “kanji teacher” (often referred to as a “한자 선생님” or “Hanja teacher”) instructs students in hanja, which are Chinese characters used in Korean.]

Seeing the desk at the very back with a flower vase on it, she asked with a dumbfounded expression.

“Whose seat is that?”


The Vice Class President answered instead.

“She has died?”



“She just left early because she was sick, but it looks like someone played a prank.”

Cheerin, the Vice Class President with cat-like eyes, answered in a crisp, clear voice.

“….I see. I was surprised for no reason.”

The Hanja teacher opened the textbook, swiping away her chest.

“Okay. Let’s start by checking the homework.”

‘….I guess this method is too simple.’

A vase is placed on a desk when the person to whom the desk belongs dies.

In order to counter the ghost story that was manipulating people’s memories, leaving traces here and there and confusing them, we tried to make traces on our side this time. However, it seemed that it was dismissed as a fleeting matter by everyone.

‘I wasted 1 point at the store.’

“Lee Joon! Straighten up your arms!”

I was kneeling with my hands raised at the back of the classroom as a punishment for not doing the kanji homework.

Tilting my head slightly, I whispered to Sunah, who was in the same position as me and sweating beside.

“During the next break, let’s also scribble on the desk as if we miss her. We need to make it look like someone really died.”


Sunah, feeling tired from raising her hands for punishment, answered vaguely.

Soon, the next break time arrived.

Our club members also began scribbling and doodling on Kim Eunjung’s desk with markers and highlighters.

[Eunjung, I miss you.]

[I hope you’re happy there.]

[Kim Eunjung. Do you know that I liked you?]


Sunah also scribbled diligently in crooked handwriting.

Dukhun with a particularly excited expression was scribbling whatever came to his mind.

Gyeongwon, who was carefully choosing words that could be mistaken for indicating death, wrote slowly, one character at a time….

[Eunjung, I wish you to be happy.]

[I miss you already, what are we going to do without you, Eunjung?]

[How can you leave your friends behind like this…. This is really too much. I hate you….]


While we were in the middle of scribbling and doodling, just before the break ended, the homeroom teacher burst in through the door, out of breath, and announced loudly.

“Students, do you remember Eunjung from our class, who was said to be going to study abroad?”

All the students’ eyes instantly turned to the homeroom teacher.

“Due to some circumstances, the study abroad program was canceled, and she’s returning to the country. She’s expected to arrive around the end of the school today, so let’s all welcome her!”

Then, the students in the class clapped happily.


The homeroom teacher, nodding with satisfaction, noticed us gathered around Eunjung’s desk and came over to give us a quick glance.

“You children. Writing things like this because your friend has gone away…”

The homeroom teacher’s eyes turned red.

“Eunjug would definitely be touched once she arrives and sees it.”

Now that we thought about it, although the things we wrote were based on the assumption that someone had died, they were essentially messages of longing for someone who had gone far away.

Just looking at the sentences themselves, there would be no major issue if they were considered as having been written for someone who had gone abroad for study.

“You did an amazing job. Please show Eunjung when she comes.”

The homeroom teacher turned around with a satisfied smile.

‘Tell her not to come, f*ck.’

“Group, time for the closing ceremony…”

The members looked at me with anxious faces.

“…. She’s coming? When?”

If this ‘coming’ means that the person would actually arrive, rather than just leaving traces like before, it would be a big problem for us.

Even when only traces were left, we were already caught up in it, so if we actually saw the person in flesh, I had no idea what would happen.

I started discussing again with the members with serious expressions.

“….What should we do now? We can’t write a memorial on her desk that says ‘this person is torn limb from limb and buried in a grave’.”

“If we do that, we’d end up looking like trash.”

The bell for the 6th period rang, and I had no choice but to give an urgent instruction to the club members.

“This method isn’t working. We have no choice but to do something more extreme.”


I nodded to Dukhun and placed my hands on his shoulders.

“It was inspired by Teacher Jang Hwaeun’s opinion earlier. Let’s make Kim Eunjung unable to come to school.”

6th period, self-study session started.

[Oh Dukhun, Kim Eunjung – 100 days of dating]

“Do you know? The reason Eunjug is coming back and not staying abroad for study is because she was dating Dukhun. She came back because she missed him too much after being apart for so long.”

“Isn’t today exactly the 100th day?”

[T/N: In Korea, the 100th day of their relationship is considered a special occasion for couples. It’s a way to celebrate and acknowledge the duration and significance of their relationship.]

At first, the students shook their heads, saying we were spouting nonsense, but gradually, they began to be swayed by my flashy rhetoric and the club members’ overwhelming numbers.

“Hey~ That’s ridiculous…”

“I’m telling you, it’s true. We know because we’re members of the same club. Eunjung is also in the Ghost Story Club.”

“But that’s a little…”

Jinhee kicked the butt of the boy sitting in front of her and started spreading fake news with a serious expression.

“What’s with the reaction? Oh Dukhun and Kim Eunjung are dating.”

“… Hey, I think it’s a lie.”

“A lie?”

Jinhee kicked the boy’s butt again while showing a scary expression.

“F*ck, did you just say I was lying?”

“S, sorry… ah. I’ll believe you…”

Our classmates only complained at the beginning, not quite comprehending why such unfounded gossip was suddenly being spread.

But as we kept pushing the narrative, they soon became absorbed in the ghost story and naturally started to perceive Dukhun and Kim Eunjung as a couple.

Eventually, Sunah and Hayoon wrote large letters on the blackboard with chalk.

[Oh Dukhun & Kim Eunjung D-100]

[From the whole class: Congratulations on 100th days]

“Do you understand? When Eunjung comes in during the closing ceremony, Dukhun will hand her a bouquet of flowers, and everyone should applaud.”


“Sounds romantic.”

One or two students started to believe it, and soon the entire class accepted without doubt that the two were dating from the beginning.

Since it was originally a self-study session where students were mostly busy playing on their phones rather than studying, the atmosphere became lively as they giggled and got excited over someone else’s romance.

‘High school students, really.’


At that moment, Dukhun’s phone suddenly vibrated.

“….I got a text from Kim Eunjung.”

“What? Where, where!”

We quickly gathered around Dukhun and checked the contents.

[Kim Eunjung]


– Dukhun, I’m sorry, but I think we should break up. Don’t pretend to know me even when I go into class.

“… I got dumped.”

Dukhun muttered with a blank expression.

I also nodded with a dejected expression.

“It’s okay. It would have been over if we had just notified her to break up…”

“….What should we do now, Prez?”

Gyeongwon pushed up his glasses and checked the time.

“Sixth period will be over soon. There’s less than 30 minutes left until the closing ceremony…”

She’s coming.

Kim Eunjung is coming…

“But, what if…”

Sunah hesitated and gave her opinion.

“It doesn’t really matter if she comes, right? She hasn’t caused any harm yet.

“Not yet, that’s right. But.”

I explained with a serious expression why we had to respond quickly.

“What if at some point we are completely absorbed in the ghost story and naturally start recognizing Kim Eunjung as a member of our club like our classmates? How will our school life be in the future if that were to happen?”


Sunah tilted her head as if she couldn’t quite imagine what kind of outcome that might bring.

I emphasized once again and explained.

“Don’t forget. Kim Eunjung is not a person, she’s a ghost story. And it’s sent by the Demon King.”


“She manipulates our minds and naturally blends in with reality. It’s like a spy infiltrating our club.”

“Oh, I see…”

Only then did Sunah seem to realize the seriousness of the situation and nodded in understanding.

“Even if she pretends to be our friend and causes internal strife and causes the club to collapse, we won’t know. Because we’ll recognize Kim Eunjung as a close member who has been with us for two months.”

“Oh, it sounds scary.”

Sunah took out her pink boxcutter from her pocket and gripped it tightly with an anxious face.

“It’s almost time for the closing ceremony… What should we do…?”

Our enemy, the Demon King, was not simply trying to kill us.

He was attempting to destroy us by using every means possible, both inside and outside the club.

“Dukhun, first, send a text message to Kim Eunjung. Ask her if she can come to school tomorrow. Say you feel sad after you two broke up.”

“W-will that work?”

“If that doesn’t work, we can at least notify the classmates that she won’t be coming today.”

“I, I understand…”

Dukhun tapped at the keypad with his fingers that were twice as thick as mine and typed quickly.

[Jo… Jottomate kudasai!! Eunjung! I’m so sorry, but can you please come to school tomorrow? I just saw your message of breaking up and my heart hurts, I can’t even breathe… Every day has been dyed with ‘sadness’ for me. The world has turned blue.]

Then, a reply came right away, as if it was typed by a machine.


[Kim Eunjung]


– If you hadn’t used such a strange tone, we might have continued dating. You really haven’t changed. Alright, I understand. Since classes are over anyway and it feels odd just to go to school to receive a welcome, I’ll just come to school normally tomorrow.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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